8 research outputs found

    Changes in Chemical Properties and Fungal Communities of Mineral Soil after Clear-Cutting and Reforestation of Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) Sites

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    This study aimed to assess the changes in chemical properties and fungal communities in the upper mineral soil layer in managed Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) ecosystems. Study sites were located in the three largest P. sylvestris massifs in Lithuania, and six sampling sites, representing different development stages of the P. sylvestris forest ecosystem, were selected in each of them: mature P. sylvestris forest stands; clear-cuts of former P. sylvestris mature stand; and the P. sylvestris plantations aging from the 1st to 4th year. High-throughput sequencing was performed to evaluate the soil fungus community at clear-cuts, early-stage reforested sites, and mature forests in Lithuania. This study has shown that, among other chemical soil parameters, the mean concentrations of mineral nitrogen (N), total phosphorus (P), and P2O5 were slightly higher in the clear-cut sites, and significantly higher in the 1st year plantations compared to the mature forests. The quality filtering after PacBio sequencing showed the presence of 60,898 high-quality fungal sequences, and 1143 fungal operational taxonomic units (OTUs). The most abundant fungal OTU in our study was Archaeorhizomyces sp. 5425_1. In total, 70 mycorrhizal fungal OTUs were found in the soil samples at the studied sites. The most abundant ectomycorrhizal fungus identified was Amanita fulva (Schaeff.) Fr. The highest amount of ectomycorrhizal fungal OTUs was found in the clear-cut sites and in the mature forests. The concentrations of mineral N and P2O5 in the upper mineral soil layer did not significantly affect fungal OTUs diversity. Conversely, a relatively strong correlation was obtained between the number of mycorrhizal fungal OTUs and the concentrations of total N and soil organic carbon (SOC), as well as between the numbers of saprotrophic fungal OTUs and the concentration of magnesium ions (Mg2+)

    Application of fermented soya as a bacterial starter for production of fermented milk

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    In order to improve the quality and health safety of fermented milk, soya fermented by different lactic acid bacteria (LAB) was used. It was found that soya fermented by solid state (SSF) and submerged (SmF) fermentation can be used for the processing of innovative fermented milk, because the final product is enriched with soya proteins and LAB. Lactobacillus sakei in milk-soya samples, treated with submerged fermentation, was responsible as the strain for low active acidity (pH 4.62), high titratable acidity (99.0 T) and degradation of lactose (up to 4.18%) P ≤ 0.05, lower amounts of D(–) lactic acid isomers, biogenic amines and high acceptability of the final product. The results showed a possibility for innovations to use LAB, especially L. sakei, in soya fermentation and production of fermented milk products of valuable composition

    Evaluation of the Physicochemical Parameters of Functional Whey Beverages

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    The objective of this study is to determine the impact of the key technological parameters on the quality indices of functional beverages produced from whey and enriched with 0.2 % of cold-pressed flaxseed oil, rich in ω-3 fatty acids. The amount of fatty acids, peroxide and anisidine values, fatty acidity, sedimentation and sensory parameters of whey beverages were estimated. It was found that the addition of fl axseed oil affected the sensory, physical and chemical properties of the beverages. High quantities of oleic and α-linolenic fatty acids (18.97 and 54.82 %, respectively) and negligible amounts of palmitic and myristic acids (4.79 and 0.04 %, respectively) were found in the product. On the basis of the obtained results, the beverages from whey enriched with flaxseed oil had a favourable ratio of n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and atherogenic and thrombogenic indices. The addition of a stabiliser and the pasteurisation of whey beverages with flaxseed oil did not aff ect the sensory parameters and the acidity of the products. The highest peroxide value (2.36 meq O2/kg) and acidity (0.34 %) were found in the samples with pH=4.0 after 30-day storage at (6±1) °С. A strong negative correlation was estimated between the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids and a nisidine value (R=–0.871; p<0.05), peroxide value (R=–0.728; p<0.05) and fatty acidity (R=–0.948; p<0.05)

    The Wood Quality of Small-Leaved Lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) Trees in an Urban Area: A Pilot Study

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    This study performed a pilot evaluation of the wood quality—defined by a single parameter: dynamic modulus of elasticity (MOEdyn, N mm−2)—of small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.) trees in urban areas. A search of the literature revealed few studies which examined the specifics of tree wood development in urban areas. Little is known about the potential of wood from urban trees wood of their suitability for the timber industry. In this study, an acoustic velocity measuring system was used for wood quality assessment of small-leaved lime trees. The MOEdyn parameter was evaluated for small-leaved lime trees growing in two urban locations (along the streets, and in an urban park), with an additional sample of forest sites taken as the control. MOEdyn was also assessed for small-leaved lime trees visually assigned to different health classes. The obtained mean values of MOEdyn of 90–120-year old small-leaved lime trees in urban areas ranged between 2492.2 and 2715.8 N mm−2. For younger trees, the values of MOEdyn were lower in the urban areas than in the forest site. Otherwise, the results of the study showed that the small-leaved lime wood samples were of relatively good quality, even if the tree was classified as moderately damaged (which could cause a potential risk to the community). Two alternatives for urban tree management can be envisaged: (1) old trees could be left to grow to maintain the sustainability of an urban area until their natural death, or (2) the wood from selected moderately damaged trees could be used to create wood products, ensuring long-term carbon retention

    Effect of Lyophilization Process on Nutritional Value of Meat By-Products

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    The meat industry generates large amounts of by-products, and their mass represents approximately one-third of the live weight of animals. Most by-products are disposed of and not used for processing, although they meet hygiene requirements and are suitable for human consumption or for the processing of food supplements. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of lyophilization on the nutritional value and retention of functional ingredients in ovine and porcine by-products: liver, kidneys, hearts, and lungs. For this purpose, meat by-products of the third category were selected in X and Y slaughterhouses and divided into two parts: one part was freeze-dried at −80 °C for 72 h, and the other part was left raw. Fatty acid composition was determined by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and amino acid analysis was performed by AccQ Tag technology (Waters Corp., Milford, MA, USA) and HPLC. Our study shows that the lyophilization process did not significantly affect protein and fat content. The largest decrease in the amount of proteins was determined in samples of ovine kidneys, at 0.8%, while the difference in protein in ovine liver samples before and after lyophilization was 0.38%. The composition of essential amino acids did not change after lyophilization, except a decrease in Leu and Thr in porcine samples and Leu, Thr, and Met in ovine samples (p < 0.05). The lyophilization process did not significantly affect the polyunsaturated fatty acid content, including the amounts of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. The optimal ratio of omega 6 and 3 fatty acids was determined in samples of lyophilized ovine livers (2.65), and the largest ratio was found in samples of lyophilized porcine hearts (16.67). The study results show that, after lyophilization, meat by-products of the third category (according to Regulation (EC) No. 1069/2009, Categorization, Article 10), especially ovine liver, can be used as a source of amino acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids for functional food processing. The process of lyophilization is also appropriate for preserving meat by-products without losing the nutritional value and beneficial components

    Resistance of Wood Treated with Iron Compounds against Wood-Destroying Decay and Mould Fungi

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    Treatment of wood with various physical and chemical factors can change the number of wood parameters, which can also lead to changes in resistance to wood-destroying fungi. This study evaluates the effects of hydrothermal treatments (additives Fe2O3 or FeCl3 with and without commercial tannins, also without additives and fresh wood) on decay and mould fungi resistance of modified wood of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies), Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), walnut (Juglans regia), and Norway maple (Acer platanoides). For wood samples, the resistance against wood decay fungi Trametes versicolor (white rot) and Coniophora puteana (brown rot) and the resistance against mould fungi Aspergillus niger and Penicillium sp. were assessed. The study findings showed that wood modified with iron compounds could cause a higher resistance to wood-destroying fungi. The weight losses of the modified and control wood, caused by T. versicolor and C. puteana, differed for coniferous and deciduous: the average weight loss of treated pine, spruce, and fir wood caused by C. puteana was higher than that caused by T. versicolor, while these differences on maple and walnut wood were not significant. The wood hydrothermal treatment with Fe2Cl3 with and without tannins significantly reduced the weight loss caused by T. versicolor and C. puteana, and the treatment with Fe2O3 slightly improved the decay resistance. For the wood, hydrothermally modified with FeCl3 and FeCl3 + tannins, the mould area for both tested Aspergillus niger and Penicillium sp. was smallest for the wood of all tested tree species compared to other treatments. A different response was obtained for coniferous and deciduous tree species wood. The spruce wood, followed by fir wood, treated with FeCl3 with and without tannins, was the most resistant against the mould fungi. Relatively low resistance against the mould fungi was fixed for the maple wood treated by various iron compounds, except the treatment with Fe2O3 + tannins, which gave a very positive response against the Penicillium sp

    Innovative Applications of <i>Tenebrio molitor</i> Larvae in the Production of Sustainable Meat Sausages: Quality and Safety Aspects

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    With the world’s population continuing to grow, ensuring sustainable protein sources for everyone is becoming increasingly challenging. Despite meat being considered unsustainable, people find it challenging to abstain from consuming it. However, one solution to this dilemma could be the incorporation of mealworms into conventional meat products, i.e., sausages. The incorporation of mealworms into sausage formulations appears to shift the fatty acid profile towards higher levels of monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), particularly omega-3s, potentially enhancing the nutritional value and offering health benefits. Therefore, our study aimed to improve the nutritional value and safety parameters of traditional sausages by enriching them with the flour of mealworm larvae. For this purpose, the larvae were reared on a sustainable substrate with brewery by-products, brewer’s yeast, and carrots. They were used frozen and freeze-dried in sausage recipes, replacing pork in different proportions. The analysis of the product’s chemical safety parameters (biogenic amines, nitrates and nitrites, volatile fatty acids (FA), and peroxide) and nutritional value (including collagen, cholesterol, amino acids, FA, and hydroxyproline) was carried out in an accredited laboratory. The results of our study have demonstrated that the incorporation of mealworms into sausages, particularly through freeze-drying, increased fat content and enhanced the profile of FA, including omega-3s while reducing protein and cholesterol levels, and altering collagen content, suggesting improved nutritional value and potential health benefits without compromising the safety of the product. Therefore, we are highlighting that the addition of mealworms influences the quality of amino acids positively and maintains biogenic amine levels within safe limits, alongside a negligible impact on nitrates and nitrites and a reduction in peroxide values. These findings indicate an overall improvement in sausage quality and safety without compromising safety

    Nutritional Composition and Safety Parameters of Mealworms (<i>Tenebrio molitor</i>) Reared on Substrates Derived from By-Products

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    Mealworms provide a viable option for transforming agricultural and food processing by-products that can be converted into a valuable source of high-quality protein and fat suitable for both animals and humans. Hence, our investigation was aimed at employing sprouted and green potatoes, wheat bran, and by-products from brewers’ production as a comprehensive substrate for rearing mealworms. The nutritional value (fat and protein content) and composition of amino acids (AAs) and fatty acids (FAs) were tested in lyophilized and milled larvae. The results showed that the highest amount of protein was detected in sample 3L (59.18 ± 007%), grown on brewers’ spent grain, whereas sample 2S (with wheat bran) comes out with the highest fat content (34.22 ± 0.491%). It was found that the amount of FAs in the larvae depended on the substrate used: the statistically highest amount of monounsaturated FAs was detected in the sample with sprouted potatoes (1L), the highest content of omega-3 FAs was found in the control sample (4CL), with agar–agar gels, and the sample with brewers spent grains (3L) showed a statistically higher amount of oleic acid. Meanwhile, the highest content of total polyunsaturated FAs (36.23%) was detected in the sample with wheat bran (2L). During the study, 16 distinct AAs have been analyzed, and sample 3L has demonstrated the highest content in 11 instances. It is noteworthy that the sample containing brewers’ spent grain exhibited the highest peroxide levels, indicating oxidation. Meanwhile, the determined number of volatile fatty acids did not exceed the regulatory limits for meat. In summary, it can be asserted that adjusting the substrate is essential for extracting specific amino acids and FAs. However, this could potentially affect the content of peroxides. This adaptation enables the desired chemical composition in larvae, making it suitable for specific purposes such as animal or human nutrition and health enhancement