52 research outputs found


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    Monitoring the push force is an important asset during wheelchair (WC) sports training. However, current instrumented wheels cannot be used without significantly altering the WC-user dynamics. Moreover, the push force could not be estimated directly from the WC acceleration because of the strong influence of the upper body movement on the WC-user dynamics. In this paper, we present a new method to predict the progression of the mean push force using temporal information (grab/release times) and kinematic information (WC velocity changes). This method was validated at two velocities with 17 manual WC users who propelled their own standard manual WC in an indoor hallway. When summed over both sides, the root-mean-square prediction error was 15.7 N at a comfortable velocity and 35.9 N at the maximum velocity. These results have great implications for indoor WC sports training

    Traumatic pulmonary pseudocyst: a rare complication of blunt thoracic injury

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    Traumatic pulmonary pseudocyst is a rare and underreported complication of blunt chest trauma. It represents air trapped within a pulmonary laceration. It generally appears on radiographs as a thin-walled, air-filled cavity, with or without air-fluid levels. It is very important for emergency physicians and pediatricians to be familiar with this condition because it generally represents a benign, self-limited condition that only requires observation. We report a case of a young man admitted in our ICU for thoracic injury consecutive to a motor vehicle accident. The chest X-Ray showed multiple large thin-walled cystic lesions. The Chest CT identified several large cavities on the right lung confirming the diagnosis of traumatic pulmonary pseudocysts. He was treated by oxygen therapy and analgesia. His condition was relatively stable and improved after few days. He was discharged 10 days later and a follow-up chest CT showed spontaneous resolution of the pseudocyst

    Fragile Watermarking of Medical Image for Content Authentication and Security

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    Currently in the health environment, medical images are a very crucial and important part of the medical information because of the large amount of information and their disposal two-dimensional. Medical images are stored, transmitted and recovered on the network. The images users await efficient solutions to preserve the quality and protect the integrity of images exchanged. In this context, watermarking medical image has been widely recognized as an appropriate technique to enhance the security, authenticity and content verification. Watermarking image may bring elements of complementary research methods of classical cryptography. The objective of this paper is to develop a method to authenticate medical images to grayscale, detect falsified on these image zones and retrieve the original image using a blind fragile watermarking technique. We propose a method based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for the application of content authentication. In our algorithm, the watermark is embedded into the sub-bands detail coefficient. The subbands coefficients are marked by adding a watermark of the same size as three sub-bands and a comparison of embedding a watermark at vertical (LH), horizontal (HL) and diagonal (HH) details. We tested the proposed algorithm after applying some standard types of attacks and more interesting. The results have been analyzed in terms of imperceptibility and fragility. Tests were conducted on the medical images to grayscale and color size 512 Ă— 512

    Mastitis u deva u juĹľnom AlĹľiru

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    In Algeria, camel breeding participates in the national milk production. However, this breeding faces significant health problems, including mammary pathologies. This disease is a major public health threat, due to the existence of human pathogens in milk. Several species are associated with this mastitis. Unlike cow’s milk, goat and camel milk are most often consumed in the fresh raw state, thus escaping any official control. The present study aimed to determine the nature and frequency of mastitis, and the nature and frequency of the responsible bacteria in each type of mastitis in southern Algeria. A total of 62 camels were subjected to clinical examination and screening for subclinical mastitis and the presence of Brucella using the California Mastitis Test (CMT) and ring test, respectively. CMT positive samples were then further subjected to bacteriological analysis. Clinical and subclinical mastitis were present with frequencies of 4.44% and 95.55%, respectively. Bacteriological analysis isolated a total of 73 samples of 45 seeds. Staphylococci were most commonly isolated, with a frequency of 63.01%. Among these, Staphylococcus aureus were at the top of the list, with 35.61%, while Staphylococcus SCN (coagulase negative staphylococci) represented only 27.39%. Streptococci were the second most isolated group, with 28.77%. Gram-positive bacilli were in third place, accounting for 6.85% of all isolates. Gram- negative bacilli (enterobacteria) were isolated with a frequency of 1.36%. Brucella was present with a frequency of 4.44%. Finally, an extended study on a larger sample of camels is required in the future.U Alžiru, uzgoj deva sudjeluje u nacionalnoj proizvodnji mlijeka. Međutim, taj uzgoj suočava se sa zdravstvenim problemima, uključujući patologiju mliječnih žlijezda koja zauzima znatno mjesto. Ova bolest predstavlja glavnu prijetnju javnom zdravlju uslijed prisutnosti patogena opasnih za ljude u mlijeku. Naime, nekoliko bakterija povezano je s mastitisom. Za razliku od kravljeg mlijeka, kozje mlijeko i mlijeko deva često konzumiraju sami uzgajivači svježe i sirovo, čime se izbjegava službena kontrola. Ova studija imala je za cilj ustvrditi svojstva i učestalost mastitisa, kao i svojstva i učestalost opasnih bakterija u svakoj vrsti mastitisa u južnoj regiji Alžira. Ukupno 62 deve podvrgnute su kliničkom pregledu vimaa i prisutnosti brucele uporabom kalifornijskog testa za mastitis (CMT), odnosno ring testa. Pozitivni uzorci CMT testa podvrgnuti su bakteriološkoj analizi. Klinički i supklinički mastitis bili su prisutni s učestalošću od 4,44 %, odnosno 95,55 %. Bakteriološka analiza omogućila je izolaciju ukupno 73 uzorka 45 sojeva. Stafilokoki su najčešće izolirani s učestalošću od 63,01 %. Među njima, Staphylococcus aureus bio je najprisutniji s 35,61 %. Staphylococcus CNS (koagulaza negativni stafilokoki) predstavljali su 27,39 %. Streptokoki su bili druga najčešće izolirana skupina s 28,77 %. Gram-pozitivni bacili bili su na trećem mjestu sa 6,85 % izolata. Gram- negativni bacili (enterobakterije) izolirane su s učestalošću od 1,36 %. Brucela je bila prisutna s učestalošću od 4,44 %. Zaključno, u budućnosti će biti osmišljena proširena studija na većem broju deva

    Fragile Watermarking of Medical Image for Content Authentication and Security

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    Currently in the health environment, medical images are a very crucial and important part of the medical information because of the large amount of information and their disposal two-dimensional. Medical images are stored, transmitted and recovered on the network. The images users await efficient solutions to preserve the quality and protect the integrity of images exchanged. In this context, watermarking medical image has been widely recognized as an appropriate technique to enhance the security, authenticity and content verification. Watermarking image may bring elements of complementary research methods of classical cryptography. The objective of this paper is to develop a method to authenticate medical images to grayscale, detect falsified on these image zones and retrieve the original image using a blind fragile watermarking technique. We propose a method based on the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) for the application of content authentication. In our algorithm, the watermark is embedded into the sub-bands detail coefficient. The subbands coefficients are marked by adding a watermark of the same size as three sub-bands and a comparison of embedding a watermark at vertical (LH), horizontal (HL) and diagonal (HH) details. We tested the proposed algorithm after applying some standard types of attacks and more interesting. The results have been analyzed in terms of imperceptibility and fragility. Tests were conducted on the medical images to grayscale and color size 512 Ă— 512

    Les accidents aux AVK: étude rétrospective à propos de 30 cas

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    Les accidents hémorragiques sous AVK (antivitamines K) sont la première cause d’hospitalisation iatrogène. Le but de cette étude est de ressortir les caractéristiques des patients présentant des accidents hémorragiques graves sous AVK et de mettre le point sur la prise en charge. Nous avons réalisé une étude rétrospective portant sur 30 malades, réalisée au service de réanimation de l’hôpital militaire Avicenne de Marrakech. L’âge moyen de nos patients est de 59, 6 avec un sexe ratio de 1,5 (18 femmes et 12 femmes). On note dans notre série le terrain multi-taré des patients sous AVK avec plusieurs antécédents en cause. La fibrillation auriculaire était la principale indication recensée. Plus que la moitié ne bénéficiaient pas d’une bonne surveillance biologique à base d’INR (international normalized ratio). Le saignement d’origine gastro-intestinal était le plus fréquent. La conduite était différente en fonction des cas mais axée sur l’arrêt des AVK, l’administration de vit K, la transfusion de culots globulaires et plasma frais congelé. Plus du quart des patients admis sont décédés. L’index de Landefeld s’est avéré utile, il permet de classer les patients selon le risque prédictif de saignement (élevé moyen ou faible), ce qui concordait avec les résultats de notre étude. Son importance est d’ autant plus qu’il est facile à mesurer et à appliquer par le médecin en ambulatoire et permet de définir les patients nécessitant une surveillance accrue. La polymédication et les antécédents de saignement digestif sont apparus comme facteur de risque de saignement sous AVK. La prévention de la survenue de ces accidents est le pilier de la prise en charge, d’où l’importance de l’information et de l’éducation des différents intervenants dans cette complication iatrogène potentiellement mortelle

    Fission and cluster decay of 76^{76}Sr nucleus in the ground-state and formed in heavy-ion reactions

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    Calculations for fission and cluster decay of 76Sr^{76}Sr are presented for this nucleus to be in its ground-state or formed as an excited compound system in heavy-ion reactions. The predicted mass distribution, for the dynamical collective mass transfer process assumed for fission of 76Sr^{76}Sr, is clearly asymmetric, favouring α\alpha -nuclei. Cluster decay is studied within a preformed cluster model, both for ground-state to ground-state decays and from excited compound system to the ground-state(s) or excited states(s) of the fragments.Comment: 14 pages LaTeX, 5 Figures available upon request Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Instrumentation et techniques de traitement de signal adaptees a l'etude du mouvement

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    SIGLEINIST T 74932 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Effect of Wheelchair Frame Material on Users’ Mechanical Work and Transmitted Vibration

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    Wheelchair propulsion exposes the user to a high risk of shoulder injury and to whole-body vibration that exceeds recommendations of ISO 2631-1:1997. Reducing the mechanical work required to travel a given distance (WN-WPM, weight-normalized work-per-meter) can help reduce the risk of shoulder injury, while reducing the vibration transmissibility (VT) of the wheelchair frame can reduce whole-body vibration. New materials such as titanium and carbon are used in today’s wheelchairs and are advertised to improve both parameters, but current knowledge on this matter is limited. In this study, WN-WPM and VT were measured simultaneously and compared between six folding wheelchairs (1 titanium, 1 carbon, and 4 aluminium). Ten able-bodied users propelled the six wheelchairs on three ground surfaces. Although no significant difference of WN-WPM was found between wheelchairs P<0.1, significant differences of VT were found P<0.05. The carbon wheelchair had the lowest VT. Contrarily to current belief, the titanium wheelchair VT was similar to aluminium wheelchairs. A negative correlation between VT and WN-WPM was found, which means that reducing VT may be at the expense of increasing WN-WPM. Based on our results, use of carbon in wheelchair construction seems promising to reduce VT without increasing WN-WPM

    Biomechanical analysis and modelling of sit to stand task: a literature review

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