9 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Multi-scale Approach for Speech and Dynamics Synchrony in Talking Head Generation

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    Animating still face images with deep generative models using a speech input signal is an active research topic and has seen important recent progress. However, much of the effort has been put into lip syncing and rendering quality while the generation of natural head motion, let alone the audio-visual correlation between head motion and speech, has often been neglected. In this work, we propose a multi-scale audio-visual synchrony loss and a multi-scale autoregressive GAN to better handle short and long-term correlation between speech and the dynamics of the head and lips. In particular, we train a stack of syncer models on multimodal input pyramids and use these models as guidance in a multi-scale generator network to produce audio-aligned motion unfolding over diverse time scales. Our generator operates in the facial landmark domain, which is a standard low-dimensional head representation. The experiments show significant improvements over the state of the art in head motion dynamics quality and in multi-scale audio-visual synchrony both in the landmark domain and in the image domain

    SocialInteractionGAN: Multi-person Interaction Sequence Generation

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    Prediction of human actions in social interactions has important applications in the design of social robots or artificial avatars. In this paper, we model human interaction generation as a discrete multi-sequence generation problem and present SocialInteractionGAN, a novel adversarial architecture for conditional interaction generation. Our model builds on a recurrent encoder-decoder generator network and a dual-stream discriminator. This architecture allows the discriminator to jointly assess the realism of interactions and that of individual action sequences. Within each stream a recurrent network operating on short subsequences endows the output signal with local assessments, better guiding the forthcoming generation. Crucially, contextual information on interacting participants is shared among agents and reinjected in both the generation and the discriminator evaluation processes. We show that the proposed SocialInteractionGAN succeeds in producing high realism action sequences of interacting people, comparing favorably to a diversity of recurrent and convolutional discriminator baselines. Evaluations are conducted using modified Inception Score and Fr{\'e}chet Inception Distance metrics, that we specifically design for discrete sequential generated data. The distribution of generated sequences is shown to approach closely that of real data. In particular our model properly learns the dynamics of interaction sequences, while exploiting the full range of actions

    Autoregressive GAN for Semantic Unconditional Head Motion Generation

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    We address the task of unconditional head motion generation to animate still human faces in a low-dimensional semantic space.Deviating from talking head generation conditioned on audio that seldom puts emphasis on realistic head motions, we devise a GAN-based architecture that allows obtaining rich head motion sequences while avoiding known caveats associated with GANs.Namely, the autoregressive generation of incremental outputs ensures smooth trajectories, while a multi-scale discriminator on input pairs drives generation toward better handling of high and low frequency signals and less mode collapse.We demonstrate experimentally the relevance of the proposed architecture and compare with models that showed state-of-the-art performances on similar tasks

    A Comprehensive Multi-scale Approach for Speech and Dynamics Synchrony in Talking Head Generation

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    Animating still face images with deep generative models using a speech input signal is an active research topic and has seen important recent progress. However, much of the effort has been put into lip syncing and rendering quality while the generation of natural head motion, let alone the audio-visual correlation between head motion and speech, has often been neglected. In this work, we propose a multi-scale audio-visual synchrony loss and a multi-scale autoregressive GAN to better handle short and long-term correlation between speech and the dynamics of the head and lips. In particular, we train a stack of syncer models on multimodal input pyramids and use these models as guidance in a multi-scale generator network to produce audio-aligned motion unfolding over diverse time scales. Our generator operates in the facial landmark domain, which is a standard low-dimensional head representation. The experiments show significant improvements over the state of the art in head motion dynamics quality and in multi-scale audio-visual synchrony both in the landmark domain and in the image domain

    SocialInteractionGAN: Multi-person Interaction Sequence Generation

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    International audiencePrediction of human actions in social interactions has important applications in the design of social robots or artificial avatars. In this paper, we focus on a unimodal representation of interactions and propose to tackle interaction generation in a data-driven fashion. In particular, we model human interaction generation as a discrete multi-sequence generation problem and present SocialInteractionGAN, a novel adversarial architecture for conditional interaction generation. Our model builds on a recurrent encoder-decoder generator network and a dual-stream discriminator, that jointly evaluates the realism of interactions and individual action sequences and operates at different time scales. Crucially, contextual information on interacting participants is shared among agents and reinjected in both the generation and the discriminator evaluation processes. Experiments show that albeit dealing with low dimensional data, SocialInteractionGAN succeeds in producing high realism action sequences of interacting people, comparing favorably to a diversity of recurrent and convolutional discriminator baselines, and we argue that this work will constitute a first stone towards higher dimensional and multimodal interaction generation. Evaluations are conducted using classical GAN metrics, that we specifically adapt for discrete sequential data. Our model is shown to properly learn the dynamics of interaction sequences, while exploiting the full range of available actions

    A Comprehensive Multi-scale Approach for Speech and Dynamics Synchrony in Talking Head Generation

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    Animating still face images with deep generative models using a speech input signal is an active research topic and has seen important recent progress. However, much of the effort has been put into lip syncing and rendering quality while the generation of natural head motion, let alone the audio-visual correlation between head motion and speech, has often been neglected. In this work, we propose a multi-scale audio-visual synchrony loss and a multi-scale autoregressive GAN to better handle short and long-term correlation between speech and the dynamics of the head and lips. In particular, we train a stack of syncer models on multimodal input pyramids and use these models as guidance in a multi-scale generator network to produce audio-aligned motion unfolding over diverse time scales. Our generator operates in the facial landmark domain, which is a standard low-dimensional head representation. The experiments show significant improvements over the state of the art in head motion dynamics quality and in multi-scale audio-visual synchrony both in the landmark domain and in the image domain