191 research outputs found

    Too turbid for nemo: suspended sediment impacts gills and favours pathogenic bacteria in clownfish larvae

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    The Great Barrier Reef (GBR), arguably the most pristine and best-managed coral reef in the world, has experienced a 400-800% increase in sediment inputs over the past 200 years. Further increases due to port expansions, dredging, shipping, and continued coastal agricultural and industrial development are inevitable. Increased sedimentation and turbidity impacts species composition and distribution patterns, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. We examined the gill morphology and gill microbiome of clownfish (Amphiprion percula) larvae upon exposure to sediment concentrations common in coastal waters of the GBR. Gills exhibited excessive mucous and protective cell layers, resulting in a 56% thicker gill epithelium compared to fish from control conditions. Such changes could impact oxygen transport, which is key to critical life history activities essential to support biological fitness. We also found a shift from 'healthy' to pathogenic bacterial communities on the gills, which could increase disease susceptibility. The impact of suspended sediments at the gill may represent an underlying mechanism contributing to the negative effects that suspended sediments have on fish assemblages. Our findings underscore the necessity for future coastal development plans to consider the adverse effects of suspended sediments on fish recruitment, and consequently fish populations, and ecosystem health

    Too turbid for nemo: suspended sediment impacts gills and favours pathogenic bacteria in clownfish larvae

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    The Great Barrier Reef (GBR), arguably the most pristine and best-managed coral reef in the world, has experienced a 400-800% increase in sediment inputs over the past 200 years. Further increases due to port expansions, dredging, shipping, and continued coastal agricultural and industrial development are inevitable. Increased sedimentation and turbidity impacts species composition and distribution patterns, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. We examined the gill morphology and gill microbiome of clownfish (Amphiprion percula) larvae upon exposure to sediment concentrations common in coastal waters of the GBR. Gills exhibited excessive mucous and protective cell layers, resulting in a 56% thicker gill epithelium compared to fish from control conditions. Such changes could impact oxygen transport, which is key to critical life history activities essential to support biological fitness. We also found a shift from 'healthy' to pathogenic bacterial communities on the gills, which could increase disease susceptibility. The impact of suspended sediments at the gill may represent an underlying mechanism contributing to the negative effects that suspended sediments have on fish assemblages. Our findings underscore the necessity for future coastal development plans to consider the adverse effects of suspended sediments on fish recruitment, and consequently fish populations, and ecosystem health

    Exposure to elevated sea-surface temperatures below the bleaching threshold impairs coral recovery and regeneration following injury

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    Elevated sea surface temperatures (SSTs) are linked to an increase in the frequency and severity of bleaching events due to temperatures exceeding corals' upper thermal limits. The temperatures at which a breakdown of the coral-Syrnbiodinium endosymbiosis (coral bleaching) occurs are referred to as the upper thermal limits for the coral species. This breakdown of the endosymbiosis results in a reduction of corals' nutritional uptake, growth, and tissue integrity. Periods of elevated sea surface temperature, thermal stress and coral bleaching are also linked to increased disease susceptibility and an increased frequency of storms which cause injury and physical damage to corals. Herein we aimed to determine the capacity of corals to regenerate and recover from injuries (removal of apical tips) sustained during periods of elevated sea surface temperatures which result in coral stress responses, but which do not result in coral bleaching (i.e., sub-bleaching thermal stress events). In this study, exposure of the species Acropora aspera to an elevated SST of 32 degrees C (2 degrees C below the bleaching threshold, 34 degrees C) was found to result in reduced fluorescence of green fluorescent protein (GFP), reduced skeletal calcification and a lack of branch regrowth at the site of injury, compared to corals maintained under ambient SST conditions (26 degrees C). Corals maintained under normal, ambient, sea surface temperatures expressed high GFP fluorescence at the injury site, unclerwent a rapid regeneration of the coral branch apical tip within 12 days of sustaining injury, and showed extensive regrowth of the coral skeleton. Taken together, our results have demonstrated that periods of sustained increased sea surface temperatures, below the corals' bleaching threshold but above long-term summertime averages, impair coral recover/from damage, regardless of the onset or occurrence of coral bleaching

    Marine heatwave hotspots in coral reef environments: physical drivers, ecophysiological outcomes and impact upon structural complexity

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    A changing climate is driving increasingly common and prolonged marine heatwaves (MHWs) and these extreme events have now been widely documented to severely impact marine ecosystems globally. However MHWs have rarely recently been considered when examining temperature-induced degradation of coral reef ecosystems. Here we consider extreme, localised thermal anomalies, nested within broader increases in sea surface temperature, which fulfil the definitive criteria for MHWs. These acute and intense events, referred to here as MHW hotspots, are not always well represented in the current framework used to describe coral bleaching, but do have distinct ecological outcomes, including widespread bleaching and rapid mass mortality of putatively thermally tolerant coral species. The physical drivers of these localised hotspots are discussed here, and in doing so we present a comprehensive theoretical framework that links the biological responses of the coral photo-endosymbiotic organism to extreme thermal stress and ecological changes on reefs associated after MHW hotspots. We describe how the rapid onset of high temperatures drives immediate heat-stress induced cellular damage, overwhelming mechanisms that would otherwise mitigate the impact of gradually accumulated thermal stress. The warm environment, and increased light penetration of the coral skeleton due to the loss of coral tissues, coupled with coral tissue decay support rapid microbial growth in the skeletal microenvironment, resulting in the widely unrecognised consequence of rapid decay and degeneration of the coral skeletons. This accelerated degeneration of the coral skeletonson a reef scale hinder the recovery of coral populations and increase the likelihood of phase shifts towards algal dominance. We suggest that MHW hotspots, through driving rapid heat-induced mortality, compromise reefs' structural frameworks to the detriment of long term recovery. We propose that MHW hotspots be considered as a distinct class of thermal stress events in coral reefs, and that the current framework used to describe coral bleaching and mass mortality be expanded to include these. We urge further research into how coral mortality affects bioerosion by coral endoliths

    Differential Responses of the Coral Host and Their Algal Symbiont to Thermal Stress

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    The success of any symbiosis under stress conditions is dependent upon the responses of both partners to that stress. The coral symbiosis is particularly susceptible to small increases of temperature above the long term summer maxima, which leads to the phenomenon known as coral bleaching, where the intracellular dinoflagellate symbionts are expelled. Here we for the first time used quantitative PCR to simultaneously examine the gene expression response of orthologs of the coral Acropora aspera and their dinoflagellate symbiont Symbiodinium. During an experimental bleaching event significant up-regulation of genes involved in stress response (HSP90 and HSP70) and carbon metabolism (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, Ξ±-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase) from the coral host were observed. In contrast in the symbiont, HSP90 expression decreased, while HSP70 levels were increased on only one day, and only the Ξ±-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase expression levels were found to increase. In addition the changes seen in expression patterns of the coral host were much larger, up to 10.5 fold, compared to the symbiont response, which in all cases was less than 2-fold. This targeted study of the expression of key metabolic and stress genes demonstrates that the response of the coral and their symbiont vary significantly, also a response in the host transcriptome was observed prior to what has previously been thought to be the temperatures at which thermal stress events occur

    A Comparative Analysis of Microbial DNA Preparation Methods for Use With Massive and Branching Coral Growth Forms

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    In the last two decades, over 100 studies have investigated the structure of the coral microbiome. However, as yet there are no standardized methods applied to sample preservation and preparation, with different studies using distinct methods. There have also been several comparisons made of microbiome data generated across different studies, which have not addressed the influence of the methodology employed over each of the microbiome datasets. Here, we assess three different preservation methods; salt saturated dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) – EDTA, snap freezing with liquid nitrogen and 4% paraformaldehyde solution, and two different preparation methodologies; bead beating and crushing, that have been applied to study the coral microbiome. We compare the resultant bacterial assemblage data for two coral growth forms, the massive coral Goniastrea edwardsi and the branching coral Isopora palifera. We show that microbiome datasets generated from differing preservation and processing protocols are comparable in composition (presence/absence). Significant discrepancies between preservation and homogenization methods are observed in structure (relative abundance), and in the occurrence and dominance of taxa, with rare (low abundance and low occurrence) phylotypes being the most variable fraction of the microbial community. Finally, we provide evidence to support chemical preservation with DMSO as effective as snap freezing samples for generating reliable and robust microbiome datasets. In conclusion, we recommend where possible a standardized preservation and extraction method be taken up by the field to provide the best possible practices for detailed assessments of symbiotic and conserved bacterial associations

    Intestinal Microbiome Richness of Coral Reef Damselfishes (Actinopterygii: Pomacentridae)

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    Fish gastro-intestinal system harbors diverse microbiomes that affect the host's digestion, nutrition, and immunity. Despite the great taxonomic diversity of fish, little is understood about fish microbiome and the factors that determine its structure and composition. Damselfish are important coral reef species that play pivotal roles in determining algae and coral population structures of reefs. Broadly, damselfish belong to either of two trophic guilds based on whether they are planktivorous or algae-farming. In this study, we used 16S rRNA gene sequencing to investigate the intestinal microbiome of 5 planktivorous and 5 algae-farming damselfish species (Pomacentridae) from the Great Barrier Reef. We detected Gammaproteobacteria ASVs belonging to the genus Actinobacillus in 80% of sampled individuals across the 2 trophic guilds, thus, bacteria in this genus can be considered possible core members of pomacentrid microbiomes. Algae-farming damselfish had greater bacterial alpha-diversity, a more diverse core microbiome and shared 35 Β± 22 ASVs, whereas planktivorous species shared 7 Β± 3 ASVs. Our data also highlight differences in microbiomes associated with both trophic guilds. For instance, algae-farming damselfish were enriched in Pasteurellaceae, whilst planktivorous damselfish in Vibrionaceae. Finally, we show shifts in bacterial community composition along the intestines. ASVs associated with the classes Bacteroidia, Clostridia, and Mollicutes bacteria were predominant in the anterior intestinal regions while Gammaproteobacteria abundance was higher in the stomach. Our results suggest that the richness of the intestinal bacterial communities of damselfish reflects host species diet and trophic guild

    Viral outbreak in corals associated with an in situ bleaching event: atypical herpes-like viruses and a new megavirus infecting Symbiodinium

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    Previous studies of coral viruses have employed either microscopy or metagenomics, but few have attempted to comprehensively link the presence of a virus-like particle (VLP) to a genomic sequence. We conducted transmission electron microscopy imaging and virome analysis in tandem to characterize the most conspicuous viral types found within the dominant Pacific reef-building coral genus Acropora. Collections for this study inadvertently captured what we interpret as a natural outbreak of viral infection driven by aerial exposure of the reef flat coincident with heavy rainfall and concomitant mass bleaching. All experimental corals in this study had high titers of viral particles. Three of the dominant VLPs identified were observed in all tissue layers and budding out from the epidermis, including viruses that were ∼70, ∼120, and ∼150 nm in diameter; these VLPs all contained electron dense cores. These morphological traits are reminiscent of retroviruses, herpesviruses, and nucleocytoplasmic large DNA viruses (NCLDVs), respectively. Some 300–500 nm megavirus-like VLPs also were observed within and associated with dinoflagellate algal endosymbiont (Symbiodinium) cells. Abundant sequence similarities to a gammaretrovirus, herpesviruses, and members of the NCLDVs, based on a virome generated from five Acropora aspera colonies, corroborated these morphology-based identifications. Additionally sequence similarities to two diagnostic genes, a MutS and (based on re-annotation of sequences from another study) a DNA polymerase B gene, most closely resembled Pyramimonas orientalis virus, demonstrating the association of a cosmopolitan megavirus with Symbiodinium. We also identified several other virus-like particles in host tissues, along with sequences phylogenetically similar to circoviruses, phages, and filamentous viruses. This study suggests that viral outbreaks may be a common but previously undocumented component of natural bleaching events, particularly following repeated episodes of multiple environmental stressors

    Surviving the Anthropocene: the resilience of marine animals to climate change

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    If marine organisms are to persist through the Anthropocene, they will need to be resilient, but what is resilience, and can resilience of marine organisms build within a single lifetime or over generations? The aim of this review is to evaluate the resilience capacity of marine animals in a time of unprecedented global climate change. Resilience is the capacity of an ecosystem, society, or organism to recover from stress. Marine organisms can build resilience to climate change through phenotypic plasticity or adaptation. Phenotypic plasticity involves phenotypic changes in physiology, morphology, or behaviour which improve the response of an organism in a new environment without altering their genotype. Adaptation is an evolutionary longer process, occurring over many generations and involves the selection of tolerant genotypes which shift the average phenotype within a population towards the fitness peak. Research on resilience of marine organisms has concentrated on responses to specific species and single climate change stressors. It is unknown whether phenotypic plasticity and adaptation of marine organisms including molluscs, echinoderms, polychaetes, crustaceans, corals, and fish will be rapid enough for the pace of climate change
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