3 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAKMedia sosial telah menciptakan peluang bagi penggunanya untuk saling berkomunikasi atau biasa disebut EWOM.  Pengguna bisa mendiskusikan produk dan  merek dengan teman dan kenalan mereka di media sosial. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji pengaruh komunikasi melalui media sosial pada niat pembelian konsumen. Model penelitian ini dikembangkan dari teori model adopsi informasi. Penelitian ini menguji apakah kualitas pendapat, kredibilitas sumber, informasi dua sisi berpengaruh pada kegunaan informasi EWOM. Selanjutnya, juga menguji pengaruh kegunaan informasi EWOM pada niat pembelian konsumen. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 235 responden di seluruh Indonesia yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan survei secara daring. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pengguna media sosial Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi berganda serta analisis regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kredibilitas sumber da informasi dua sisi, berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada kegunaan informasi EWOM. Sedangkan, kualitas pendapat tidak berpengaruh terhadap kegunaan informasi EWOM. Variabel kegunaan informasi EWOM berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada niat pembelian konsumen. Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi pentingnya kegunaan informasi EWOM dan memberikan saran bahwa pesan EWOM melalui media sosial adalah sumber informasi yang dapat dipercaya oleh konsumen. Kata Kunci: Kualitas pendapat, kredibilitas sumber, informasi dua sisi, kegunaan informasi EWOM, niat pembelian, media socialSocial media has created opportunities for users to communicate with each other or commonly known as EWOM. Users can discuss products and brands with their friends and acquaintances on social media. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of communication through social media on consumer purchase intentions. This research model was developed from the theory of information adoption model. This study examines whether opinion quality, source credibility, two-sided information affect the usefulness of EWOM information. Furthermore, it also examines the effect of the usefulness of EWOM information on consumers' purchase intentions. The sample in this study amounted to 235 respondents throughout Indonesia which was obtained using an online survey. Respondents in this study were social media users. This study used multiple regression analysis and simple regression analysis. The results showed that the credibility of the source and the two-sided information, had a positive and significant effect on the usefulness of EWOM information. Meanwhile, the quality of opinion has no effect on the usefulness of EWOM information. EWOM information usefulness variable has a positive and significant effect on consumer purchase intentions. This study identifies the importance of using EWOM information and suggests that EWOM messages via social media are a reliable source of information for consumers. Keywords: Quality of opinion, source credibility, two-sided information, usefulness of EWOM information, purchase intention, social medi

    Antecedents of Usefulness of Electronic Word of Mouth (E-WOM) Information on Consumer’s Purchase Intention

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    This study examines the effect of communication through social media (electronic word of mouth) on consumer’s purchase intentions. This research model was developed from the theory of information adoption model. The study was conducted by quantitative approach through survey method. The data collection process is done online, with the sample size reaching 240 respondents. The data analysis method used to test the relationship between variables in this study is regression analysis. The study findings show that source credibility, source perceptions, two-sided information, and information ratings positively and significantly impact the usefulness of electronic word-of-mouth information. In comparison, the argument quality does not affect the usefulness of electronic word-of-mouth information. The usage variable of the information of active viral influence has a positive and significant effect on the adoption information of electronics word-of-mouth, which has a positive and significant effect on consumer purchase intentions


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    Islamic bonds (sukuk) are proof of ownership of tangible assets or investment activities, which funds obtained from the issuance of Islamic bonds are used for purposes in accordance with sharia principles. In Indonesia, there are three types of outstanding Islamic bonds, namely Islamic bonds with ijarah, mudharabah, and wakalah contracts. Among the three types of contracts, ijarah contracts dominate the outstanding Islamic bonds in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative methods with literature study techniques to analyze the causes of ijarah contracts becoming a favorite for issuers and investors, thus dominating the outstanding Islamic bonds in Indonesia. Profits (return) in the form of rental payment (ujroh) with a fixed amount in each period, are the advantages of ijarah Islamic bonds, because they can guarantee certainty of profits received in each period, in any conditions. In addition, the amount of profit that is known at the beginning of the issuance of Islamic bonds, makes it easier for issuers to manage funds originating from the issuance of ijarah Islamic bonds. In essence, ijarah Islamic bonds are more identical and similar to conventional bonds, but there is an underlying asset that makes this transaction halal and does not contain usury. Ijarah Islamic bonds can be an interesting option for risk averse investors who wish to invest in a halal manner