41 research outputs found

    Health promotion beliefs and involvement among hospital pharmacists in Lagos State

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    Background: The number of chronically ill pa ents and pa ents with non-communicable diseases are increasing rapidly. This is partly due to unhealthy  lifestyle  prac  ces  (Geense  et  al,  2013).  The health promo  on  services expected from pharmacists include provision of advice on healthy living and self-care and involvement in health promo on campaigns (Eades, Ferguson & O'Carroll, 2011) There is limited data available regarding the  ac vi es of hospital pharmacists in health promo on. Purpose: The objec ves of this study were to determine the beliefs and how much importance is a ached to the promo on of certain health-related behaviors and extent of involvement in promo  ng it by hospital pharmacists prac  cing in Lagos State general hospitals

    What risky behaviour is prevalent among pharmacy students at the University of Lagos

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    Background: Risky behaviors can take years off a person's life and endanger those around that person. Effec ve health promo on ac on on healthy ea ng, physical ac vity and tobacco control will make the most important contribu ons to reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the global popula on (IUHPE, 2011). A significant propor on of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and cancer would be prevented if the major common risk factors (tobacco, physical inac vity, unhealthy diet) were eliminated. This would save many millions of premature deaths. Pharmacy students are part of the future workforce of health promo on specialists, hence the need to determine their risky behaviors, if any. Purpose: The objec ve of this study was to assess the risky health behavior of pharmacy students of University of Lagos in the area of tobacco, physical ac vity and ea ng habits

    Psychiatric morbidity in two urban communities in Nigeria

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    Background: There is a welter of evidence for an inverse relationship between socio-economic status (SES) and mental health. The relationship is grossly under researched in the developing countries. Objective: To ascertain rates of gross psychiatric morbidity and some demographic correlations in two communities with different socio-economic standards. Design: A cross-sectional community based study. Subjects: Random samples of two socio-economically dissimilar communities (N1 = 189, N2 = 148) were assessed for psychiatric morbidity. Results: Rates of psychiatric morbidity obtained for the lower status community (Ajegunle) and the higher status community (Victoria Island/Ikoyi) on the GH Q-12 were 26.5 and 14.2 respectively and the corresponding figures on the SRQ (non-psychosis) were 41.8 and 18.2 and on the SRQ (psychosis) 61.5 and 31.7. A large number of positive socio-demographic correlations between cases and non-cases were obtained on SRQ and GHQ-12 in both communities. Family history of psychiatric illness significantly differentiates cases from non-cases on all measures of morbidity. Conclusion: The socio-economic inequality demonstrated should be minimised by evolving a social welfare policy in Nigeria and other developing countries that is responsive to the survival needs of the populace and ensures equitable distribution of resources across socio-economic strata. There is dire need for further research into the complex bearings of the link between social status and psychological wellness in the developing world.East African Medical Journal Vol. 85 (8) 2008: pp. 368-37

    Levels of Lead, Cadmium and Chromium in Oreochromis Niloticus in Lagos State Lagoon

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    Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd) and Chromium (Cr) levels in Oreochromis niloticus, aquatic plants, water and sawdust were collected and analyzed for Lead, Cadmium and Chromium using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Results obtained showed that sawdust had the highest Lead and Chromium contents of 32.0 + 0.99 &mu;g/g and 54.7 + 55.65&mu;g/g respectively. Aquatic plant had the highest concentration of Cadmium 37.0 &mu;g/g + 3.96&mu;g/g. The differences between the levels of Lead and Cadmium in sawdust and fish were statistically significant while there was no significant difference in the level of Chromium between sawdust and fish. The difference in Cadmium and Chromium between plant and fish were also statistically significant. All statistical analysis was carried out at 95% confidence limit (P < 0.05) using student t-test. From these results, it was deduced that sawmilling, log transportation and domestic waste disposal into the lagoon may have been responsible for these high metal levels

    G×E interaction effects on yield and yield components of cassava (landraces and improved) genotypes in the savanna regions of Nigeria

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    Genetic enhancement of cassava aimed at increasing production and productivity through the provision of broad-based improved germplasm is a major goal for cassava breeders. At the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria, 18 varieties comprising 12 landraces and 6broad-based and improved varieties were evaluated at 4 locations in 3 years in a randomized complete block design in 4 replicates to determine variability among cultivars for yield components and adaptation to different environments. Results showed fresh root yield was significantly correlated (P < 0.001) with number of roots, harvest index, shoot weight and number of stands harvested. AMMI analysis partitioned main effects into genotypes, environments and G × E with all the componentsshowing highly significant effects (P < 0.001). Environment had the greatest effect (70.3%), G × E interaction (19.0%) and genotype (10.7%). AMMI1 and unadjusted means selected the same winner in 9out of 12 environments (75%),but differently in 3 environments. The GGE biplot (E and GxE interaction) delineated environments into  ega-environments. Cultivar 4(2)1425 (moderately yielding) was the moststable and specifically adapted to Zaria. ABBEY-IFE, ATU-IWO and  2ND-AGRIC though moderately yielding were highly tolerant to CMD, suggesting a rich resource within the germplasm that could beenhanced for further genetic improvement of the crop

    Clinical neuropsychiatric correlates and EEG findings among children with developmental disorders in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Objective: Developmental disorders with or without associated neuropsychiatric complications continue to be one of the major health problems in Africa. The grossly inadequate management/ rehabilitative facilities further worsen this. A prospective study aimed at finding the types of developmental disorders and associated neuropsychiatric complications among children aged &#8804;15 years that presented with developmental disorder in the study centers over 36 month study duration. Methods: The study was carried out in the paediatric and child psychiatric clinics as well as the Electroencephalographic (EEG) unit of two major health facilities in Lagos, Nigeria: Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH) and Psychiatric Hospital, Yaba, Lagos. For each subject, socio-demographic data was obtained and appropriate clinical evaluation was carried out to obtain the necessary data and clinical diagnoses. Furthermore, each of the subjects had waking EEG recording using 20-channel computerized Medelec® EEG machine. The EEG interpretation was blinded to the clinical history of the subjects. Results: Overall, one hundred and eleven (111) subjects were evaluated over the 36 month study period. The cohort was made up of 63 (56.8%) males and 48 (43.2%) females. The mean age was 4.8 (±3.9) years, with most subjects falling in the age group of 0-5 years(69.4%). Mixed specific developmental disorders were most common (55%) followed by that of specific developmental disorders of speech and language (34.2%). Forty-one (36.9%) subjects suffered from one or more types of complications, with seizure, 22(19.8%) being the most common. The waking EEG recording was normal in 22 (19.8%) subjects; while abnormal epileptiform activities were found in 85 (76.6%) of recordings. No statistically significant relationship existed between EEG abnormalities and the factors of age and clinical diagnoses (i.e developmental abnormalities). Conclusion: The small number of subjects in this study is a major hindrance to drawing a general conclusion. However, it has been shown that a number of the cohort in addition to their developmental disorders suffered from such complications as seizures, hyperactivity etc. Furthermore, a significant proportion had EEG abnormalities of the epileptiform types possibly reinforcing the previously known fact of prevalent subtle brain damage among African children. The need for preventive health care is therefore emphasized. Keywords: Developmental disorders; Associated complications; EEG abnormalities.African Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 11 (2) 2008 pp. 123-12

    Lactational Vitamin E Protects Against the Histotoxic Effects of Systemically Administered Vanadium in Neonatal Rats

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    Summary: The work investigated the protective role of lactational vitamin E administration on vanadium-induced histotoxicity. Three groups of Wistar rats, with each group comprising of two dams and their pups, were used in this study. Group I pups were administered intraperitoneal injection of sterile water at volumes corresponding to the dose rate of the vanadium (sodium metavanadate) treated group from postnatal day (PND) 1-14 while those in Group II were administered intraperitoneal injection of 3mg/kg vanadium from PND 1-14. Group III pups were administered intraperitoneal injection of 3mg/kg vanadium while the dam received oral vitamin E (500mg) concurrently every 72hours. The results showed that group II pups exhibited histopathological changes which included seminiferous tubule disruption of the testes characterised by vacuolar degeneration and coagulative necrosis of spermatogonia and Sertoli cells with reduction in mitosis, and areas of interstitial thickening with fibroblast proliferation. In addition, the lungs showed disruption of the bronchiolar wall and denudation of the bronchiolar respiratory epithelium while the liver showed hydropic degeneration and coagulative necrosis of the centrilobular hepatocytes. These histotoxic changes were ameliorated in the vanadium + vitamin E group. We conclude that lactational vitamin E protects against the histotoxic effects of vanadium and could be a consideration for supplementation in the occupationally and environmentally exposed neonates. However, caution should be taken in vitamin E supplementation because there is still equivocal evidence surrounding its benefits as a supplement at the moment.Keywords: Vanadium, Vitamin E, Histotoxicity, Antioxidant

    Assessment of tobacco smoking status and in luence of health care professionals on tobacco cessation among outpatients in different clinics of the Department of Medicine of Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Idi Araba, Lagos, Nigeria

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    Background: As a risk factor for six out of the world's eight leading causes of death, tobacco smoking has been dubbed the single most preventable cause of death. Healthcare professionals have a prominent role to play in tobacco control. Studies have shown that even a brief interven on by a health professional significantly increases the cessa on rate. Purpose: The objec ves of the study were to assess the smoking status and iden fy the influence of health professionals on smoking cessa on of outpa ents in different clinics at the department of Medicine, Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Nigeria

    Comparative efficacy of dihydroartemisinin, chloroquine and combination of dihydroartemisinin and chloroquine or mefloquine in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei

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    Comparative efficacy of dihydroartemisinin alone, chloroquine alone, combination of dihydroartemisinin plus mefloquine and combination of dihydroartemisinin plus chloroquine was evaluated in mice. Parasite clearance time was very short in mice treated with dihydroartemisinin alone mean ± SD PCT was (1.64- ± 0.50 days). This was followed by combination of dihydroartemisinin with mefloquine (2.73 ± 0.47), Then combination of dihydroartemisinin with chloroquine (2.84 ± 0.50). The mice that were treated with chloroquine alone had PCT of 4.0 ± 2.32. There was significant difference between the dihydroartemisinin group and the chloroquine group (