14 research outputs found

    An epep collider based on proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration

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    Recent simulations have shown that a high-energy proton bunch can excite strong plasma wakefields and accelerate a bunch of electrons to the energy frontier in a single stage of acceleration. This scheme could lead to a future epep collider using the LHC for the proton beam and a compact electron accelerator of length 170 m, producing electrons of energy up to 100 GeV. The parameters of such a collider are discussed as well as conceptual layouts within the CERN accelerator complex. The physics of plasma wakefield acceleration will also be introduced, with the AWAKE experiment, a proof of principle demonstration of proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration, briefly reviewed, as well as the physics possibilities of such an epep collider.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the DIS 2014 Workshop, 28 April - 2 May, Warsaw, Polan

    Collider design issues based on proton-driven plasma wakefield acceleration

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    Recent simulations have shown that a high-energy proton bunch can excite strong plasma wakefields and accelerate a bunch of electrons to the energy frontier in a single stage of acceleration. It therefore paves the way towards a compact future collider design using the proton beams from existing high-energy proton machines, e.g. Tevatron or the LHC. This paper addresses some key issues in designing a compact electron-positron linear collider and an electron-proton collider based on existing CERN accelerator infrastructure

    A plasma wakefield acceleration experiment using CLARA beam

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    We propose a Plasma Accelerator Research Station (PARS) based at proposed FEL test facility CLARA (Compact Linear Accelerator for Research and Applications) at Daresbury Laboratory. The idea is to use the relativistic electron beam from CLARA, to investigate some key issues in electron beam transport and in electron beam driven plasma wakefield acceleration, e.g. high gradient plasma wakefield excitation driven by a relativistic electron bunch, two bunch experiment for CLARA beam energy doubling, high transformer ratio, long bunch self-modulation and some other advanced beam dynamics issues. This paper presents the feasibility studies of electron beam transport to meet the requirements for beam driven wakefield acceleration and presents the plasma wakefield simulation results based on CLARA beam parameters. Other possible experiments which can be conducted at the PARS beam line are also discussed

    Numerical investigations into fiber laser based dielectric reverse dual-grating accelerator

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    AbstractDielectric laser accelerators (DLAs) have great potential for applications, since they can generate acceleration gradients in the range of GeV/m and produce attosecond electron bunches. We described a novel reverse dual-grating dielectric accelerator structure made up of Silicon which is expected to improve beam confinement, and make fabrication easier. Numerical simulation results show that this structure effectively manipulates the laser field and generates a standing wave in the vacuum channel with a phase velocity synchronized to relativistic particles travelling through the structure. Optimum pillar height and channel width have been determined. All required laser parameters and initial particle energy have been analytically estimated and a suitable laser as an energy source is proposed. Finally, the effect of fabrication error on the acceleration gradient is discussed