6 research outputs found

    Influence of magnetic field on germination, growth and production of tomato

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    In the study with tomatoes, there was ivestigated the impact of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields on seed germination of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) after treatment before sowing, as well as the growth of young plants that were exposed to low frequency electromagnetic field before planting in the field when growing transplants under cover. In the experiments conducted in two consecutive years (2012 and 2013), we followed the length of seed germination period of tomato variety „Pavlína", growth of young plants expressed in plant height and root length, and the fruit size. Magnetization of seeds and young plants was carried out in laboratory conditions, plant growth was evaluated under cover prior to planting, and fruit traits were followed in field conditions where plants were grown on experimental plots (80.0 m2). The plants were grown in accordance with the standards of an agricultural practice for tomato. At the generative phase, the fruits were collected at regular intervals, and their number and weight were evaluated. Low frequency electromagnetic fields acting at the three inductance levels (20, 40 and 60 mT) and exposure of 20 minutes a day with frequency of 50 Hz, significantly positively influenced the germination, plant growth and fruit size of the studied tomato variety

    Wine Faults: State of Knowledge in Reductive Aromas, Oxidation and Atypical Aging, Prevention, and Correction Methods

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    The review summarizes the latest scientific findings and recommendations for the prevention of three very common wine faults of non-microbial origin. The first group, presented by the reductive aromas, is caused mainly by excessive H2S and other volatile sulfur compounds with a negative impact on wine quality. The most efficient prevention of undesirable reductive aromas in wine lies in creating optimal conditions for yeast and controlling the chemistry of sulfur compounds, and the pros and cons of correction methods are discussed. The second is browning which is associated especially with the enzymatic and non-enzymatic reaction of polyphenols and the prevention of this fault is connected with decreasing the polyphenol content in must, lowering oxygen access during handling, the use of antioxidants, and correction stands for the use of fining agents. The third fault, atypical aging, mostly occurs in the agrotechnics of the entire green land cover in the vineyard and the associated stress from lack of nutrients and moisture. Typical fox tones, naphthalene, or wet towel off-odors, especially in white wines are possible to prevent by proper moisture and grassland cover and alternating greenery combined with harmonious nutrition, while the correction is possible only partially with an application of fresh yeast. With the current knowledge, the mistakes in wines of non-microbial origin can be reliably prevented. Prevention is essential because corrective solutions for the faults are difficult and never perfect

    Honey wine, new wine style from Temjanika, Smederevka аnd Stanušina varieties

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    The aim of this study was to apply a modern vinification technique and develop a new wine style of local grape varieties, Temjanika and Smederevka, as well as autochthonous Stanušina variety, all grown in the Tikveš wine region. Wines were produced with addition of two doses (20 and 40 g/L) of honey before fermentation in order to study its influence on the overall quality. The following chemical parameters were determined: alcohol, density, pH, total acidity, total sugars, glycerol, glucose, fructose, sucrose, acetic acid, tartaric acid, lactic acid and malic acid, applying FTIR analyses. Spectrophotometric determination included analysis of polyphenols and antioxidant activity. It was noticed that addition of honey influenced the content of alcohol, total sugars, as well as individual glucose and fructose, observing increasing of their content. Moreover, slightly increased total phenolics content was noticed in wines fermented with honey and almost no influence of honey was observed on the antioxidant activity, glycerol, organic acids and acetic acid content. In general, addition of honey in grape mash before fermentation could be considered as a possible technique for increasing the wine quality and stability, especially of varieties with lower quality potential. Keywords: honey wine, Temjanika, Smederevska, Stanušina, FTIR, spectrophotometry

    Нови стилови на вина од сортите Темјаника, Станушина и Смедеревка

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    На просторите на денешна Македонија има многу вековна традиција за производство на вино. Меденото вино претставува придизвик за нови модерни вински правци. Овa истражување се фокусира на примена на модерното производство на вино и развој на традиционални и нови стилови на вино, со користење на локални сорти грозје (Темјаника и Смедеревка) и автохтона сорта (Станушина) од Тиквешкото виногорје Македонија. За прв пат се произведува и проучува нов стил на вино, добиено со додавање на мед пред ферментација, со цел да се произведат нови карактеристични медени вина со поинтензивна арома, вкус и тело. Примарната проценка на хемискиот состав на произведените вина вклучува определување на општи параметри за квалитет на виното, анализа на полифеноли и антиоксиданти. Овој сеопфатен пристап овозможува да се проучи влијанието на новите процеси на производство на вино во споредба со традиционалните. Развојот на современата винификација со примена на нов стил на локаните сорти ќе придонесе за развој на винската економија и туризмот во земјата, а со тоа ќе се зголеми значењето и препознавањето на локалните македонски сорти

    Wine Faults: State of Knowledge in Reductive Aromas, Oxidation and Atypical Aging, Prevention, and Correction Methods

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    The review summarizes the latest scientific findings and recommendations for the prevention of three very common wine faults of non-microbial origin. The first group, presented by the reductive aromas, is caused mainly by excessive H2S and other volatile sulfur compounds with a negative impact on wine quality. The most efficient prevention of undesirable reductive aromas in wine lies in creating optimal conditions for yeast and controlling the chemistry of sulfur compounds, and the pros and cons of correction methods are discussed. The second is browning which is associated especially with the enzymatic and non-enzymatic reaction of polyphenols and the prevention of this fault is connected with decreasing the polyphenol content in must, lowering oxygen access during handling, the use of antioxidants, and correction stands for the use of fining agents. The third fault, atypical aging, mostly occurs in the agrotechnics of the entire green land cover in the vineyard and the associated stress from lack of nutrients and moisture. Typical fox tones, naphthalene, or wet towel off-odors, especially in white wines are possible to prevent by proper moisture and grassland cover and alternating greenery combined with harmonious nutrition, while the correction is possible only partially with an application of fresh yeast. With the current knowledge, the mistakes in wines of non-microbial origin can be reliably prevented. Prevention is essential because corrective solutions for the faults are difficult and never perfect

    Possibilities for Depleting the Content of Undesirable Volatile Phenolic Compounds in White Wine with the Use of Low-Intervention and Economically Efficient Grape Processing Technology

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    The influence of the technological processes of grape processing on the content of hydroxycinnamic acids and volatile phenolic substances in wine was studied. The method of targeted oxygenation was applied in grape processing technology of the Welschriesling and Chardonnay grape varieties. The content of volatile phenolic substances was determined by gas chromatography, the content of hydroxycinnamic acids by liquid chromatography, and the basic analytical parameters of the wine by FTIR spectrometry. The method of targeted must oxygenation had a statistically significant effect on the content of hydroxycinnamic acids and volatile phenolics in the wine. In all three monitored years (2015–2017), the content of 4-vinylphenol and 4-vinylguajacol in the wine significantly decreased. A significant dependence between the content of hydroxycinnamic acids and volatile phenolics was found. The experiment showed that a 1% increase in the content of hydroxycinnamic acids in the Chardonnay variety could result in an average increase in the content of monitored volatile phenolics by 3.6% (3 years’ data). Naturally reducing the content of hydroxycinnamic acids, with the application of technological processes, eliminated the oxidative processes during wine maturation. Sensory undesirable volatile phenolic substances were consequently formed in lower quantities, and there was no negative impact on the favourable sensory properties of wine. It was not necessary to use the polyvinylpolypyrrolidone adsorbents