49 research outputs found

    An Updated Evaluation of Google Translate Accuracy

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    In 2011, a comprehensive evaluation of accuracy using 51 languages with Google Translate showed that many European languages had good results, but several Asian languages performed poorly. The online service has improved its accuracy over the intervening eight years, and a reevaluation using the same text as the original study shows a 34% improvement based upon BLEU scores. This new study shows that translations between English and German, Afrikaans, Portuguese, Spanish, Danish, Greek, Polish, Hungarian, Finnish, and Chinese tend to be the most accurate

    Transterpreting Multilingual Electronic Meetings

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    Communicating in a non-native language during a traditional, oral meeting is difficult, but a Group Support System (GSS) along with online machine translation (MT) can increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the discussion. An experimental study shows that a group facilitator can use a Web-based translation service to support a multilingual meeting, but completely automated language support is likely to be more efficient for large groups.