1,738 research outputs found

    Testing Spontaneous Parity Violation at the LHC

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    We construct a supersymmetric SU(2)_L X SU(2)_R X U(1)_B-L model in which a discrete symmetry (C-parity) implements strict left-right symmetry in the scalar (Higgs) sector. Although two electroweak bidoublets are introduced to accommodate the observed fermion masses and mixings, a natural missing partner mechanism insures that a single pair of MSSM Higgs doublets survives below the left-right symmetry breaking scale. If this scale happens to lie in the TeV range, several new particles potentially much lighter than the SU(2)_R charged gauge bosons W_R^+- will be accessible at the LHC.Comment: 12 pages, REVTex

    Experimental and Numerical Studies of Transient Heat Transfer in Electronics Packaging

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    Permintaan bagi peranti mudah alih dan tablet adalah tinggi pada setiap masa dalam dekad yang lalu, perhatian yang amat menggalakkan telah ditumpu kepada bidang ini. Sesuatu kajian yang baru diperlukan dalam industri untuk mengiringi permintaan ini adalah untuk menkaji ciri-ciri pemindahan haba sementara dan keadaan mantap, untuk memahami prestasi pemindahan haba yang memuaskan ke atas alat-alat ini, dan memastikan masa ujian haba untuk chip yang sesuai dengan output pengeluaran yang lebih baik. Fasa pertama kajian ini membentangkan keadaan mantap paksaan udara simulasi haba dengan lampiran penyebar haba untuk keadaan dengan pelbagai kuasa di dalam cip (0.5W-2.0W). Model haba keadaan mantap telah berjaya dibangunkan dan dioptimumkan, dan kontur haba bagi setiap kuasa chip telah ditunjukkan. Model simulasi haba telah disahkan dengan pendekatan eksperimen dengan suhu simpangan dalam perbezaan peratusan pada 6.02%. Model haba yang disahkan telah dilanjutkan untuk mencirikan kesan daripada pelbagai aliran udara ke atas rintangan haba dari cip ke ambien. Ia menggunakan rangkaian rintangan haba dan simulasi secara holistik untuk analisis terma yang tepat. Keputusan menunjukkan bahawa rintangan haba dari cip ke ambien adalah fungsi aliran udara tetapi bukan kuasa cip, aliran udara yang lebih tinggi akan mengurangkan rintangan haba dari cip ke ambien. Dalam kajian ini, rintangan haba minimum diperolehi pada 5.90C / W untuk aliran udara maksimum. Kjian seterusnya telah dilanjutkan kepada simulasi pemindahan haba sementara, dengan tujuan untuk memahami apakah sumber haba bantuan yang diperlukan untuk suhu simpangan mencapai 700C dalam mod pemindahan haba sementara? Sumber haba bantuan ini adalah penting dalam mengurangkan masa ujian chip. Pengetahuan yang mencukupi mengenai laluan pemindahan haba sementara telah ditunjukkan melalui penciptaan kontur haba dengan pelbagai sumber haba. Satu prototaip bantuan sumber haba telah berjaya dibina dan dikaji untuk membantu mengurangkan masa ujian haba untuk chip. Dan model pemindahan haba sementara juga telah disahkan dengan pendekatan eksperimen, keputusan simulasi pemidahan haba sementara dalam aspek masa yang diperolehi terletak dalam 11% daripada nilai eksperimen yang mengukur. Data menunjukkan ia memerlukan 22W sumber haba bantuan dan mengambil masa 69.65s untuk suhu simpangan mencapai 700C daripada suhu bilik, in adalah satu pencapaian yang amat penting yang boleh digunakan dalam pengeshan chip. Kajian mengenai model pemidahan haba sementara disahkan juga dengan kesan pelbagai masa pemindahan haba sementara ( 15s - 75s ) dan sumber haba ( 7W - 27W ) untuk rintangan haba dari simpangan ke pateri bola. Rintangan haba dari cip ke pateri bola adalah fungsi masa sementara, di mana rintangan haba dari cip ke pateri bola meningkat dengan masa sementara; walau bagaimanapun, pada bila-bila masa tertentu rintangan haba tidak akan berubah dengan pelbagai sumber haba. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The demand for mobile and tablet devices is at all time high for the last decade, overwhelming attention has been paid to this field, the novelty studies that needed in industry to accompany this demand is to characterize the steady state and transient studies for satisfactory thermal performance on these devices, and ensuring reasonable thermal qualification time for chip and better production outputs. The part one of this study presents the steady state forced air thermal simulations with the attachment of heat spreader for various die power conditions (0.5W to 2.0W), the steady state thermal model has successfully been developed and optimized, and thermal contour for each die power was demonstrated. The simulated thermal model at steady state has been verified by thermocouple-measured junction temperature, with the maximum percentage difference at 6.02% only; the verified thermal model has been extended to characterize the thermal impacts of the various air flows on the resistance from die to the ambient. It utilizes heat path resistance network and simulation in a holistic manner for accurate thermal analysis. The results show that the heat path resistance from die to ambient is a function of air flow but not the die power, higher air flow will reduce the thermal resistance from die to ambient, and for this study the minimum thermal resistance obtained at 5.90C/W for maximum air flow. The part two of this study has been extended to transient heat transfer simulation, with the intention to understand what is the auxiliary heat source that required for the junction temperature to achieve 700C at transient mode? The auxiliary heat source is crucial in helping to reduce the qualification time of chip. Sufficient understanding of transient heat transfer paths within the die has been demonstrated though the creation of thermal contour with various heat sources. An auxiliary heat source prototype has successfully been developed and tested. And the transient thermal model has also been verified with the thermocouple-measured transient time, the simulated transient time is within 11% of the experimental measured values. The data shows it requires 22W of auxiliary heat source and takes 69.65s for the junction temperature to reach 700C from room temperature, this is a very significant achievement that can be applied in chip qualification. The study of verified transient model has also been extended to the effects of various transient times (15s to 75s) and heat sources (7W to 27W) to the heat path resistance from the die to ball, the heat path resistance from die to ball is a function of transient time, in which thermal resistance from die to solder ball increases with transient time; however, at any specific time thermal resistance will not change with various heat sources

    Aging and Economic Growth: Issues Relevant to Singapore

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    The paper studies the effects of the changing age and education composition of the labour force on productivity growth in Singapore. The quality change of workers from aging and education is measured through a quality index. Quality change through education is the key driving force for the productive performance of the labour force. On the other hand, the growth in the labour quality of workers by age, and hence, its contribution to labour productivity growth is falling. To moderate the impact of the aging labour force on productivity growth, greater efforts to raise the educational profile of the labour force and to re-train older workers are required.

    Aspects of multi-resolutional foveal images for robot vision

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