10 research outputs found

    Exploring Ways of Vocabulary Instructional Practices in ESL Classrooms in Pakistan

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    Word Power offers a key role when it comes to effective communication and comprehensive reading. Language teaching-learning is a complex phenomenon especially in learning L2 vocabulary. A learner is provided with a complete package of textual and non-textual language-based content to develop all four skills of L2 of a learner. A language curriculum is based on text aided by co-curricular activities like role plays, presentations, speeches/debates or declamation, essay writing competitions, etc. to improve the language proficiency of a learner. In such activities, vocabulary has a secondary role to play, whereas, it is hard to find such activities where the prime focus is to be given on the development of language learner’s vocabulary size. Language learners view vocabulary enhancement as one of the most challenging domains while learning a language Çelik & ToptaƟ, (2010). The present study reflects a brief overview of the most frequently practiced pedagogical practices of vocabulary items. This study is qualitative, where secondary level school learners are the target population. The researcher has chosen semi-structured interviews with students (n=20). The study finds that the vocabulary instructional process in Pakistani ESL learners lacks the proper induction of vocabulary teaching strategies. It doesn’t target the utilization of vocabulary items in a meaningful context. In addition, vocabulary items are heavily taught explicitly and implicit instructional methods are not taken much into consideration. Thus, the researcher recommends the integration of best teaching practices into the traditional language pedagogical process. It may involve CALL methods and other incidental and intentional approaches that can enable learners to enhance vocabulary size, retain, and use vocabulary items in a real-life context. Keywords: Vocabulary teaching/learning, ESL learners, CALL, traditional practices, pedagogical practices, vocabulary development, language learners DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-24-09 Publication date: December 31st 2020

    Evaluation of ‘English for Undergraduates’- a course-book for English Language Teaching at University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan from Teachers' Perspectives

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    English language course-books are inevitable in English language classes. Teachers often find English language course-books very helpful. The evaluation of English language course-books will make the course-books more effective. This study evaluates ‘English for Undergraduates’- a course-book prescribed for English language classes at University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan (UOSJP). The framework of Alan Cunningsworth (1995) is partially adapted to evaluate the book on the criteria of reading skill, writing skill, representation of culture and the organization of its contents.This research study is exploratory, based on survey research design using quantitative method. This study performs post-use evaluation of ‘English for Undergraduates’ using checklist method. Questionnaire based on adapted criteria checklist is used as a data-collecting instrument. Twenty-seven (27) English language teachers of University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan (UOSJP) are the sample of this study. Data obtained is analyzed through SPSS (version 23.0) and interpreted through descriptive statistics technique. The findings of this study reveal that ‘English for Undergraduate’ meets the low degree of evaluation on the criteria of reading, culture and organization; however, criteria of writing skill meets the moderate degree of evaluation. Keywords: Textbook Textbook Evaluation Criteria for Textbook Evaluation DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/10-22-08 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Investigation of L2 Learners’ Reading Attitudes with an Impact of Extensive Reading Project at Secondary Level, Sindh, Pakistan

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    In Pakistan, English is most importantly taught at all levels of education and several subjects are taught through the medium of English. Students acquire much of knowledge by reading written literature. Therefore, the importance of reading is inevitable at school level where students have to develop and adopt several strategies and new skills. Reading attitude is a complicated notion, and has a crucial role in developing reading skill. Reading attitudes are based on past experiences and practices and make a learner to be positive or negative for attempting the reading activity. Several researches suggest that learners’ choice for reading material and flexibility add a vital role in shaping the reading attitudes of the learners. Therefore, this study had taken the extensive reading for the instruction to gain support for the reading attitudes in second language. This attempt was made to fill the gap by investigating the effectiveness of extensive reading on the L2 reading attitudes. The subjects were 110 secondary level learners from Sindh, Pakistan. A reading attitude likert scale questionnaire was used before and after the 12-week project of extensive reading with 20 items divided into 6 variables: self-perception, intellectual value, practical value, linguistic value, comfort and anxiety. The results were compiled with the help of SPSS analysis, that showed the descriptive analysis of both pre and post project reading attitudes for each variable and significant difference. Suggestions and implications are highlighted for future practices and research. Keywords: Extensive reading, Reading attitude, Second Language, Learners’ Choice DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-2-06 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Computer-Assisted Language Learning: A Study of EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of University of Sindh, Jamshoro

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    This study aims to investigate EFL teachers’ perceptions on Computer Assisted Language Learning in English language classrooms. For the last 15 years, there has been great interest in researching teachers’ perceptions, thinking and beliefs towards implementation of ICT in English language teaching classrooms. As teachers’ perceptions shape and determine language teaching and learning practice. To investigate the problem, 47 in service teachers of Higher Secondary Schools were taken as participants, out of which there were 14 females and 33 males. A questionnaire was administered among the EFL teachers based on investigation of beliefs and perspectives of EFL teachers. Findings of the study suggest that use of online web chats and other connecting forums are practiced by EFL teachers to interact with the students. Furthermore, preparing lectures to use computers and getting help for material development is highly frequent. Keywords: EFL Teachers’ Perceptions, Computer Assisted Language Learning, implementation of ICT, English language classrooms DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-30-04 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Attitudes of Foreign Language Teaching Assistants Towards Teaching of English in Pakistani Context

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    This study aims to examine the attitudes of Foreign Language Teaching Assistants towards the teaching of English in the context of Pakistan. Its importance lies in the fact that it will make the teachers aware of uniquely effective teaching methods. Almost all stakeholders may get benefits from it. The research utilized interview tools. Semi-structured interviews were discussed among the respondents. The results show that the Pakistani teacher assistants view English favorably. They consider it absolutely necessary for employment purpose and professional development. Therefore, they opt for positive attitudes towards teaching English language along with culture in ELT Classrooms. The results also showed that Teaching Assistants after coming back from training, continue to celebrate the value of their own culture too. In the end, the research suggests measures necessary to formulate effective language teaching policies. Keywords: Attitudes, English Language, Teaching Assistants, Pakistan. DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/78-03 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Foreign Language Anxiety and Learner Beliefs in Second Language Learning: A Research Timeline

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    Research in second language learning has significantly demonstrated that foreign language anxiety and learner beliefs have been the main domain of inquiry in applied linguistics. Such interest has seen upsurge in studies on L2 anxiety and learner beliefs. This study tends to review language anxiety and learner beliefs in language learning. The review shows moderate and high levels of language anxiety in studies including negative correlation between anxiety and achievement. In addition, it also reveals that learner beliefs have played a role in increasing language anxiety. Moreover, research studies on FLA (foreign language anxiety) and LB (learner beliefs) describe a whole scenario of the exiting literature. The study also critiques some pedagogical strategies suggested in research and how far these are applicable in decreasing language anxiety and avoiding incorrect beliefs about language learning. Further, the research review suggests that different approaches are used to quantify language anxiety and to describe beliefs in language learning. Since, the prime purpose of the study is to review the approaches and their validity and reliability in describing language anxiety and beliefs. The study synthesizes foreign language anxiety and learner beliefs studies and offers some recommendations in order to complement and supplement the existing literature

    Exploring L2 Learners’ Views on Language Learning Through Social Networking Sites at a Public Sector University, Sindh, Pakistan

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    Despite the fact that language researchers propose the integration of language learning and technology, Pakistani universities seem to be struggling between traditional and digital methodologies. E-learning and CALL are the products of such efforts in modern pedagogical practices. Social Networking Sites (SNS) are one of the available resources that mediate E-learning or digital learning and teaching. This Study explores the views of L2 learners on language learning through social networking sites. The qualitative approach has been used in the present study to address the issue. The participants (n=10) were recruited using purposive sampling. The researchers used interview as a data collection tool. Participants’ responses were analyzed by using extensive content analysis. The study found that Social networking sites (SNS) are helpful in learning English language; however, the individual experiences and practices influence the learning process. The study further finds that the vague boundary system of social sites is a hurdle in its implementation in educational system or digital learning/teaching styles. The study recommends that e-learning can be integrated into classroom to promote learners’ autonomy and to connect L2 learners with digital world to experience new ways of literacy and learning. Keywords: Social Networking sites, SNS, Independent learners, Digital learning DOI: 10.7176/JLLL/70-05 Publication date:July 31st 202

    An Intercultural Investigation of Interactive Meta discourse Markers in Research Articles by Pakistani & British Engineers

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    This study aims to investigate the use of Interactive metadiscourse markers in engineering and technological research articles written by Pakistani and British engineers. The objectives of the study were to investigate and to compare the use of interactive Metadiscourse markers between the two sub-corpora. This study has followed Hyland & Tse’s (2004) “Interpersonal model” of metadiscourse. For this purpose, we built a specialized corpus of engineering research articles contained with two sub-corpora of British and Pakistani RA’s, 100 in each. Pakistani research articles were selected from X category research journals recognized by HEC (Higher Education Commission) and Britain papers were selected and downloaded from research repositories published between 2010 to 2016. The corpus consists of 1087091 words.A mixed methods research (qualitative and quantitative) was employed. Before analyzing the frequency of data, the extracted markers (according to Hyland’s (2005) taxonomy of metadiscourse markers) were checked and filtered carefully through the manual examination of the markers into the source texts and the frequencies of occurrences were updated accordingly. The statistical analysis of the data was done using the chi-square test by SPSS v.20. The result of the test indicated that there is a significant difference between both sub-corpora (χ2 = 10.478, df = 4, p = .033 < 0.05.). Taken together, the results indicated that British writers used interactive markers more than Pakistani writers. Pakistani writers used more frequently endophoric markers, code glosses, and frame markers. However, British writers used less endophoric markers, code glosses, and frame markers than Pakistani writers. The only two sub-categories of interactive were used by Pakistani writers with a slightly higher rate than British writers are code glosses and frame markers. On the other hand, British writers used more frequently transition markers and evidential. The result of the analysis shows cultural differences, and it is fascinating that Pakistani engineers used frequently sub-categories of interactive markers in their research articles. Finally, it was also disclosed that British research articles have relatively clear usage of all sub-categories properly as compared to Pakistani engineers. The study has implications for ESL teachers, novice researchers, curriculum designers, and textbook developers

    Concept of Best Practices in English Language Teaching to Pakistani ELT Fraternity

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    Teaching industry of English as a second or foreign language has grown massively in recent times in Pakistan. There are many public sectors universities and English academies established all over Pakistan offering English language proficiency courses. Therefore, this wave led to conduct this research. The purpose of conducting this study was to investigate contemporary pedagogical techniques used for teaching and learning English and to introduce the concept of ESL /EFL Best Practices for effective language teaching in Pakistan. Purposive Sampling method was used to collect the information from respondents regarding their contemporary-used teaching techniques in ESL/EFL class. The questionnaire was implied as the main tool for data collection among twenty English language teachers from two public sector universities. The results of the study indicated that teachers were attached  with some outdated techniques and activities secondly, they also faced problems applying new techniques while teaching in a large multilevel classrooms, thirdly, teachers’ had willingness to adopt and employ innovative techniques in classrooms and lastly, the notion of ESL best practices was uncommon among them. Most of the teaching strategies do not create better learning environment, and learners do not interestingly participate due outdated activities. Therefore, the suggested solution was utilizing best practices that are based on modern techniques, approaches considerable for multiple levels depending upon the needs and developmental state of the individual learners.Keywords: pedagogical strategies, ESL/EFL Best Practices, Pakistani teachers, English teaching/learnin

    Concept of Best Practices in English Language Teaching to Pakistani ELT Fraternity

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    Teaching industry of English as a second or foreign language has grown massively in recent times in Pakistan. There are many public sectors universities and English academies established all over Pakistan offering English language proficiency courses. Therefore, this wave led to conduct this research. The purpose of conducting this study was to investigate contemporary pedagogical techniques used for teaching and learning English and to introduce the concept of ESL /EFL Best Practices for effective language teaching in Pakistan. Purposive Sampling method was used to collect the information from respondents regarding their contemporary-used teaching techniques in ESL/EFL class. The questionnaire was implied as the main tool for data collection among twenty English language teachers from two public sector universities. The results of the study indicated that teachers were attached  with some outdated techniques and activities secondly, they also faced problems applying new techniques while teaching in a large multilevel classrooms, thirdly, teachers’ had willingness to adopt and employ innovative techniques in classrooms and lastly, the notion of ESL best practices was uncommon among them. Most of the teaching strategies do not create better learning environment, and learners do not interestingly participate due outdated activities. Therefore, the suggested solution was utilizing best practices that are based on modern techniques, approaches considerable for multiple levels depending upon the needs and developmental state of the individual learners.Keywords: pedagogical strategies, ESL/EFL Best Practices, Pakistani teachers, English teaching/learnin