10 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Alat Ukur Medan Magnet Berbasis Arduino Uno Menggunakan Sensor Efek Hall

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    Alat ukur medan magnet digital yang dijual di pasaran saat ini memiliki harga yang relatif mahal, maka dibuatlah alat ukur medan magnet yang sederhana dengan fungsi yang sama dengan alat ukur medan magnet yang dijual di pasaran. Alat ukur ini terdiri dari lima bagian utama yaitu adaptor, selenoida, sensor efek hall, arduino uno dan OLED. Alat ukur medan magnet yang dibuat akan digunakan untuk mengetahui hasil pengukuran medan magnet terhadap variasi jarak selenoida, medan magnet terhadap jumlah lilitan kawat dan arus listrik pada selenoida, dan perbandingan pengukuran medan magnet terhadap jumlah lilitan kawat dan arus listrik pada selenoida menggunakan alat ukur acuan. Hasil pengukuran medan magnet terhadap jarak menunjukkan bahwa semakin dekat jarak sensor dengan lilitan maka semakin besar medan magnet yang terbaca oleh sensor. Hasil pengukuran medan magnet terhadap jumlah lilitan dan arus listrik menghasilkan medan magnet yang besar apabila jumlah lilitan magnet semakin banyak dan arus yang dibesikan semakin besar. % error untuk medan magnet terhadap jarak, jumlah lilitan dan arus listrik sebesar 14.60 %, 1.42 %, dan 0.44 %


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    Daerah Garegeh Bukittinggi merupakan salah satu sentral produksi batu bata di Sumatera Barat. Batu bata dibuat dengan bahan utama tanah lempung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa kandungan mineral dan mengetahui struktur kristal dari tanah lempung yang digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan batu bata. Kajian terhadap kualitas batu bata hasil produksi juga dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah kualitas memenuhi standar atau tidak. Uji kualitas batu bata meliputi: uji serapan air, ukuran, dimensi warna, serapan air dan kandungan garam. Hasil pengujian ini kemudian dibandingkan dengan mutu Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) batu bata. Dari hasil karakterisasi XRD menunjukkan tanah lempung daerah Garegeh mengandung mineral Al2H2K0.7O12Si4 (Illite), Al2Si2O5(OH)4 (Kaolit), Illite-smectite dan SiO2 (Silicon Oxide). Dengan struktur kristal berbentuk monoclinic, anorthic dan hexagonal. Uji kulitas batu bata dilakukan dengan mengambil 10 sampel secara acak dari batu bata yang baru siap dibakar. Dari hasil uji serapan diperoleh persentanse serapan yang tinggi yaitu  80 %. Penyerapan yang tinggi terlihat dari batu bata yang kurang padat dan banyak terdapat rongga-rongga. Serta permukaan batu bata yang retak dan tidak rata. Ukuran batu bata memenuhi modul M-6 dengan rata-rata panjang, lebar dan tinggi masing-masingnya  22,2 cm, 11,3 cm dan 6,4 cm. Kata kunci: XRD, monoclinic, anorthic dan hexagona


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    The background of this research  not all students like physics learning. This is caused by students' lack of understanding of physics learning material. The students' incomprehension can be seen when the learning process takes place, some students are embarrassed to ask even though basically the students do not understand the material presented by the teacher in front of the class. This type of research is Quasi Experiment with research design in the form of Design Group Control. Data on physics learning results are seen in two domains, namely the cognitive and affective domains. In the cognitive domain, the average experimental class has an average of 67.37 while the class has an average of 60.76. Learning outcomes in the affective domain obtained from the assessment of student activity sheets had an average of 79 in the experimental class and 74 in the control class. Based on the results of the analysis of hypothesis testing with the F test, it was found that t count = 1.64, and t table = 2.00, where if –t table < t count < t table then the hypothesis is rejected. So it can be concluded that the use of cooperative learning model type Group Investigation does not affect the learning outcomes of physics students of class XI MIPA SMAN 1 Enam Lingkung


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    Clay mineral is widely used in ceramic materials, building materials, paper coating materials, catalyst support, and an alternative material for zeolite. This paper reports the study on the relationship between the position of soil (low and highland) and its mineral composition in Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatera, Indonesia. It was found that the lowland area indicates the existence of dominant kaolinite and mikasaite. Meanwhile the highland is characterized with dominant illite and kaolinite.Illite is the main component for ceramic. This due to the alkaline condition and high content of Al and K as well as high hydrothermal activity at high land presumably by volcanic activity.Keywords: clay mineral, XRD, XRF, kaolinite, illite-smectit


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian dan perancangan alat ukur jarak dengan sensor ultrasonik PING berbasis mikrokontroler AT89S51. Dengan bahasa pemrograman assembly. Sensor ultrasonik memanfaatkan sifat gelombang suara dengan frekuensi pancaran 41 kHz. Prinsip kerja lamanya waktu untuk sensor pulsa (positif)  high  pada P1.0 setelah sensor melakukan trigger. Sensor PING menggunakan satu pin sebagai masukan dan keluaran. Telah dilakukan pengukuran jarak dengan memposisikan antara sensor dengan objek (berupa air, kayu dan kapas).  Satuan pengukuran sentimeter dengan resolusi adalah satu sentimeter. Alat ini dapat mengukur jarak antara 3 cm sampai 3 m. Kata kunci: bahasa assembly, mikrokontroler, trigger, senso


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    This paper is based on the lack of students' learning interest in physics courses, which is indicated by the teaching materials used by educators during the learning process. The research in this paper aims to develop problem-based learning of e-glasses modules on momentum and impulse material as well as to determine the validity and practicality of e-modules for students of class X at SMA Negeri 1 Tapung. The type of research is the research and development (R&D) method. The method used is an R&D panel with the ADDIE model. To achieve the goal, several stages of development are analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating. In addition, the research result is an electronic module on momentum and impulse material. The validation results of material and media experts on the electronic module achieve a proportion of 81.86%, which is in the very valid category. The practicality of a product seen from the practicality test that was obtained from the results of the practicality sheet for the electronic module is 95.70% and categorized in the very practical category

    Validitas Modul Pembelajaran Berbasis Guided Inquiry pada Materi Fluida di STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat

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    Abstract Fundamental physics is one subjects for Physics Education’s Department in STKIP PGRI West Sumatra. For supporting the course and geting a good result it require the lecturer’s note like module. The developed a lecturer’s note is a module based guided inquiry that is expected to make students more active, creative and critical thinking as well as skilled in the discovery of the facts in Physics. Guided inquiry is a learning model which there are some activities that are scientific, students submit ideas before the topic studied, then investigate a phenomenon or phenomena. After that, the student explained that based on existing facts and compare them scientifically. This type of research is research and development using a Plomp’s model is passing through the stages: (1) the initial investigation (preliminary research), (2) design and realization (prototyping phase), and (3) testing and assessment (assessment phase). On the preliminary research, curriculum analysis will be doing, so students analysis, and analysis of the concept. On prototyping phase the module for the Physics at the fluid is designed. Next, we get the formative evaluation that includes self evaluation, prototyping (expert reviews, one-to-one and small group). We get the validity at this stage. The research data was obtained through the validation module sheet, which then produces a valid module. Keywords: validity, modules, guided inquiry, fundamental physics, fluid Abstrak Fisika Dasar merupakan salah satu mata kuliah Program Studi PendidikanFisika di STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat. Untuk mendukung perkuliahan dan mendapatkan hasil belajar yang bagus maka dibutuhkan bahan ajar berupa modul. Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan merupakan modul yang berbasis guided inquiry yang diharapkan mampu membuat mahasiswa lebih aktif, kreatif, dan berfikir secara kritis serta terampil dalam penemuan fakta-fakta dalam Fisika Dasar. Guided inquiry adalah model pembelajaran yang didalamnya terdapat beberapa kegiatan yang bersifat ilmiah, mahasiswa menyampaikan ide-ide sebelum topik tersebut dipelajari, kemudian menyelidiki sebuah gejala atau fenomena. Setelah itu, mahasiswa menjelaskan berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang ada dan membandingkannya secara saintifik. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan (research and development) menggunakan model Plomp yaitu yang melewati tahapan: (1) investigasi awal (preliminary research), (2) perancangan dan realisasi (prototyping phase), dan (3) ujicoba dan penilaian (assessment phase). Pada tahap preliminary research dilakukan analisis kurikulum, analisis mahasiswa, dan analisis konsep. Pada tahap prototyping phase dilakukan perancangan modul untuk mata kuliah Fisika Dasar pada materi fluida. Setelah itu dilakukan langkah formative evaluation yang meliputi self evaluation, prototyping (expert reviews, one-to-one, dan small group). Pada tahap ini dilakukan validitas. Data penelitian ini diperoleh melalui lembar validasi modul, yang kemudian menghasilkan modul yang valid. Kata-kata kunci: validitas, modul, guided inquiry, fisika dasar, fluid

    Problem Based Learning Pengembangan Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar

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    At this time many learning models are used, where students learn, work, and interact in small groups. Based on the results of observations at SMAN 9 Padang class XI MIPA, students need a development of teaching materials that can help students to solve problems in learning. The purpose of this research is to develop teaching materials in the form of student worksheet based on problem based learning that are valid & practical for class XI MIPA SMAN 9 Padang.This type of research is included in development research or Research and Development (R&D) with a 4-D model. The 4-D model consists of four stages, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate. At the disseminate stage, it is not carried out due to time and cost limitations. In this study, the research instruments used were validity and practicality sheets. The results showed that the PBL-based LKPD developed was categorized as valid with a percentage of 85.93%. Then the PBL-based LKPD developed was categorized as very practical with a percentage of 85.32%

    Pengembangan media pembelajaran menggunakan smart apps creator berbasis discovery learning pada materi Gelombang Bunyi di SMA Kelas XI MIPA

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    Development of learning media Using smart apps creator based on discovery learning on sound wave material in SMA class XI MIPA. This research aims to develop smart application-based learning media using a discovery learning approach in sound wave material for class XI MIPA students in high school. The research method used is research and development (R&amp;D), with procedures based on the ASSURE model and Tessmer's formative evaluation stage. The research subjects included one teacher and 45 students. The research instrument used was a questionnaire to measure the validity and practicality of learning media. The research results show that the learning media developed has a validity level of 85.20% and a practicality level of 88.26%. Thus, it can be concluded that this learning media is valid and practical for high school students in class XI MIPA to study sound waves. The implication of this research is that the developments that have been carried out can provide guidance for learning media developers, encourage the adoption of technology in learning, and motivate teachers to adopt a more interactive and discovery-based learning approach


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    The purpose of this research is to develop teaching materials in the form of a Discovery Learning-oriented physics learning module that is valid and practical for students of class X SMA science program. This type of research uses Research and Development (R&D). The research subjects of class X MIPA 5 were 39 people. The research procedure used by the 4-D model is definition, design, development and dissemination. The research instrument is a questionnaire of initial analysis, validity, and practicality. Furthermore, the data were analyzed to see the validity and practicality of the E-module. E-module validation is assessed from the aspect of ease of use, time required, easy to interpret, and has the same equivalence. The results showed that the E-physics module was categorized as very valid with a percentage of 91.96%. Furthermore, the practicality of the E-module is assessed from the aspect of ease of use, time required, easy to interpret, and has the same equivalence with a percentage of 92.77%.Keywords: Discovery Learning, E-module physicsThe purpose of this research is to develop teaching materials in the form of a Discovery Learning-oriented physics learning module that is valid and practical for students of class X SMA science program. This type of research uses Research and Development (R&D). The research subjects of class X MIPA 5 were 39 people. The research procedure used by the 4-D model is definition, design, development and dissemination. The research instrument is a questionnaire of initial analysis, validity, and practicality. Furthermore, the data were analyzed to see the validity and practicality of the E-module. E-module validation is assessed from the aspect of ease of use, time required, easy to interpret, and has the same equivalence. The results showed that the E-physics module was categorized as very valid with a percentage of 91.96%. Furthermore, the practicality of the E-module is assessed from the aspect of ease of use, time required, easy to interpret, and has the same equivalence with a percentage of 92.77%.Keywords: Discovery Learning, E-module physic