12 research outputs found

    Penerjemahan Kata Sapaan pada Novel Terjemahan Niji No Shounen Tachi (Terjemahan dari Novel Laskar Pelangi)

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    Abstrack : This study discusses about the translation of greeting word in the novel “Niji No Shounen Tachi” which is translated from the novel of Laskar pelangi. The Purpose of this study is to determine the method of translation and the procedures in translating the greeting words on the novel. The data is the entire word greeting contained in novel translation, and the greeting words between speaker and listener. This research is qualitative descriptive word translation which interpret greeting studied based on the theory of Peter Newmark (1988). The method is not only noted the use of verbal language but also the use of language of writing. After reading the greeting words contained in the novel of Laskar Pelangi, then the researcher look for the same data on novel translation in Niji No Shounen Tachi. After getting the data, the researchers analyze it by using the thoery of translation by Peter Newmark (1988). The result of this research gains from semantic translation method, communicative translation method, literal translation and adaptation. While the procedure of the translation use free modulation, analysis componen, shift, functional equivalent, cultural equivalent, reduction and expansion, and transference

    Pemendekan pada Kata Pinjaman (Gairaigo) dalam Bahasa Jepang

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    Abstarct: This study described the types and abbreviation processes of Japanese loanwords (gairaigo). The background of this study is the origin form of the loanwords (gairaigo) that has shortened by Japanese people are difficult to understand for foreigners. The shortened loanwords (gairaigo) in the sentences of online data corpus Kotonoha (http://www.kotonoha.gr.jp) was chosen as the data of this study. The theory used in this study are the types of abbreviation theory by Kridalaksana (2007) and abbreviation processes of Japanese loanwords (gairaigo) by using theory of Labrune (2002) with qualitative descriptive approach. The result of this research are (1) found three types of Japanese loanwords (gairaigo) abbreviation, which is: clipping, acronym, and contraction (2) abbreviation processes of Japanese loanwords (gairaigo), clipping have eight abbreviation processes, acronym have two abbreviation processes, and contraction have one abbreviation process. The shortened word in the clipping form are mostly found because this type is more diverse than the other shortening types

    Tinjauan Tentang Kesesuaian Isi Buku Teks Bahasa Jepang Kelas X SMA Binaan Khusus Dumai dengan Kurikulum 2013

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    This study aims to determine the suitability of the contents of Japanese textbooks grade X SMAN Binaan Khusus Dumai by curriculum 2013. This study curriculum are conducted in Japanese Language Study Program FKIP, University of Riau. Retrieval time and research that in March 2015 to May 2015. The object of research is the Japanese textbook curriculum that is labeled 2013. On the accuracy of the material has 8 points which are the points covered in the textbook, but there are also points that are not covered in textbook. Based on feasibility analysis of the contents of the textbook Japanese な か よ く に ほ ん で (Naka yoku Nihon de) published Rizqi Press in 2011 on the suitability of a description of material with this competence, basic competence contained grains of conformity in accordance with the curriculum in 2013, and grains that are not found in textbooks with curriculum in 2013, whereas the accuracy of the suitability of the material contained grains that have suitability in accordance with the curriculum in 2013, and grains that are not found in textbooks with curriculum 201

    Tindak Tutur Penolakan Cinta Dalam Drama 5 Ji Kara 9 Ji Made

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    This research aims to describe the refusal speech act of love, the current situation and the politeness when the refusal speech act of love happened. The subject of this research is 5 Ji Kara 9 Ji Made drama created by Miki Aihara in 2015. This is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach that use SPEAKING theory from Dell Hymes. After that, it is connected by politeness principle theory by Lecch, the face threatening theory and the politeness strategies by Brown and Levinson. In the result, we discovered that there were some kinds of the refusal of love with various levels of politeness were used. The violation of politeness principle, the maxims in the face threatening act and politeness strategies that done had relevance to the situation happened when the speech event. There were two kinds of refusal speech act of love in the 5 Ji Kara 9 Ji Made drama. They were the reason of refusal the love and the request that are not approachable

    Penggunaan Kata Salam Perpisahan (Wakare No Aisatsu) Ditinjau dari Segi Sosial dan Budaya pada Masyarakat Jepang

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    . Abstract: Wakare no aisatsu (goodbye) in use in the daily life by the people of Japan are used when the speaker wants to end a meeting of the partners. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that influence social and cultural use of wakare no aisatsu such as age, gender, and superior subordinate relationship (jouge kankei). In addition to knowing the forms wakare no aisatsu commonly used by people in Japan. The research method used is descriptive and analytical study of literature. In analyzing the data, the writer uses a few theories are considered to support the issues raised in this paper as the use of wakare no aisatsu is seen from the viewpoint at the level of formality, superior subordinate relationship (jouge kankei) and gender. The results of this study indicate that the use of wakare no aisatsu highly influenced by the level of formality and relationship between the speaker and partners. While gender tended to be neutral and there is no influence in its use. In general, Japanese women will typically use more polite language than men, both of the partners said higher position or below. While in terms of social and cultural, wakare no aisatsu important role in keeping the values that exist in the social life of the Japanese people

    Keefektifan Teknik Permainan Thematic Dominoes dalam Pembelajaran Kosakata Bahasa Jepang (Eksperimen terhadap Siswa Kelas XI SMA Negeri 9 Pekanbaru)

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    The purpose of the research to know the level of mastery of Japanese vocabulary of students before and after aplied thematic dominoes game techniques. This research used quasi experimental research with pretest posttest control group design. The object of this research is 20 students of experimental class and 20 students of control class. Data collection was performed by giving test. The given test was 25 items. The writer applies two tests, they are pretest and posttest. Pretest is given before the students are taught by implementing thematic dominoes game techniques, and posttest is given after the students are taught with implementing thematic dominoes game techniques. On average pretest results obtained by the experimental class students was 45,4 and at posttest increased by 37 into 82,4. While, On average pretest results obtained by the control class students was 44,3 and at posttest increased by 15,3 into 59,6. So there is a significant impact with application of thematic dominoes game techniques on the learning Japanese vocabulary of elevanth grade students at SMA N 9 Pekanbaru. Thus, it can be concluded that thematic dominoes game techniques was effective in the on the learning Japanese vocabulary

    Analisis Ungkapan Ganbare Ditinjau dari Segi Sosiolinguistik

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    This research aimed at finding out variation of word form of ganbare expression which is used by Japanese society. The subject in this research was ganbare expression used in Japanese conversation sentences from Japanese dramas called Ichi Rittoru No Namida and Nihonjin No Shiranai Nihongo.The method of this research is literature method and descriptive method.The result shows that in social factor, the ganbare expressionis used from various professions. The ganbare expression used by people around adolescent to adult, when the listener around adolescent to elder. The ganbare expressioncan be used by male or female. Next in situation factor, the ganbare expression often appears in informal conversation

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Kosakata Bahasa Jepang Tingkat Dasar dengan Menggunakan Media Adobe Flash

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    This research is about development adobe flash media as supporting material for learning Japanese vocabulary basic level University of Riau. The purpose of this research is to that adobe flash media as supporting instructional Japanese vocabulary basic level University of Riau was in line expert standart or validator, so that media viable to use. This research us a “research and development” study. The subject of this research are Japanese college students in 2015/2016. In a way give a questionnaire with 10 question. The location of the research is in Riau University.The method of this development and research is use a Sugiyono design. Among others : 1) incorporation data, 2) planning, 3)basic product development, 4) validation (validator), 5) basic step product revition. The incorporation data method used is with distributing necessity questionnaire validation and trials product. The result of the validation of lecture expert is declared valid to use as learning media with an average percentage of 89,28 %, the result of the validation of media expert is declared valid tu use as learning media with an average percentage of 88,46 %, and the result of trial product validation is 88 %. This research concludes that this learning media viable to use

    Bentuk Bahasa Lisan yang Terdapat pada Status Facebook Orang Jepang

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    The purposes of this research is to determine which particle is the most deleted and how changes in word word order on Japanese\u27s facebook status and what affect of changes inword order. The objects of this research is the deleted particle and changes in word order on Japanese\u27s facebook status which are posted on facebook. This research is descriptive qualitative which is interpret the object based on theory. The data of this research are collected by reading status posted on facebook, that status contains the deleted particle changes in word order, then it is arranged by written technique. Theory in analyzing the data of this research is theoretical form of spoken language based on Tomisaka (1996) and Seiichi Makino theory, and use praat aplication to know intonation effect in the improvement of word order. The result of this research shows the most deleted particle on Japanese\u27s facebook status is particleを(wo) and changes in word order on Japanese\u27s facebook status is higher intonation to focus the sentence element. Hope this research with larger number need to be done, so that the result of this research can be generalized