8 research outputs found

    Gizi Seimbang pada Saat Puasa untuk Meningkatkan Imunitas di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 pada Ibu di Desa Tonasa Kabupaten Gowa

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    Fasting Ramadan as worship has many benefits for health, so that these two goals can be achieved, it is necessary to regulate diet specifically, especially regulating nutritional intake during iftar and sahur. During Fasting the diet will change, because it is only allowed to eat in the morning before dawn and at night. The stomach is left empty for about 13 hours. Generally, the body takes 3-5 days to adapt to a new diet. From the nutritional aspect, Fasting will at least reduce nutritional intake, especially energy by around 20-30 percent. This community service activity is carried out using an action study method where mothers in Tonasa Village will practice cooking food according to the nutritional needs needed according to age, then increase knowledge and understanding of balanced nutrition during Fasting for PKK mothers in RW 01 In addition, we as a service team will provide tips so that families can continue to do activities without feeling weak. The education provided is about balanced nutrition when Fasting through Pre and Post Tests. The implementation time of the service is carried out for 4 months. The expected result of this service is that it can increase the knowledge and skills of mothers regarding a balanced nutritional menu during Fasting

    Determinan Beban Kerja Fisik dan Mental Perawat dengan Penerapan Pasien Safety pada Masa Pandemi Covid 19 di RSUD Labuang Baji Makassar

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    Nurses have a very big responsibility in carrying out their duties both to patients and their families. During the current Covid-19 pandemic  the number of patients received by hospitals is not proportional to the number of nurses so that it will have an impact on increasing physical and mental workloads. This study aims to determine the relationship between the determinants of the physical and mental workload of nurses with the application of patient safety during the COVID-19 pandemic at Labuang Baji Hospital Makassar.This type of research is a quantitative research with a cross sectional study approach. The sampling technique used total sampling with a total sample of 53 people. Data analysis was carried out univariate, bivariate with chi-square test. The results showed that there was an influence between physical workload (p value = 0.001) mental workload (p value 0.017) on the Application of Patient Safety during the Covid 19 Pandemic Period at Labuang Baji Hospital Makassar. It is recommended for nurses to perform stress management and adequate rest so that their workload is reduced so that the application of patient safety can be carried out properly

    Pengaruh Kelelahan Kerja, Stress Kerja, Motivasi Kerja dan Beban Kerja terhadap Kinerja Perawat di RSUD Kota Makassar

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    Background: It is undeniable that the nursing profession is a profession that has a high workload and great responsibility. This certainly can affect the performance of nurses in carrying out their duties. This study was conducted to analyze the relationship between work fatigue, work stress, work motivation and workload on the performance of nurses in Daya Makassar Hospital. Methods: This type of research uses an analytical observational method with a cross sectional study design. The sampling method using purposive sampling was carried out on Makassar City Hospital nurses who had met the criteria. In measuring work fatigue, work stress, work motivation, and workload, it is measured using a questionnaire. Results: There are 100 respondents involved in this study. Most of the respondents are in the 31-40 year age group (70%), female (69%), have a bachelor's degree in nursing (59%), and work years > 10 years (73%). The results of statistical tests showed that there was an effect of work stress (p = 0.013), work motivation (p = 0.000), and workload (p = 0.000) on the performance of nurses in Makassar City Hospital. However, work fatigue (p = 0.122) did not affect the performance of nurses in Makassar City Hospital. Conclusion: Work stress, work motivation, and workload affect the performance of nurses in Makassar City Hospital. The most influential factor on the performance of nurses in Makassar City Hospital is workload

    Pengaruh Remunerasi terhadap Kinerja Perawat di Ruang Rawat Inap RSUD Labuang Baji Kota Makassar

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    Rumah Sakit Labuang Baji merupakan salah satu instansi yang menerapkan sistem remunerasi. Remunerasi adalah suatu bentuk penghargaan yang diberikan pemerintah atas kinerja suatu pegawai pada instansi pemerintah berupa tambahan tunjangan gaji. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh remunerasi terhadap kinerja perawat di ruang rawat inap RSUD Labuang Baji. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan rancangan pendekatan cross sectional study. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah perawat yang berstatus Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) di Ruang Rawat Inap RSUD Labuang Baji yang berjumlah 83 orang. Hasil analisis uji fisher's excat test dengan α=0,05 menunjukkan nilai p-value untuk insentif p=0,023, tunjangan sebesar p=0,021, pekerjaan sebesar p=0,023, Fasilitas sebesar p=0,01, terhadap kinerja perawat di Ruang Rawat Inap RSUD Labuang Baji. Kesimpulannya adalah ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara insentif terhadap kinerja perawat, ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara tunjangan terhadap kinerja perawat, ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara pekerjaan terhadap kinerja perawat, ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara Fasilitas terhadap kinerja perawat. Sebaiknya pemberian insentif pada perawat didasarkan pada asas keadilan dan kelayakan dan diharapkan rumah sakit memperhatikan serta meningkatkan pemberian tunjangan, serta tetap menjaga dan mengontrol kelengkapan Fasilitas kerja

    Pengaruh Citra dan Kualitas Layanan terhadap Kepuasan dan Minat Kembali Pasien pada Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Makassar

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    Background:  Some patients complained  about the response from the hospital staff, the waiting time for services was quite long, then some patients also turned out  to  be  reconsidering  using  the  Makassar  City  Hospital  as  an  option  for treatment. This of course can have an impact on decreasing patient satisfaction and interest. This study was conducted to analyze the effect of image and service quality on satisfaction with the patient's interest in returning to the Makassar City Hospital.  Methods:  This  type  of  research  uses  an  analytical  observational method  with  a  cross  sectional  study  design.  The  sampling  method  using purposive sampling was carried out on inpatients at the Makassar City Hospital who  had  met  the  criteria.   In  image  measurement,   service   quality   stress, satisfaction,   and   interest   in  returning   are   measured   using   questionnaires. Results: There were 102 respondents involved in this study. Most of the respondents are in the age group of 20-30 years (36.3%), female (57.8%), have a high  school  education  level  (37.3%).  The  results  of statistical  tests  show  that there is an effect of service  quality (0.036) on patient satisfaction,  there is an influence of image (0.013), service quality (0.006), satisfaction (0.013) on patient interest in Makassar City Hospital. However, the image (0.064) has no effect on patient satisfaction  at the Makassar City Hospital. Conclusion:  Image, service quality, and satisfaction affect the patient's interest in returning to the Makassar City Hospital. The most influential factor on the interest of returning patients in Makassar City Hospital is Citra

    Indentifikasi Kandungan Zink (Zn), Besi (Fe) dan Escherichia Coli pada Sumber Air Bersih dengan Analisis Spasial Ecological Risk Assessment di Desa Tungka Kecamatan Enrekang Kabupaten Enrekang

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    Background: Based on WHO data, it is known that nearly 40% of deadly diseases in all countries are related to poor water quality, there are around 2.6 million people worldwide die each year due to diseases caused by dirty water or water that does not meet health requirements. Zinc and Iron are essential mineral substances needed by the body, but in excess amounts will cause poisoning. This deficiency causes growth disorders, affects sexual maturation, susceptibility to infections, diarrhea, and annually causes the death of approximately 800,000 children worldwide. The second most common cause of diarrhea after rotavirus is infection due to the bacteria Escherichia coli, the annual incidence of diarrhea in children is estimated at 2.5 billion, and more than half of it is found in Africa and South Asia and the consequences of this disease are more severe and deadly. Globally every year this disease causes the death of children under five of 1.6 million. Objective: The aim of this study is to identify to map the Zinc (Zn), Iron (Fe) and Escherichia Coli Content in Clean Water Sources with a Spatial Ecological Risk Assessment Analysis in Tungka Village Enrekang District, Enrekang Regency. Methods: This research is descriptive observational, to identify and map the content of zinc (Zn), iron (Fe) and Escherichia Coli in clean water sources in Tungka Village, Enrekang District, Enrekang Regency and calculate the ecological risk assessment. The research design used an ecological risk assessment approach. Sampling was carried out at 6 different points. Results: The results obtained in this study, the amount of zinc content still met the quality standard requirements, namely <3 mg / l of the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Regulation No.492 / Menkes / Per / IV / 2010 for zinc content, namely 3 mg / l, with a risk index ecological potential, namely PERI = ∑E_r ^ i (0.831) <150 with low risk category. The iron content is still below the standard, namely <0.3 mg / l, the standard Permenkes RI No.492 / Menkes / Per / IV / 2010 for iron content is 0.3 mg / l, with a potential ecological risk index of PERI = ∑E_r ^ i (0.1797) <150 with low risk category. Meanwhile, the content of escerchia coli does not meet the requirements, namely> 0CFU / ml quality standards, namely the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Regulation No.492 / Menkes / Per / IV / 2010 for the content of E. coli, namely 0 CFU / ml. With a risk index, namely PERI = ∑E_r ^ i (46,7.10-6)> 1.10-6 with a very high risk categor

    Factors Related to Dental Health Service Utilization in Makassar City, Indonesia

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    Background: The awareness on dental hygiene among Indonesian is still low. As a result, very limited citizen who visit the dentalcare. Aim: The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between behavior determinants with dental health services utilization at Kapasa Health Center. Method: This type of research is analytic observational with a quantitative approach, with a cross sectional approach. The samples were 96 respondents from the community in the working area of ​​Kapasa Health Center. The data were analyzed using chi-square and logistic regression test. Results: The results showed the low utilization of dental health services at Kapasa Health Center (26.0%). The results of the relationship analysis showed that there were relationship between knowledge (p=0.020), perception (p=0,001), attitude (p=0.016), education level (p=0.010), health insurance ownership (p=0,022), family support (p=0.043) with dental health services utilization. There were no relationship between health information (p=0.109), health facilities (p=0.051), health workers support (p=0.435) with dental health services utilization at Kapasa Health Center. Conclusion: The health insurance ownership is the most dominant in the utilization of dental health services at Kapasa Health Center with a value of B is +2.881. The value of B is positive, meaning that if you have health insurance, it will increase the utilization of dental health services at Kapasa Health Center. The value of Exp (B) is 17.835 which means that having health insurance will result in peoples utilize dental health services at public health center which is 17.835 times greater than if does not have health insurance