14 research outputs found

    Neo-Emancipatory Sex Education in Germany: Sexual Abuse and Gender Confusion

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    This article focuses on two related areas of concern with regard to sex education and implications for children and youth in Germany. The first one is the history of the currently dominant neo-emancipatory sexual education and its implications for today. This direction of sex education is highly influenced by theories of Helmut Kentler who with the help of the German city of Berlin youth protection services department sent homeless and troubled boys to known pedophiles for care. This experiment went on for 30 years, ending in 2001. Only now has the extend of this horrific practice been fully discovered. The authors will outline the fact that Kentler’s central ideas are still manifest in neo-emancipatory sex education in Germany today. The second area of concern is the dramatic increase in youth who question their biological sex and seek medical intervention to change it, even though the evidence base for medical intervention is controversial. The deconstruction of biological sex is also actively supported and fostered by neo-emancipatory sexual education. The authors will describe and demonstrate that both directions of neo-emancipatory sex education break down protective spaces for children and youth and make them more vulnerable for abuse and psychological and physical damage. Methodologically this is a literature review. Documents and books by Helmut Kentler himself are quoted and analysed. In addition, relevant, current literature about the topic of gender dysphoria is reviewed

    \u27Gender Identity\u27, das Elternrecht und die pädagogische Kapitulation

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    Ausgangspunkt bildet eine Gesetzesänderung in den USA, die es erlaubt, dass Kinder bereits sehr früh über ihre Gender-Identität entscheiden können bis hin zur Geschlechtsumwandlung. Dabei wird das Recht der Eltern auf ein Minimum reduziert. Die Autor*innen nehmen dies zum Anlass aus verschiedenen Perspektiven - von der medizinisch-psychologischen bis zur pädagogischen - die Konsequenzen dieses Rechtsaktes zu durchdenken. Sie nehmen die Entwicklungen in den USA auch als einen Indikator für anstehende Entwicklungen in Europa. (DIPF/Orig.

    Imagining and reimagining the future of special and inclusive education

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    “Reimagination” is required to create a new vision of education that better serves individuals with disabilities. Imagination is a way of conceiving possibilities and probabilities. The future of special education is imagined within the limits of possibility and probability of “appropriate” education for children with special educational needs and disabilities. Education is reimagined for full inclusion without special education and an alternative reimagination of inclusive special education. Particular attention is given to the administrative structure of public education and to the training of teachers for the imagined approaches to special education. The importance of imagining special and inclusive education being based on science and rationality and the limitations of proposed approaches to including students with disabilities in education are explained

    Trends and issues involving disabilities in higher education

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    People with disabilities have often been discriminated against in higher education; however, many institutions of higher education find ways of providing access to higher education for those with most forms of disabilities. Progress has been made in providing such access but undoubtedly there is still a need for more disability awareness, anti-stigma, and anti-discrimination training. At the same time higher education requirements, by default, involve higher cognitive capabilities. Some disabilities, those involving severe limitations of cognitive functioning, face insurmountable difficulties in meeting these higher intellectual demands, even with the most reasonable accommodations. Teacher education, for example, requires special attention to the cognitive tasks for which students are being prepared. We, therefore, discuss the role of teacher education in higher education and its special relationship to the matter of disability and inclusion. We also consider perspectives on the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in various other aspects of higher education

    Herausforderung Inklusion: Schule - Unterricht - Profession

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    Das Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen sowie das dazu gehörende Fakultativprotokoll zum Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen trat am 26.03.2009 ohne Einschränkung als innerstaatliches deutsches Recht in Kraft. Sich mit diesen vielschichtigen Themenkomplexen auseinanderzusetzen war das Ziel der Tagung „Herausforderung Inklusion: Schule – Unterricht – Profession“, die am 27. und 28. März 2014 an der Otto-Friedrich-Universität in Bamberg stattfand und sowohl betroffene Eltern, als auch Praktikerinnen und Praktiker und Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler zur Diskussion einlud. Der vorliegende Band geht auf diese Tagung zurück und möchte die vielfältigen Facetten der theoretischen, konzeptuellen und didaktisch-methodischen Zugänge im Kontext der derzeit geführten Debatten und Argumentationsmuster um ein inklusives Bildungswesen abbilden und neue Perspektiven für Forschung, Disziplin und Profession anregen. Demzufolge liegt der Fokus der Beiträge zum einen auf der Auseinandersetzung mit theoretischen Zugängen zur Inklusion sowie der Diskussion von nationalen und internationalen empirischen Erkenntnissen aus Studien der Inklusionsforschung, zum anderen auf der Präsentation von inklusiven Konzepten einer Schulentwicklung, (fach)didaktisch-methodischen Überlegungen und Modellprojekten aus der Praxis

    Psychoanalyse am Ende?

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    Analysis of Barriers to Inclusive Schools in Germany: Why Special Education Is Necessary and Not Evil

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    Over the past decade, ever since the ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UN-CRPD) in Germany, a morally charged debate has taken place about inclusive and special education. Special schools are under considerable attack and even special education is deemed responsible for the difficulties in implementing full inclusion in schools. The gravest accusation is that special education and special schools are even today a close connection to the Nazi era between 1933 and 1945, when children with disabilities were sterilized and murdered. Special education is seen as a symbol and guarantor of separation and exclusion and therefore incompatible with the idea of inclusion. This article will outline and analyze this claim and present other more compelling reasons why full inclusion has been difficult to implement in Germany. Following the analysis, we will describe a possible way forward for inclusion and special education

    Trends and Issues Involving Disabilities in Higher Education

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    People with disabilities have often been discriminated against in higher education; however, many institutions of higher education find ways of providing access to higher education for those with most forms of disabilities. Progress has been made in providing such access but undoubtedly there is still a need for more disability awareness, anti-stigma, and anti-discrimination training. At the same time higher education requirements, by default, involve higher cognitive capabilities. Some disabilities, those involving severe limitations of cognitive functioning, face insurmountable difficulties in meeting these higher intellectual demands, even with the most reasonable accommodations. Teacher education, for example, requires special attention to the cognitive tasks for which students are being prepared. We, therefore, discuss the role of teacher education in higher education and its special relationship to the matter of disability and inclusion. We also consider perspectives on the inclusion of individuals with disabilities in various other aspects of higher education