605 research outputs found

    Overcoming the Not-in-My-Backyard Phenomenon in Waste Management: How Seoul Worked with a Citizens’ Opposition Movement and Built Incineration Facilities to Dispose of the City’s Waste, 1991–2013

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    Proper waste disposal is difficult, especially when no one wants disposal facilities in his or her neighborhood. A sound waste management plan has to consider both environmental sustainability and the wishes of the local community. In Seoul’s case, it took two decades of efforts to develop consensus on building and operating incinerators in the Republic of Korea’s capital city to dispose of residents’ waste. City officials held hundreds of open discussions to provide information on waste disposal and to listen to local residents’ concerns. Incorporating citizens’ demands, the government introduced stringent standards for pollutant emissions and related control systems, and it provided compensation to residents in the affected residential areas. At the same time that it built incinerators to dispose of the city’s trash, the government introduced new energy and recycling policies that made energy production more efficient and reduced waste generation. Those policies made residents’ heating and electricity bills more affordable and reduced the total amount of waste the city had to dispose of. Between 1991 and 2005, the city built four waste incineration facilities located in areas that collectively housed about 13,000 residents. The facilities operate harmoniously within those communities under the voluntary watch of residents. By 2013, the incinerators processed almost 80 percent of Seoul’s nonrecyclable municipal waste—a dramatic change compared with the late 1980s, when more than 90 percent of the city’s waste was dumped in a single landfill site

    Information Retrieval Performance Enhancement Using The Average Standard Estimator And The Multi-criteria Decision Weighted Set

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    Information retrieval is much more challenging than traditional small document collection retrieval. The main difference is the importance of correlations between related concepts in complex data structures. These structures have been studied by several information retrieval systems. This research began by performing a comprehensive review and comparison of several techniques of matrix dimensionality estimation and their respective effects on enhancing retrieval performance using singular value decomposition and latent semantic analysis. Two novel techniques have been introduced in this research to enhance intrinsic dimensionality estimation, the Multi-criteria Decision Weighted model to estimate matrix intrinsic dimensionality for large document collections and the Average Standard Estimator (ASE) for estimating data intrinsic dimensionality based on the singular value decomposition (SVD). ASE estimates the level of significance for singular values resulting from the singular value decomposition. ASE assumes that those variables with deep relations have sufficient correlation and that only those relationships with high singular values are significant and should be maintained. Experimental results over all possible dimensions indicated that ASE improved matrix intrinsic dimensionality estimation by including the effect of both singular values magnitude of decrease and random noise distracters. Analysis based on selected performance measures indicates that for each document collection there is a region of lower dimensionalities associated with improved retrieval performance. However, there was clear disagreement between the various performance measures on the model associated with best performance. The introduction of the multi-weighted model and Analytical Hierarchy Processing (AHP) analysis helped in ranking dimensionality estimation techniques and facilitates satisfying overall model goals by leveraging contradicting constrains and satisfying information retrieval priorities. ASE provided the best estimate for MEDLINE intrinsic dimensionality among all other dimensionality estimation techniques, and further, ASE improved precision and relative relevance by 10.2% and 7.4% respectively. AHP analysis indicates that ASE and the weighted model ranked the best among other methods with 30.3% and 20.3% in satisfying overall model goals in MEDLINE and 22.6% and 25.1% for CRANFIELD. The weighted model improved MEDLINE relative relevance by 4.4%, while the scree plot, weighted model, and ASE provided better estimation of data intrinsic dimensionality for CRANFIELD collection than Kaiser-Guttman and Percentage of variance. ASE dimensionality estimation technique provided a better estimation of CISI intrinsic dimensionality than all other tested methods since all methods except ASE tend to underestimate CISI document collection intrinsic dimensionality. ASE improved CISI average relative relevance and average search length by 28.4% and 22.0% respectively. This research provided evidence supporting a system using a weighted multi-criteria performance evaluation technique resulting in better overall performance than a single criteria ranking model. Thus, the weighted multi-criteria model with dimensionality reduction provides a more efficient implementation for information retrieval than using a full rank model

    Opportunities for information sharing: case studies

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    Personal information provided to government and non-government service providers is highly sensitive. Appropriate collection, management and storage of personal information are critical elements to citizen trust in the public sector. However, misconceptions about the frameworks governing sharing personal information can impact on the coordination of services, case management and policy development.   The NSW Department of Premier & Cabinet engaged the Social Policy Research Centre to develop three case studies that identified the challenges to sharing information appropriately, and the opportunities for better personal information sharing between government agencies and non-government organisations. Improved sharing of personal information in these areas can support more effective policy development, leading to improved service delivery performance and coordination.   The Social Policy Research Centre identified the legislative and policy framework for each case study, conducted qualitative research on the interpretation of this framework, and developed three case study reports

    Caps, apps and other mobile traps

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    This report outlines the major policy and legal issues on mobile phone ownership for children and young people

    Proteomics Discovery of Disease Biomarkers

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    Recent technological developments in proteomics have shown promising initiatives in identifying novel biomarkers of various diseases. Such technologies are capable of investigating multiple samples and generating large amount of data end-points. Examples of two promising proteomics technologies are mass spectrometry, including an instrument based on surface enhanced laser desorption/ionization, and protein microarrays. Proteomics data must, however, undergo analytical processing using bioinformatics. Due to limitations in proteomics tools including shortcomings in bioinformatics analysis, predictive bioinformatics can be utilized as an alternative strategy prior to performing elaborate, high-throughput proteomics procedures. This review describes mass spectrometry, protein microarrays, and bioinformatics and their roles in biomarker discovery, and highlights the significance of integration between proteomics and bioinformatics

    Proton pump inhibitors enhance chemosensitivity, promote apoptosis, and suppress migration of breast cancer cells

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer and is the leading cause of cancer deaths among women worldwide. Despite the availability of numerous therapeutics for breast cancer management, cytotoxicity and emergence of drug resistance are major challenges that limit their benefits. The acidic microenvironment surrounding tumor cells is a common feature inducing cancer cell invasiveness and chemoresistance. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are one of the most commonly prescribed drugs for the treatment of acid-related conditions. PPIs have been reported to exhibit antitumorigenic effects in many cancer types. In this study, the anti-proliferative and anti-migratory effects of PPIs in three breast cancer cell lines; MCF-7, T47D, and MDA-MB-231 cells, have been investigated. In addition, the combined effects of PPIs with anticancer drugs, as well as the mechanism of PPI-mediated anti-proliferative activity were evaluated. The anti-proliferative and combined effects of PPIs were evaluated by MTT assay. Cell migration was assessed using the wound-healing assay. The mechanism of cell death was assessed using annexin V-FITC/ propidium iodide staining flow cytometry method. Our results indicated that PPIs treatment significantly inhibited the growth of breast cancer cells in a dose-dependent manner. The antiproliferative activity of PPIs was significantly induced by apoptosis in all tested cell lines. The combined treatment of PPIs with doxorubicin resulted in a synergistic effect in all cell lines, whereas thehile combined treatment with raloxifene exhibited synergistic effect in T47D cells only and additive effects in MDA-MB-231 and MCF-7 cells. In addition, PPIs treatment significantly reduced cell migration in MDA-MB-231 cells. In conclusion, the addition of PPIs to the treatment regimen of breast cancer appears to be a promising strategy to potentiate the efficacy of chemotherapy and may suppress cancer metastasis

    evidence from South Korea

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Policy,2019This paper investigates whether air pollution affects labor supply by exploiting a labor supply-air quality matched panel data on particulate matter (PM) and working hours in South Korea from 2010 to 2016. Using fixed effects panel regression, I find that working hours of individuals are not responsive to the level of PM concentration in general. However, the subgroup analysis reveals that women are responsive to a reduction in working hours if they have young children aged between 0 and 3. Given the epidemiological evidence of children’s relative susceptibility to air pollution, caregiving of the vulnerable dependents is suggested as a channel through which air pollution affects labor supply.1. Introduction 2. Background 3. Empirical Strategy 4. Results 5. Discussion 6. ConclusionmasterpublishedAhram HAN