25,034 research outputs found

    Environment of The Gamma-Ray Burst GRB971214 : A Giant H II Region surrounded by A Galactic Supershell

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    Among a number of gamma ray bursts whose host galaxies are known, GRB971214 stands out for its high redshift z≥3z\ge 3 and the Lyα\alpha emission line having a P-Cygni type profile, which is interpreted to be a direct consequence of the expanding supershell. From a profile fitting analysis we estimate the expansion velocity of the supershell v_{exp} = 1500\kms and the neutral column density N_{HI}=10^{20}\cm^{-2}. The redshift z=3.418z=3.418 of the host galaxy proposed by Kulkarni et al. (1998) has been revised to be z=3.425z=3.425 from our profile analysis. The observed Lyα\alpha profile is fitted well by a Gaussian curve, which yields the Lyα\alpha luminosity L_{Ly\alpha}=(1.8\pm0.8)\times10^{42}\ergs \s^{-1}. Assuming that the photon source is a giant H II region, we deduce the electron number density in the H II region n_e=(40\pm10) ({R \over {100 \pc}})^{-1.5}\cm^{-3}, which corresponds to the illumination by about 10410^4 O5 stars. We estimate the star-formation rate to be R_{SF} = (7\pm3){\rm M}_\odot\yr^{-1} with the internal and the Galactic extinction corrected. The theory on the evolution of supernova remnants is used to propose that the supershell is at the adiabatic phase, with its radius R = 18 E_{53}^{1/2} \pc, its age $t = 4.7\times10^3\ E_{53}^{1/2} \yrs,andthedensityoftheambientmedium, and the density of the ambient medium n_1 = 5.4\ E_{53}^{-1/2}\cm^{-3},where, where E_{53}= E/10^{53}\ergs.Andweestimatethekineticenergyofthesupershelltobe.And we estimate the kinetic energy of the supershell to be E_k=7.3\times10^{52} E_{53} \ergs$. These values are consistent with the hypothesis that the supershell is the remnant of a gamma ray burst.Comment: 5 papges, 3 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Formation and Evolution of Self-Interacting Dark Matter Halos

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    We study the formation and evolution of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) halos. We find analytical, fully cosmological similarity solutions taking account of the collisional interaction of SIDM particles. This interaction results in a thermal conductivity that heats the halo core and flattens its density profile. These similarity solutions are relevant to galactic and cluster halo formation in the CDM model. We assume an initial mass profile dM/M M^{-eps}, as in the familiar secondary infall model. If eps=1/6, SIDM halos will evolve self-similarly, with a cold, supersonic infall terminated by a strong accretion shock. Different solutions arise for different values of the collisionality parameter, Q= sigma rho_b r_s, where sigma is the scattering cross section, rho_b is the cosmic mean density, and r_s is the shock radius. For all these solutions, a flat-density, isothermal core is present which grows in size as a fixed fraction of r_s. We find two different regimes for these solutions: 1) for Q \leq Q_{th}, the core density decreases and core size increases as Q increases; 2) for Q \geq Q_{th}, the core density increases and core size decreases as Q increases. Our similarity solutions are in agreement with previous N-body simulations of SIDM halos, which correspond to the low-Q regime, if Q=[8.4e-4 - 4.9e-2]Q_{th} (low-Q), or sigma=[0.56-5.6]cm^2/g. As Q=\infty, our similarity solution aquires a central density cusp, in agreement with some simulation results which used an ordinary collisional fluid to approximate the effects of SIDM collisionality. When Q=[18.6-231]Q_{th} or sigma=[1.2e4 - 2.71e4]cm^2/g, for which we find flat-density cores comparable to those of the observationally acceptable low-Q solutions, has not previously been identified. Further study of this regime is warranted.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, talk presented at the Second Korean Astrophysics Workshop (APCTP Workshop) on Formation and Interaction of Galaxies, published in a special issue of Journal of Korean Astronomical Society, ed. H. M Le

    Meta-Stable Brane Configurations by Adding an Orientifold-Plane to Giveon-Kutasov

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    In hep-th/0703135, they have found the type IIA intersecting brane configuration where there exist three NS5-branes, D4-branes and anti-D4-branes. By analyzing the gravitational interaction for the D4-branes in the background of the NS5-branes, the phase structures in different regions of the parameter space were studied in the context of classical string theory. In this paper, by adding the orientifold 4-plane and 6-plane to the above brane configuration, we describe the intersecting brane configurations of type IIA string theory corresponding to the meta-stable nonsupersymmetric vacua of these gauge theories.Comment: 21 pp, 6 figures; reduced bytes of figures, DBI action analysis added and to appear in JHE

    Geometrically Induced Phase Transitions at Large N

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    Utilizing the large N dual description of a metastable system of branes and anti-branes wrapping rigid homologous S^2's in a non-compact Calabi-Yau threefold, we study phase transitions induced by changing the positions of the S^2's. At leading order in 1/N the effective potential for this system is computed by the planar limit of an auxiliary matrix model. Beginning at the two loop correction, the degenerate vacuum energy density of the discrete confining vacua split, and a potential is generated for the axion. Changing the relative positions of the S^2's causes discrete jumps in the energetically preferred confining vacuum and can also obstruct direct brane/anti-brane annihilation processes. The branes must hop to nearby S^2's before annihilating, thus significantly increasing the lifetime of the corresponding non-supersymmetric vacua. We also speculate that misaligned metastable glueball phases may generate a repulsive inter-brane force which stabilizes the radial mode present in compact Calabi-Yau threefolds.Comment: 47 pages, 7 figure

    On the perturbative expansion of boundary reflection factors of the supersymmetric sinh-Gordon model

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    The supersymmetric sinh-Gordon model on a half-line with integrable boundary conditions is considered perturbatively to verify conjectured exact reflection factors to one loop order. Propagators for the boson and fermion fields restricted to a half-line contain several novel features and are developed as prerequisites for the calculations.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figure

    Experiments on Chute Flows of Granular Materials

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    Experiments on continuous, steady flows of granular materials down an inclined channel or chute were made with the object of acquiring information on the rheological properties of the granular material flow and the nature of the boundary condition on the base of the channel. Specifically measurements were made of the mean material velocities and velocity profiles on all boundaries of the flow using cross-correlation of two neighboring fibre-optic displacement probes. The output from these probes was used to obtain (1) the unsteady or random component of the particle velocity in the longitudinal direction and (2) a measure of the volume fraction of the flow in contact with the base by counting the frequency of passage of the particles. Measurement was also made of the depth of the flow, the mass flow rate and the shear stress on the base. The latter employed a strain-gauged shear force plate built into the base. The experiments are currently in progress and so further data will be presented at a later date. Nevertheless the preliminary data have yielded a number of interesting features

    Spacelike boundaries from the c=1 Matrix Model

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    We find classical solutions of two dimensional noncritical string theory which give rise to geometries with spacelike boundaries, similar to spacetimes with cosmological event horizons. In the c=1 matrix model, these solutions have a representation as simple time dependent configurations. We obtain the causal structure of the resulting spacetimes. Using the macroscopic loop transform, we probe the form of the tachyon condensate in the asymptotic regions.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, v2: reference added, v3: minor correction

    A Systematic Identification and Analysis of Scientists on Twitter

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    Metrics derived from Twitter and other social media---often referred to as altmetrics---are increasingly used to estimate the broader social impacts of scholarship. Such efforts, however, may produce highly misleading results, as the entities that participate in conversations about science on these platforms are largely unknown. For instance, if altmetric activities are generated mainly by scientists, does it really capture broader social impacts of science? Here we present a systematic approach to identifying and analyzing scientists on Twitter. Our method can identify scientists across many disciplines, without relying on external bibliographic data, and be easily adapted to identify other stakeholder groups in science. We investigate the demographics, sharing behaviors, and interconnectivity of the identified scientists. We find that Twitter has been employed by scholars across the disciplinary spectrum, with an over-representation of social and computer and information scientists; under-representation of mathematical, physical, and life scientists; and a better representation of women compared to scholarly publishing. Analysis of the sharing of URLs reveals a distinct imprint of scholarly sites, yet only a small fraction of shared URLs are science-related. We find an assortative mixing with respect to disciplines in the networks between scientists, suggesting the maintenance of disciplinary walls in social media. Our work contributes to the literature both methodologically and conceptually---we provide new methods for disambiguating and identifying particular actors on social media and describing the behaviors of scientists, thus providing foundational information for the construction and use of indicators on the basis of social media metrics
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