5 research outputs found

    IgE-Mediated Reaction to Metamizole: Evaluation of a Patient with Severe Anaphylaxis

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    Metamizol, temel olarak analjezik ve antipiretik etkili, ayrıca kısmen antiinflamatuvar ve spazmolitik etkileri de olan bir ilaçtır. Metamizole bağlı birçok istenmeyen etki tanımlanmıştı. Erken ya da geç başlangıçlı sistemik reaksiyonlara ve kemik iliği baskılanması ile ilişkili reaksiyonlara neden olabilir. Bu makalede, parenteral metamizol (Novalgin ampul; Sanofi aventis, İstanbul, Türkiye) uygulanmasını takiben sistemik reaksiyon gelişen bir hastada reaksiyonun mekanizmasına yönelik araştırmalar sunularak tartışılmaktadır.Metamizole, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with weak anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic effects, is used as an analgesic and antipyretic agent. Many adverse reactions to metamizole, such as early or late-onset systemic reactions and bone marrow suppression, have been identified. In this report, we present a case of systemic reaction after the application of parenteral metamizole (Novalgin® ampoule; Sanofi Aventis, İstanbul, Turkey) and discuss the mechanism underlying the reaction

    Probable “Escitalopram induced” angioedema in a patient with hereditary angioedema

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    Hereditary angioedema (HAE) is an autosomal dominant disorder. Considerable rate of mortality determines the importanceof disease. In this paper, a patient with HAE who developed severe facial angioedema after the first dose of an antidepressant(Escitalopram) prescribed by a psychiatrist because of diagnosis of depression, was presented and discussed. In the presentedcase, severe facial angioedema was not found to be clearly associated with a particular cause. There were possibilities such assporadic/idiopathic attack or depression related attack. However, occurrence of an acute attack soon after a newly started drug hadto draw attention to Escitalopram. So, in patients with HAE under an antidepressant treatment, antidepressant related angioedemamust be kept in mind when the HAE control deteriorated