92 research outputs found

    Ermenek Vadisi (Karaman, Mersin-Türkiye)’nin Briyofit Florası

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    In this study, the bryophyte flora of Ermenek Valley (Karaman, Mersin) was investigated. In a total 163 taxa belonging to 27 families and 64 genera were determined by identifying the bryophyte specimens collected from 33 stations at different habitats and different vegetation periods between the years 2019 and 2020. Marchantiophyta, 10 taxa belonging to 8 families and 10 genera, Bryophyta, 153 taxa belonging to 19 families and 54 genera are represented. Among them, 39 taxa are new records for C12 grid square and, also Fissidens gymnandrus is recorded for the second time from Turkey. While Pottiaceae (44 taxa) and Brachytheciaceae (26 taxa) two largest families in the study area, Ptychostomum (11 taxa), Syntrichia and Grimmia (10 taxa) are the most species rich genera. Taxa in the floristic list, along with ecological characteristics and life forms were given.Bu çalışmada, Ermenek Vadisi’nin (Karaman, Mersin) briyofit florası araştırılmıştır. 2019 ve 2020 yılları arasında vejetasyonun farklı dönemlerinde 33 istasyonun farklı habitatlarından toplanan briyofit örnekleri teşhis edilerek 27 familya ve 64 cinse ait toplam 163 takson tespit edilmiştir. Marchantiophyta, 8 familya ve 10 cinse ait 10 takson, Bryophyta, 19 familya ve 54 cinse ait 153 takson ile temsil edilmektedir. Bunlardan 39 takson C12 karesi için yeni kayıtır ve ayrıca Fissidens gymnandrus Türkiye’den ikinci kez kaydedilmiştir. Pottiaceae (44 takson) ve Brachytheciaceae (26 takson) en büyük iki familya olurken, Ptychostomum (11 takson), Syntrichia ve Grimmia (10 takson) tür bakımından en zengin cislerdir. Floristik listede taksonlar, ekolojik özellikleri ve hayat formları ile birlikte verilmiştir

    The relationship between functional capacity and ultrasonic tissue characterization in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy

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    Background: Ultrasonic tissue characterization (UTC) has been widely used to investigate left ventricular (LV) dysfunction in various cardiac disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between functional capacity and UTC in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (IDCM).Methods and Results: Treadmill test according to modified-Bruce protocol was performed in 48 patients with IDCM to assess their functional capacity. Baseline clinical and echocardiographic variables were obtained and UTC was performed on images obtained from septum and posterior wall (PW). Cyclic variation (CV) index of mean gray level (MGL) was calculated according to the formula: [(MGLdiastole − MGLsystole) ÷ MGLdiastole] × 100.PW and septum CV indices were correlated with exercise duration (r = 0.63, p = 0.001 and r = 0.67, p = 0.0001, respectively) and “MET” level (r = 0.80, p = 0.0001 and r = 0.83,p = 0.0001, respectively). The ROC curve analysis revealed that the PW CV index was a strong indicator of good exercise capacity (> 8 METs) with an AUC of 0.97 (95% CI0.90–1.0), as the interventricular septum (IVS) CV index (AUC = 0.97, 95% CI 0.89–1.0). Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value to identify good exercise capacity for IVS CV index were 90%, 88%, 82%, and 94%, respectively and for the PW CV index, 90%, 88%, 82%, and 94%, respectively.Conclusions: In this particular study, we found out that in patients with severe LV dysfunction good exercise capacity was related to septum and PW CV indices measured by UTC, and these indices may be used as an indirect prognostic marker in heart failure

    Hemiplejik serebral palsili çocukların üst ekstremitelerinin sağlam tarafı da gelişim geriliği gösterir

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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda çocuklarda hemiplejik serebral palsi’nin HSP neden olduğu üst ekstremite gelişim geriliğinin antropometrik yöntemlerle incelenmesi amaçlandı. Gereç ve yöntem: Çalışmamızda Etik Kurul onayı alınarak 5-12 yaşlarındaki 32 HSP’li çocuk ile 40 normal çocuğun üst ekstremiteleri antropometrik set ile ölçülerek karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: HSP’li çocukların sağlam taraf omuz eklemi, kol, dirsek eklemi, ön kol ve el bilek eklemi çevresi; üst ekstremite, kol, ön kol, el ve el ayası uzunluğu; dirsek eklemi, el bilek eklemi ve el genişliği değerleri HSP’li çocukların plejik tarafına göre anlamlı derecede fazlaydı. Normal çocukların omuz eklemi, kol, dirsek eklemi, ön kol ve el bilek eklemi çevresi; üst ekstremite, kol, ön kol, el ve el ayası uzunluğu; dirsek eklemi, el bilek eklemi ve el genişliği değerleri HSP’li çocukların plejik taraf ölçümlerine göre anlamlı derecede yüksekti. Normal çocukların dirsek eklemi ve ön kol çevresi; el ve el ayası uzunluğu; dirsek eklemi, el bilek eklemi ve el metakarpallerden genişliği değerleri HSP’li çocukların sağlam tarafına göre anlamlı derecede yüksekti. Sonuç: Antropometrik ölçümler HSP’li çocukların plejik taraf üst ekstremitelerinin sağlam tarafa göre, normal çocuklarla karşılaştırdığımızda ise hem plejik hem de sağlam taraflarının daha az geliştiğini göstermektedir. HSP’li çocukların az gelişmiş plejik taraflarını kullanamamaları günlük yaşam aktivitelerini de kısıtlayarak sağlam tarafta da kas ve kemik gelişim geriliğine sebep olmaktadır. Erken teşhis ve rehabilitasyon ile bu fark azaltılabili

    European endemic Ptychostomum minii (Bryaceae, Bryophyta) - new to Turkey and its significant range extention to SW Asia

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    In this study, Ptychostomum minii, a European endemic species is recorded for the first time in Turkey and Southwest Asia. The species was found in the Bolkar Mountains in Turkey. Insights into recent discoveries, along with accompanying photographs, ecology, and location specifics in Turkey are presented

    A simplified acute kidney injury predictor following transcatheter aortic valve implantation: ACEF score

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    Background: Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is an effective, less invasive treatment alternative for symptomatic severe aortic stenosis (AS). Acute kidney injury (AKI) following TAVI is a common complication and is associated with worse outcomes. The age, creatinine, ejection fraction (ACEF) score is a simple scoring method, including only three parameters: age, creatinine, and ejection fraction (EF). The score was well established in predicting AKI after coronary interventions.Aims: We aimed to evaluate whether this simple scoring method, ACEF, may predict a development of AKI in patients who underwent TAVI.Methods: A total of 173 consecutive patients with symptomatic severe AS who underwent TAVI were included retrospectively. The primary endpoint of the study was the development of AKI. Study population was divided into two groups according to the presence of AKI. The ACEF score was calculated with the formula: age/EF + 1 (if baseline creatinine >2 mg/dl).Results: Twenty-nine patients developed AKI. The median (interquartile range) ACEF score was 1.36 (1.20–1.58). The ACEF score was found to be an independent predictor of AKI (P <0.001). The ACEF score ≥1.36 predicted AKI development with a sensitivity of 96.6% and specificity of 58.8%. Moreover, hypertension, hemoglobin levels, contrast volume, and aortic valve area (AVA) were found to be independent predictors of AKI.Conclusions: Our study revealed that the ACEF score was an independent predictor of AKI. A simple and objective score might be very useful in predicting AKI development in patients undergoing TAVI

    The flora of area between the towns of Karaören-Yuva-Karkin (Aksaray)

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    Bu araştırma Karaören-Yuva-Karkın Kasabaları (Aksaray) arasında kalan bölgenin florasını tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma alanından 2013-2014 yılları arasında 649 bitki örneği toplanmıştır. Arazi çalışmaları günübirlik geziler şeklinde periyodik olarak yapılmıştır. 57 familya ( Pteridophyta 2, Magnoliophyta 55) ve 222 cinse ait 359 takson tespit edilmiştir. Pteridophyta 2, Magnoliophyta 357 takson ile temsil edilmektedir. Pinophytina 3 takson, Magnoliophytina 354 takson içermektedir. Toplam 45 takson Türkiye için endemiktir ve endemizm oranı %12.53'tür. Taksonların fitocoğrafik bölgelere göre dağılımı ise şöyledir. İran-Turan elementi 93 (%25.90), Akdeniz elementi 32 (%8.91), Avrupa-Sibirya elementi 16 (%4.45), Sarmasya elementi 1 (%0.27) ve çok bölgeli ve bölgesi bilinemeyen 217 (%60.44)'tür.This research was carried out to determine the flora of area between the towns of Karaören-Yuva-Karkın (Aksaray). It was determined that 649 plant specimens collected from the area between 2013 and 2014. Field studies lasting one day a week in the form of day trips are made periodically. All specimens were dried according to the standard herbarium methods and deposited in Aksaray University Herbarium. It was determined that 359 taxa that belong 57 families ( Pteridophyta 2, Magnoliophyta 55) and 222 genera was determined. 2 taxa belong to Pteridophyta and 357 taxa belong to Magnoliophyta divisio. Pinophytina are represented by 3 taxa and Magnoliophyta are represented by 354 taxa. The number of endemic taxa within the study area is 45 (12.53%). Distributions of the plant taxa in terms of phytogeografical regions are as follows, Irano-Turanian elements are 93 taxa (25.90%), Mediterranean elements 32 taxa (8.91%), Euro.-Siberian elements 16 taxa (4.45%), Sarmasia element 1 taxon (0.27%) and widespread and others which their regions unclarified 217 taxa (60.44%).ÖNSÖZ, i -- TEŞEKKÜR, ii -- ÖZET, v -- ABSTRACT, vi -- ŞEKİLLER DİZİNİ, vii -- ÇİZELGELER DİZİNİ, viii -- SİMGELER DİZİNİ, ix -- KISALTMALAR DİZİNİ, x -- FAMİLYA DİZİNİ, xi -- 1. GİRİŞ, 1 -- 1.1. Alanın Coğrafik Durumu, 2 -- 1.2. Çalışma Alanının Jeolojisi, 6 -- 1.2.1. Hasandağı Volkanitleri, 6 -- 1.2.2. Karataş Volkaniti, 7 -- 1.3. Çalışma Alanın Toprak Özellikleri, 8 1.3.1. Kahverengi topraklar, 9 -- 1.3.2. Kolüvyal topraklar, 9 -- 1.4. Çalışma Alanının İklimsel Özellikleri, 12 -- 1.4.1. Genel iklim durumu, 12 -- 1.4.2. Rasat istasyonu ve genel özellikleri, 13 -- 1.4.3. İklimsel Veriler, 13 -- Sıcaklık, 13 -- Yağış, 14 -- Nispi nem (Bağıl nem), 16 -- Rüzgâr,16 -- 1.4.4. Çalışma alanının iklimsel değerlendirilmesi, 16 -- 1.5. Çalışma Alanının Vejetasyon Tipleri, 21 -- 1.5.1. Step vejetasyonu, 21 -- 1.5.2. Kaya vejetasyonu, 22 -- 2. LİTERATÜR ÖZETİ, 23 -- 3. MALZEME VE YÖNTEM, 25 -- 4. BULGULAR, 28 -- 5.TARTIŞMA VE SONUÇLAR, 74 -- KAYNAKLAR, 83 -- EKLER, 85 -- EK-1. Bildiri, 86 -- EK-2. Araştırma Alanına Ait Görüntüler, 8

    Investigation of the bryophyte flora of Taşeli Plateau and Ermenek Valley (Antalya, Karaman, Mersin)

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    Bu çalışma ile Taşeli Platosu ve Ermenek Vadisi'nin briyofit florası araştırılmıştır. 2018-2021 yılları arasında vejetasyonun farklı zamanlarında 77 istasyondan toplanan briyofit örnekleri teşhis edilerek 44 familya ve 102 cinse ait 262 takson tespit edilmiştir. Anthocerotophyta şubesi 1 familya ve 1 cinse ait 1 takson, Marchantiophyta şubesi 18 familya ve 21 cinse ait 26 takson ile, Bryophyta şubesi ise 25 familya ve 80 cinse ait 235 takson ile temsil edilmektedir. Bu taksonlardan Fissidens celticus Paton ve Ptychostomum marratii (Hook.f. & Wilson) J.R. Spence Türkiye'den ilk kez, Dicranella crispa (Hedw.) Schimp, Fissidens gymnandrus Büse ve Schistidium confusum H.H. Blom ise ikinci kez rapor edilmiştir. Henderson Türkiye kareleme sistemine göre 63 takson C12 karesi için yenidir. İçerdiği takson sayısı bakımından ilk üç familya Pottiaceae (59 takson), Brachytheciaceae (34 takson) ve Grimmiaceae (23 takson) olurken, en yaygın cinsler Ptychostomum (16 takson), Grimmia (13 takson) ve Orthotrichum (13 takson)'dur. Floristik listede taksonlar sistematik hiyerarşiye uygun olarak, toplanma lokaliteleri, Türkiye ve dünya dağılımları, bazı ekolojik özellikleri ve hayat formlarına ait bilgiler birlikte sunulmuştur.In this study, the bryophyte flora of Taşeli Plateau and Ermenek Valley are investigated. 262 taxa belonging to 44 families and 102 genera were found by identifying bryophyte specimens collected from 77 station at different habitat and different vegetation period between 2018 and 2021. Anthocerotophyta, 1 taxon belonging to 1 family and 1 genus, Marchantiophyta, 26 taxa belonging to 18 families and 21 genera, Bryophyta, 235 taxa belonging to 25 families and 80 genera are represented. Fissidens celticus Paton and Ptychostomum marratii (Hook.f. & Wilson) J.R. Spence have been recorded for the first time from Turkey. Dicranella crispa (Hedw.) Schimp, Fissidens gymnandrus Büse and Schistidium confusum H.H. Blom have been recorded for the second time as well. According to the Hendersons grid system for Turkey, 63 taxa are new for C12 square. While the first three families in terms of the number of taxa it contains are Pottiaceae (59 taxa), Brachytheciaceae (34 taxa) and Grimmiaceae (23 taxa), the widespread genera are Ptychostomum (16 taxa), Grimmia (13 taxa) ve Orthotrichum (13 taxa). In the floristic list, taxa, in accordance with the systematic hierarchy, along with Turkey and the world distribution, some ecological characteristics and life forms are presented


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    This paper describes a complete methodology for the computation of transient external heat fluxes (i.e. solar, albedo and earth) for a given set of orbital parameters such as altitude, solar constant etc. and orientation of the satellite. A software module based on this methodology was developed and its performance was assessed by comparing its predictions with the ones obtained by a commercial software on the same test problem. Comparisons revealed that the external fluxes can be computed accurately with the developed module. It was then used in conjunction with an in-house thermal analysis code based on Thermal Network Method (TNM) and Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Technique (MCRT) for the transient simulation of the same test problem. It was shown that the temperature predictions obtained by the in-house code and the commercial software were in excellent agreement with each other and the developed software is a reliable, accurate and complete tool that can be used in the thermal analysis of satellites