9 research outputs found

    Autism and Metabolic Cytopathy

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    Letter to the editor: Autism is a wide spectrum disorder and a lot of factors play role in the etiology. Autism may accompany some genetic disorders such as fragile X, tuberosclerosis, neurofibromatosis and phenylketonuria [1]. However, the absence of sufficient evidence on the etiological roles of environmental, neuroanatomical and biochemical factors has shifted the direction of research to genetics and cytology [2]

    The effect of nicotine replacement therapy on the attendance of smoking cessation program among nicotine dependent outpatients

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    Objective: Education sessions are very important in relapse prevention in smoking cessation programs. Smokers can improve their coping skills to deal with high-risk situations by education. The aim of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) on the participation in education sessions. Method: The records of 67 consecutive smokers were assessed retrospectively in a smoking cessation outpatient clinic. All outpatients were diagnosed as nicotine dependence according DSM-IV criteria. The smoking cessation program was consisted of four weekly group education sessions and pharmacotherapy as determined by the patient and clinician preference (nicotine replacement or drug free). The relation of NRT use and attendence to education sessions was investigated. Results: Thirty-two outpatients who received NRT (transdermal nicotine patch and/or nicotine chewing gum) were compared with 35 outpatients who did not receive NRT with respect to the frequency of attendance at education sessions. We found that outpatients who received NRT (25%), attended more sessions than did outpatients who did not receive NRT (5.7%) (p<0.05). Conclusions: NRT in outpatient smokers increase the attendance rate to the education sessions. Smokers should be encouraged to use NRT by clinicians

    Blindness as a Result of Self-Enucleation: Three Schizophrenia Cases

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    Kendini yaralama davranışı (self-mutilasyon), intihar amacı olmaksızın, tasarlanmış bir şekilde beden dokularına zarar verici bir davranış olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Kendi gözüne zarar verme çok nadiren görülen bir kendini yaralama davranışıdır ve özellikle şizofrenideki paranoid hezeyanlarla ya da işitsel varsanılarla ilişkilidir. Ayrıca psikotik bozuklukların ilk epizodunda veya prodromal döneminde görülebilir. Bu yazıda, kendi gözlerine yönelik zarar verme sonucu körlük gelişen üç şizofreni olgusu bildirilmiştir


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    In this study, homogenous charge compression ignition (HCCI) combustion with two-stage direct injection (TSDI) strategies was modeled with stochastic reactor model (SRM) and validated by using the experimental results of the TSDI gasoline HCCI engine. For the experimental study, a diesel engine was converted to an electronically controlled HCCI gasoline engine. The effects of injection timings and injection ratios on the HCCI combustion characteristics were studied at high equivalence ratio and constant engine speed. The injection timings (first and second) and fuel quantity for each injection were adjusted to get desired mixture formation in the cylinder. During the experiments, the maximum cylinder gas pressure, pressure rise rate and start of combustion were directly controlled by using the second fuel injection timing and injection ratio. Using optimal second fuel injection timing and injection ratio caused a reduction on NOx and HC emissions. The model results of the HCCI combustion were in good agreement with the experimental results. Both of the experimental and modeling results showed that the second fuel injection timing had a strong effect on the HCCI combustion when compared to the first injection timing

    Case Reports Presentations

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