14 research outputs found

    Effet de l’irrigation sur la reprise des jeunes plants d’arganier aprùs transplantation au terrain

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    Le prĂ©sent travail de recherche s’inscrit dans le cadre du programme de recherche d’appui au ‘’Projet Arganier’’. Il est coordonnĂ© par l’association Agrotechnologies du Souss-Massa-Draa (Agrotech) en partenariat avec un consortium de chercheurs sur l’arganier. Ce travail a pour objectif de dĂ©terminer les doses et frĂ©quences d’irrigation favorables pour une meilleure reprise des plants d’arganier aprĂšs transplantation sur trois sites appartenant Ă  des zones agro-climatiques diffĂ©rentes; Taksbite sur un plateau Ă  climat ocĂ©anique, Anzad sur un piĂ©mont de montagne Ă  climat continental et Tinzert Ă  gĂ©ographie et climat montagneuse. Les rĂ©sultats de ce travail ont montrĂ© que la dose de 16 L/plant et la frĂ©quence d’un mois sont recommandĂ©es sur le site de Taksbite. Cependant, sur le site d’Anzad, ces rĂ©sultats ont dĂ©montrĂ© que la dose de 36 L/plant et les deux frĂ©quences; 1 et 2 mois sont conseillĂ©s. De mĂȘme, la dose de 35 L/plant et la frĂ©quence de 2 mois se sont montrĂ©es plus efficientes sur le site de Tinzert. Enfin, cette expĂ©rimentation a mis en Ă©vidence l’existence d’une grande hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© au sein de cette population, due principalement Ă  sa grande diversitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique et son adaptation aux conditions agro-climatiques de chaque site de plantation. Mots clĂ©s : Arganier, irrigation, rĂ©gĂ©nĂ©rationThis work is part of the research program supporting the ‘’ Argan Project ‘’. It is coordinated by the Agrotechnologies Association of Souss-Massa-Draa (Agrotech) in partnership with a consortium of researchers on the argan tree. The purpose of this work is to determine the favorable doses and frequencies of irrigation for a better recovery of argan plants after transplantation in three sites belonging to different agro-climatic zones; Taksbite on an ocean climate plateau, Anzad on a mountain foothill with continental climate and Tinzert with a mountain geography and climate. The results of this work showed that the dose of 16 L/plant and the frequency of one month are recommended for the Taksbite site. However, on the Anzad site, results demonstrated that the dose of 36 L/plant and both frequencies, 1 and 2 months, are recommended. Similarly, the dose of 35 L/plant and the frequency of 2 months were more efficient at the Tinzert site. Finally, this experiment revealed the existence of a great heterogeneity within argan population mainly due to its great genetic diversity and its adaptation to the agro-climatic conditions of each plantation site.  Keywords:  Argan tree, irrigation, regeneratio

    Problématique de gestion du climat en serres horticoles au Maroc

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    In Morocco, the evolution of the horticultural industry is closely linked to the modernization and optimization of production factors. However, the horticultural greenhouse is an essential element for early vegetables production in protected agriculture. Knowledge of greenhouses types, their components, their internal microclimate distribution in relation to outside climate evolution and its impact on productivity and the dynamics of greenhouse diseases and pests is essential. Greenhouse farmers can then use this information to improve their technical and climatic management of crops under a fluctuating microclimate and adopt effective technical solutions to reduce the impact of climate on production of protected crops (light, ventilation, shading, heating, air conditioning and CO2 injection ...). Keywords: Horticultural greenhouse, Microclimate, early production, climate control.Au Maroc, l’évolution de l’industrie horticole est Ă©troitement liĂ©e Ă  la modernisation et l’optimisation des facteurs de production. Cependant, la serre horticole est un Ă©lĂ©ment indispensable pour la production des primeurs en agriculture protĂ©gĂ©e. En effet, la connaissance des types de serres, leurs composantes, la distribution de leurs microclimat intĂ©rieur en relation avec l’évolution du climat Ă  l’extĂ©rieur et son impact sur la productivitĂ© et la dynamique des maladies et ravageurs sous serre est indispensable. Les serristes peuvent ainsi exploiter ces informations pour amĂ©liorer leur conduite technique et climatique des cultures sous un microclimat fluctuant et adopter les solutions techniques efficaces pour gĂ©rer l’impact du climat sur la production des cultures abritĂ©es (lumiĂšre, aĂ©ration, ombrage, chauffage, climatisation et injection de CO2...). Mots clĂ©s: Serre horticole, Microclimat, production de primeurs, conduite climatique

    Contribution of transpiration models to the improvement of tomato irrigation management under monospan and canarian greenhouse in Souss Massa region

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    Cette Ă©tude prĂ©sente une comparaison de la performance de quatre modĂšles d’estimation de l’évapotranspiration journaliĂšre (ET) sous serre. Les modĂšles Ă©tudiĂ©s sont De VillĂšle (ETDV), Penman-Monteith (ETPM), Stanghellini (ETST) et enfin le modĂšle Takakura (ETTK), basĂ© sur l’équation du bilan de chaleur au niveau du couvert vĂ©gĂ©tal. L’étude a Ă©tĂ© conduite durant deux campagnes de production de la tomate (2012 et 2013), sous deux types de serre (monochapelle et canarienne) localisĂ©es au Domaine ExpĂ©rimental Melk Zhar Ă  Balfae (INRA Agadir). Les modĂšles ETST et ETPM simulent correctement la transpiration de la tomate aussi bien pour les valeurs mesurĂ©es que pour le gain journalier de la tige de la tomate (CM/GJ) sous serre Monochapelle (RÂČ= 0,55 et 0,62). Dans le mĂȘme sens, nous avons dĂ©gagĂ© une relation satisfaisante entre l’Eff-TR (l’efficience de transpiration de la plante) et le rapport CM/GJ en utilisant le modĂšle ETST, respectivement sous les serres monochapelle et canarienne (RÂČ= 0,67; 0,58). L’étude a identifiĂ© des seuils critiques ou bien des bases de rĂ©fĂ©rence de l’état hydrique de la tomate: confort hydrique (0,40<CM/GJ<0,50 et 70<Eff-TR<90%); surestimation de l’irrigation (CM/GJ<0,42 et Eff-TR<70% et stress hydrique (CM/GJ>0,46 et Eff-TR>90%). Par ailleurs, la comparaison des moyennes suivant le niveau de rendement a permis de dĂ©gager 3 groupes de modĂšles ET; ETST (318 t/ha) > ETTK (272 t/ha) > ETDV~ETPM (236-249 t/ha). Mots clĂ©s: ModĂšle d’évapotranspiration, Tomate sous serre, gain journalier de la tige, efficience de transpiration, Ă©tat hydrique de la plante, rendement.This study compared the performance of four models to estimate the daily evapotranspiration (ET) in the greenhouse. The studied models were De Villele model (ETDV), Penman-Monteith model (ETPM), Stanghellini model (ETST) and finally Takakura (ETTK) transpiration model, based on heat balance equation of the crop canopy. The study was conducted during two tomato cropping seasons (2012 and 2013) under two greenhouses types (Monospan and Canarian), at INRA Melk Zhar Experiment Station (Agadir, Morocco). ETST and ETPM models correctly simulated tomato transpiration for both measured values and daily gain of the tomato stem (MC/DG) in the Monospan greenhouse (RÂČ = 0,55 and 0,62). Similarly, we have reached a satisfactory relationship between the Eff-TR (the efficiency of plant transpiration) and the ratio MC/DG using the ETST model under Monospan and Canarian greenhouses (RÂČ = 0,67; 0,58) respectively. The study identified critical thresholds or water status baselines of tomato: water comfort (0,40 <MC/DG < 0,50 and 70 < Eff-TR <90%); overestimation of irrigation (MC/DG < 0,42 and Eff-TR < 70% and water stress (MC/DG > 0,46 and Eff-TR > 90%). In addition, the comparison of means according to yield level identified three groups of ET models; ETST (318 T/ha)> ETTK (272 t/ha)> ~ ETDV~ETPM (236-249 t/ha). Keywords: Evapotranspiration model, greenhouse tomato, daily gain of stem, transpiration efficiency, plant water status, yield

    Effet de la fertilitĂ© des sols et de la fertilisation sur les jeunes plants de l’arganier aprĂšs transplantation en milieu naturel

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    The study on the effect of soil fertility and the supply of mineral and organic fertilizers on the success of argan seedlings transplantation in the natural environment was conducted by the INRA Agadir team in the Souss-Massa region. Three sites were chosen: Taksbit (Massa), Anzad (Ait Baha) and Tinzert (Taroudant). For the evaluation of soil fertility status of the three sites, soil analyzes were carried for each site. Overall, results showed that the sampled soils have very limited mineral fertility. Indeed, they have contents of organic matter, nitrogen, phosphorus, exchangeable potassium and trace elements that were below normal values. Similarly, soils of the different sites have an alkaline pH and in the presence of vegetation with an undeveloped root system, nutrient assimilation would become more difficult. In this sense, two trials in Taksbit and Tinzert sites were conducted on the effect of application of organic (local manure) and mineral fertilizers on argan seedlings transplantation. These field trials have shown that application of mineral (N, P, K) and organic fertilizers improved the transplantation of young argan plants by promoting their survival and growth in height and diameter. In the medium term, manure and biocompost improved soil fertility. Keywords: Argan tree, soil fertility, transplants, organic and minerals fertilizers.L’étude de l’effet de la fertilitĂ© des sols et de l’apport de fertilisants minĂ©raux et organiques sur la rĂ©ussite de la transplantation de l’arganier en milieu naturel a Ă©tĂ© conduite au terrain par l’équipe de l’INRA d’Agadir dans la rĂ©gion de Souss-Massa. Trois sites ont Ă©tĂ© choisis: Taksbit (Massa), Anzad (Ait Baha) et Tinzert (Taroudant). Pour la connaissance de l’état de la fertilitĂ© des sols des trois sites, des analyses de sol ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es pour chaque site. Globalement, les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que les sols Ă©tudiĂ©s ont un niveau de fertilitĂ© trĂšs limitĂ©. En effet, ils ont un taux de matiĂšre organique, une teneur en azote, en phosphore, en potassium assimilable, en oligo-Ă©lĂ©ments qui sont infĂ©rieurs aux valeurs normales. De mĂȘme, les sols des diffĂ©rents sites ont un pH alcalin et en prĂ©sence d’une vĂ©gĂ©tation avec un systĂšme racinaire chĂ©tif, l’assimilation des Ă©lĂ©ments fertilisants devient plus difficile. Dans ce sens, deux essais dans les sites de Taksbit et de Tinzert ont Ă©tĂ© conduits sur l’effet des apports d’engrais organiques (fumier local) et minĂ©raux. Ces essais, menĂ©s sur le terrain, ont montrĂ© que l’apport des engrais minĂ©raux (N, P, K) et organiques amĂ©liore la transplantation des jeunes plants d’arganier en favorisant leur survie et leur croissance en hauteur et en diamĂštre. Dans le moyen terme, le fumier et le bio-compost amĂ©liorent la fertilitĂ© des sols. Mots ClĂ©s: Arganier, fertilitĂ© des sols, transplantation, fertilisants organiques et minĂ©raux

    Effet de la durĂ©e d’exploitation de la culture du safran, installĂ©e Ă  diffĂ©rentes densitĂ©s, sur la production et la multiplication des cormes «semences» dans la rĂ©gion de Taliouine

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    In Taliouine region, the expansion of saffron cultivation requires the availability of good quality corms as propagated material. It is essential to establish an on-farm multiplication scheme to optimize corms production. A multi-year experiment over 5 seasons was carried out to study saffron behavior, planted at different planting densities (35, 50 and 100 corms/m2) in comparison with the traditional planting method (150 corms/m2), in local conditions of Taliouine. The results showed that low planting densities (35 and 50 corms/m2) favored higher multiplication rates of replacement corm and the number harvested was significantly similar to high planting density and to the traditional method. Nevertheless, the latter methods have produced low-weight replacement corms because of the negative effect on their sizes. On the other hand, in the case of low densities, 65% and 75% of corms had a satisfactory size, ensuring good production of saffron spice. Finally, we conclude that production and multiplication of corms “seeds” is directly related to the choice of planting density and expected yield of stigmas and corms according to the age of this perennial crop. Keywords: Saffron, corm, planting density, multiplication, TaliouineDans la rĂ©gion de Taliouine, le projet d’extension des superficies de la culture du safran suscite la question de la disponibilitĂ© des cormes-semences de bonne qualitĂ©. Il est primordial de dresser un schĂ©ma de multiplication en plein champ et d’optimiser la production des cormes «semence». Une expĂ©rimentation pluriannuelle, sur 5 saisons, dont l’objectif est l’étude du comportement d’une safraniĂšre installĂ©e Ă  diffĂ©rentes densitĂ©s (35, 50 et 100 cormes/m2) en comparaison avec le mode traditionnel (semis en poquet Ă  150 cormes/m2), a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© dans les conditions du terroir de Taliouine. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que les densitĂ©s de plantation lĂ©gĂšres (35 et 50 cormes/m2) ont engendrĂ© des taux de multiplication supĂ©rieurs et un rendement en nombre de cormes rĂ©coltĂ©s significativement semblables au cas des hautes densitĂ©s et de la mĂ©thode traditionnelle de semis. NĂ©anmoins, ces derniers cas ont engendrĂ© une production de cormes de remplacement de faibles poids et un effet nĂ©gatif sur leurs calibres. Dans le cas de faibles densitĂ©s, 65% et 75% des cormes ont un diamĂštre commercial supĂ©rieur assurant une bonne production de safran Ă©pice. La production et la multiplication des cormes de safran est directement liĂ©e au choix de la densitĂ© et du rendement escomptĂ©. Mots clĂ©s: Safran, corme, densitĂ© de plantation, multiplication, Taliouin

    ModĂ©lisation de la production de biomasse de la tomate sous l’effet des principaux paramĂštres climatiques de la serre Monochapelle

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    In modern horticulture, the use of plant growth models is very important. Due to the complexity of factors involved in crop production and their interactions, our level of analysis and decision-making gradually improves according to model quality and its calibration with local conditions. In Agadir region, producers rely on their experience to make decisions on crop management and generally the quality component of the environment remains the weak point of this approach. In our study, we used a classical model of plant biomass production and introduced other physical equations to improve the model to relatively reflect the field reality. The results showed that developed models correctly simulate the biomass accumulation in tomato under the Monospan greenhouse. However, their efficiency has been improved by the introduction of key climatic factors involved in improving the greenhouse environment. Thus, in adverse climatic periods for plant growth (summer and winter periods), greenhouse operators can rely on net radiation data to simulate biomass accumulation and estimate production losses and cost. Similarly, the use of models of prevention against greenhouse bio-aggressors is another way of feeding tested models in order to develop a more robust global model which integrates a maximum of data necessary to produce decision taking information for sustainable management of horticultural production. Keywords: Biomass model, greenhouse environment, sustainable production, cost, bio-aggressors, tomato.En horticulture moderne, l’utilisation des modĂšles de croissance des plantes est trĂšs importante. En raison de la complexitĂ© des facteurs et leurs interactions, notre niveau d’analyse et de prise de dĂ©cision s’amĂ©liorent progressivement en fonction de la qualitĂ© du modĂšle et de son calibrage avec les conditions locales. Dans la rĂ©gion d’Agadir, les producteurs de tomate se basent sur leur expĂ©rience pour prendre les dĂ©cisions sur l’exploitation et gĂ©nĂ©ralement la composante qualitĂ© de l’environnement reste le point noir de cette approche. Dans notre Ă©tude, nous avons essayĂ© d’exploiter un modĂšle classique de la production de la biomasse des plantes et d’introduire d’autres Ă©quations physiques pour amĂ©liorer le rendement du modĂšle dĂ©veloppĂ© et traduire relativement la rĂ©alitĂ© du terrain. Les rĂ©sultats ont montrĂ© que les modĂšles Ă©laborĂ©s simulent correctement l’accumulation de biomasse chez la tomate conduite sous serre Monochapelle. Cependant, leur efficience a Ă©tĂ© amĂ©liorĂ©e par l’introduction de facteurs climatiques clĂ©s intervenant dans l’amĂ©lioration de l’environnement de la serre. Ainsi, en pĂ©riodes climatiques dĂ©favorables pour la croissance de plantes (pĂ©riodes estivale et hivernale), les serristes peuvent se baser sur les donnĂ©es du rayonnement net pour simuler l’accumulation de la biomasse et avoir une estimation des pertes de production et des dĂ©penses y affectĂ©es. De mĂȘme, l’exploitation des modĂšles de prĂ©vention contre les bio-agresseurs sous serre est un autre moyen d’alimenter les modĂšles testĂ©s afin de dĂ©velopper un modĂšle global plus robuste et qui intĂšgre un maximum de donnĂ©es nĂ©cessaires pour produire des informations de prise de dĂ©cision pour s’inscrire dans une logique de gestion d’une production horticole raisonnĂ©e et durable. Mots clĂ©s: ModĂšle de biomasse, environnement de la serre, production durable, dĂ©penses, bio-agresseurs, tomate

    Bilan apparent d’azote Ă  l’échelle de diffĂ©rents types d’exploitations agricoles de la rĂ©gion du Souss-Massa

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    In order to have information and data on nitrogen balance of different types of farms in the region of Souss-Massa (Morocco), the apparent balance method was used in this study. The terms of the balance are expressed on per hectare basis of cropped agricultural land using the difference between the Sum of Inputs (kg N/ha/year) and the Sum of Outputs (kg N/ha/year). The balance of the different cropping systems showed a very highly significant difference between them. The average nitrogen surpluses (balances) are very disparate between farm types ranging from 23 kg N/ha/year in extensive cereal farming associated with vegetables and 1026 kg N/ha/year for the system characterized by diversified intensive vegetables (tomato, melon, green bean, pepper, cucumber) as well as the mixed system of banana and diversified intensive vegetables (tomato, watermelon, melon) having each one a high nitrogen surplus (about 1000 kg N/ha/year). The systems characterized by a monoculture of intensive tomato greenhouse production, citrus and diversified intensive vegetables, are similar and had an average surplus of 270 kg N/ha/year. The nitrogen balance is strongly correlated with inputs (r = 0.98 ***) and outputs (r = 0.94 ***). The results also showed that the use of nitrogen fertilizers and unsustained irrigation remains the main determining factor in aquifer nitrate pollution as nitrogen surplus is generally leached on sandy soils of low storage capacity. Key words: Nitrogen balance, cropping systems, nitrogen fertilization and nitrate pollution.Afin de disposer d’informations et de donnĂ©es sur le bilan d’azote de diffĂ©rents types d’exploitations agricoles de la rĂ©gion du Souss-Massa, la mĂ©thode du bilan apparent a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e dans cette Ă©tude. Les termes du bilan sont exprimĂ©s par hectare de surface Agricole Utile (SAU) Ă  travers la diffĂ©rence entre la Somme des EntrĂ©es (kg N/ha/an) et la Somme des Sorties (kg N/ha/an). Les bilans des diffĂ©rents systĂšmes de cultures ont montrĂ© une diffĂ©rence trĂšs hautement significative entre eux. De mĂȘme, les excĂ©dents (bilans) d’azote moyens sont trĂšs disparates entre types d’exploitations allant de 23 kg N/ha/an en cĂ©rĂ©aliculture extensive associĂ©e au maraĂźchage vivrier Ă  1026 kg N/ha/an pour le systĂšme caractĂ©risĂ© par le maraĂźchage intensif diversifiĂ© (tomate, melon, haricot vert, poivron, concombre) ainsi que le systĂšme composĂ© de bananier et du maraĂźchage intensif diversifiĂ© (tomate, pastĂšque, melon) qui ont enregistrĂ© chacun un excĂ©dent en azote Ă©levĂ© (environ 1000 kg N/ha/an). Les systĂšmes caractĂ©risĂ©s par une monoculture intensive de tomate sous-serre, les agrumes et le maraĂźchage intensif diversifiĂ©, sont similaires et ont enregistrĂ© un excĂ©dent moyen de l’ordre de 270 kg N/ha/an. Le bilan azotĂ© est fortement corrĂ©lĂ© aux entrĂ©es (r= 0,98***) et aux sorties (r= 0,94***). Les rĂ©sultats ont aussi montrĂ© que l’utilisation des engrais azotĂ©s et l’irrigation non raisonnĂ©es reste le principal facteur dĂ©terminant dans la pollution nitrique de la nappe, vue que le surplus en azote est gĂ©nĂ©ralement lessivĂ© des sols sableux de faible capacitĂ© de stockage. Mots clĂ©s: Bilan d’azote, systĂšmes de culture, fertilisation azotĂ©e et pollution nitrique

    Modeling of Integrated Production Tomato under Multispan Greenhouse in Souss Massa region

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    Abstract: The renewal of greenhouse in Souss Massa region is a priority to improve the production of protected vegetable crops. The greenhouse structure is a complex system; it is the place of multiple interacting factors continuously in time and space. Aimed at controlling the integrated production under Multispan greenhouse, we need to consider all factors influencing volume and quality of commercial production. Among these factors, microclimate of structure mainly due to its architecture, its coverage material, its ventilation area and weather outside. In parallel with this study other factors will be studied, management of pests, diseases and management of production cost flow, aims to model the integrated production under greenhouse and to provide a convenient way of greenhouses decision making in protected production. This study was conducted in three separate unichapelle compartments 270m ÂČ each. Inputs of fertilizer and water line were managed and controlled by a fertigation compact programmer. As climate data were collected through two weather stations installed in the greenhouse. The results of the first year showed the significant effect of the Multispan greenhouse microclimate on improving the production volume, the management of pests and diseases and economic inputs in comparison with the Canary greenhouse

    Effect of irrigation on the recovery of young argan plants after transplanting to the field

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    This work is part of the research program supporting the '' Arganier Project ''. It is coordinated by the Agrotechnologies Association of Souss Massa Draa (Agrotech) in partnership with a consortium of researchers on the argan tree. The purpose of this work is to determine the favorable doses and frequencies of irrigation for a better recovery of argan plants after transplantation on three sites belonging to different agroclimatic zones; Taksbite on an ocean climate plateau, Anzad on a mountain foothill with continental climate and Tinzert with geography and mountain climate. The results of this work showed that the dose of 16 L / plant and the frequency of one month are recommended on the Taksbite site. However, on the Anzad site, these results demonstrated that the dose of 36 L / plant and both frequencies; 1 and 2 months are recommended. Similarly, the dose of 35 L / plant and the frequency of 2 months were more efficient at the Tinzert site. Finally, this experiment revealed the existence of a great heterogeneity within this population mainly due to its great genetic diversity and its adaptation with the agroclimatic conditions of each plantation site

    The Deterioration of Morocco’s Vegetable Crop Genetic Diversity: An Analysis of the Souss-Massa Region

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    Crop domestication and breeding efforts during the last half-century in developed countries has significantly reduced the genetic diversity in all major vegetable crops grown throughout the world. This includes developing countries such as Morocco, in which more than 90% of all farms are less than 10 ha in size, which are generally maintained by subsistence farmers who try to maximize crop and animal productivity on a limited land area. Near Agadir, in the remote Anti-Atlas mountain areas of the Souss-Massa region, many small landowner vegetable growers are known to still utilize crop populations (landraces). Thus, an assessment of the current status of vegetable landraces was made in this mountainous region of Southwestern Morocco during 2014. This assessment indicated that a significant loss of vegetable crop landraces has occurred in the last 30 years in this region of Morocco. Although many vegetable crops are still maintained as landrace populations by small subsistence farmers in remote areas in the Souss-Massa region, only 31% of these farmers cultivated landraces and saved seed in the villages assessed, with the average farmer age cultivating landraces being 52 years old. Moreover, the approximated loss of vegetable crop landraces over the last 30 years was an astounding 80 to 90%. Vegetable crops notably lost during this time period included carrot (Daucus carota), fava beans (Vicia faba), melon (Cucumis melo), pea (Pisum sativum), watermelon (Citrullus lanatus), and tomato (Solanum lycopersicon). The most significant loss was tomato as no landraces of this crop were found in this region. The vegetable crop landraces that are still widely grown included carrot, melon, onion (Allium cepa), turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa), and watermelon, while limited amounts of eggplant (Solanum melongea), fava bean, pea, pepper (Capsicum annuum), and pumpkin (Cucurbita moshata and C. maxima) were found. This recent genetic deterioration will have a profound influence on future Moroccan agricultural productivity, as the genetic diversity within these landraces may be the only resource available to allow these smaller subsistence farmers to cope with changing environmental conditions for the optimization of crop production in their harsh climate