196 research outputs found


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    Purpose: to examine the relationship between defense mechanisms and intrusive cognitions in normal healthy individuals and psychiatric patients. Methodology: The study sample consists of a healthy group (n=60; 30 males & 30 females), whereas the clinical group (n=66; 34 males, 32 females) includes patients with major depressive disorder (12 patients, 5 males, 7 females), schizophrenia (31 patients; 14 males, 17 females), obsessive-compulsive disorder (23 patients; 15 males, 8 females). We used several scales to measure the following variables: intrusive cognitions, intrusive memories, and defense mechanisms. Finding: The results show that there is a positive correlation between defense mechanisms and intrusive cognitions in healthy and clinical groups. Intrusive cognitions were more common in the patient than in a healthy group. Furthermore, there was no significant difference between males and females in measures of intrusive thoughts and memories in both groups. Implications: These findings have implications for behavioral treatment. Treatments used for managing posttraumatic stress disorder can also be used for the treatment of a major depressive disorder, OCD, and schizophrenia. Originality: This investigation the relationship between intrusive cognitions and defense mechanisms in healthy and clinical populations and its implication on the cue exposure therapy that can be the treatment of intrusive cognitions and thoughts in with major depressive disorder, OCD, and schizophrenia

    Digital Twins Approaches and Methods Review

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    © 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. This is the accepted manuscript version of a conference paper which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1109/ITC-Egypt58155.2023.10206196This paper investigates the recent advances in Digital Twin technologies. The aim is to compare the approaches, available open source and proprietary technologies and methods, their features, and their integration capabilities. The motivation is to enable better design decisions based on the available literature and case studies. Various tools for 3D reconstruction and visualisation, IoT and sensor integration, Physical simulations and other complete platforms provide complete solutions. A conclusion of current challenges and future work identified that the lack of standardisation and interoperability makes the lifetime of a digital twin short, with a high cost and time to build and rebuild if required

    Linear forced-rotordynamics analysis for optimizing the performance factors of machine motorized spindle using design explorer method

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    A machine-tool structure optimization is an important technique that improves the machining efficiency and saves materials and the energy resource. In this work, dynamic design optimization method for Machine-Motorized-Spindle (MMS) subjected to a number of rotating unbalanced forces effects is presented. Linear forced-Rotordynamic analysis with design explorer method has been used to simulate the output response. The Design Variables (DVs) and their limits were carefully chosen and applied to develop the Design-of-Experiment (DOE). The Box-Behnken Design (BBD) method, because of its good organization in providing much information in a minor number of required statistical experiments was used to generate the DOE. The influences of DVs on the dynamic of MMS and their levels optimization were evaluated by utilizing the Response-Surface (RS) method. The results showed that the spindle shaft inner diameter of the motor-rotor seat and its rotating unbalanced mass, and modulus of elasticity have the highest contribution in effect on the dynamic of MMHS. As well, it is found that the proposed optimization method not only improves the structural weight of MMS, but also the potential saving can be achieved in term material and energy resource

    The role of hepatic progenitor cells in predicting response to therapy in Egyptian patients with chronic hepatitis C, genotype 4

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    Background: Interferon therapy is used as a line of treatment of chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) in several areas of the world including Egypt.Objective: Our aim was to investigate the value of hepatic progenitor cells (HPCs) in predicting response of patients with chronic HCV, genotype 4 to pegylated interferon (PEGIFN) plus ribavirin (RBV) therapy.Methods: Pre-treatment liver biopsies obtained from 110 patients with chronic HCV, genotype 4 were examined immunohisto- chemically for HPCs using cytokeratin19. The mean number of HPCs as ductular reaction (DR) and as isolated progenitor cells (IPCs) was counted in each case. The patients were classified into: those with sustained virological response (SVR) and those who did not achieve SVR. The results were compared between the two groups. Also, the relationships between HPCs and other clinico-pathologic variables were estimated using multivariate analysis.Results: The mean number of HPCs was the only independent predictor of therapeutic response, being significantly higher in non-responders (P = 0 for DR and P = 0.03 for IPCs). On the other hand, fibrosis stage and steatosis were the only independent factors which showed a significant direct association with the mean number of HPCs in the form of DR and IPCs (P = 0 for each).Conclusion: The number of HPCs provides prognostic information in chronic HCV since it is significantly associated with stage of fibrosis. More importantly, it can be used as a marker to predict response of patients with chronic HCV to PEGIFN plus RBV therapy.Keywords: Chronic hepatitis C, genotype 4, response to therapy, hepatic progenitor cells

    GIS-Based Multi Criteria Analysis for Solar Power Plant Site Selection Support in Mecca

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    One of the major sources of renewable energy, particularly electricity generation and water desalination, is solar energy. The National Initiative to produce Water and Electricity started when the electricity consumption in Saudi Arabia begun to increase by about 5% per year. The current investigation aims to use a multicriteria GIS technique to identify the best spatial location for solar energy collection in the Mecca Administrative District. The best locations for solar power plant construction were determined with the use of a set of factors and criteria, including planning and environmental criteria, and terrain calibrator. These criteria were defined through a thorough literature review. This information was then used to create a digital geographic database, which was incorporated into an integrated GIS to produce a spatial fit model. According to the suitability data, most of Mecca region is ideal for solar energy projects, with an applicability percentage ranging between 30% and 80%. These findings are encouraging and promising for Mecca's renewable energy industry and they should be considered. It was discovered by examining these spatial locations and the level of suitability to the specifications that the lands with a sufficient share of more than 80% form an area of around 4000km2 and makeup 3% of all suitable lands. The governorates of the Mecca Administrative Area are home to most of these exceptionally suited locations. The Taif governorate takes first place with 35% of the total area and the two governorates of Turbah are placed second and third with 24% and 14%. In the Mecca Administrative Area, the appropriate lands for solar energy projects are distributed spatially according to a digital map. The study proposes incorporating the findings into the Saudi national plan for renewable energy sources

    Radiometric Characterization, Solar and Thermal Radiation in a Greenhouse as Affected by Shading Configuration in an Arid Climate.

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    Shading the greenhouses is necessary in summer to reduce the solar radiation load. This however generates a considerable amount of thermal radiation heat load that needs to be removed via cooling systems. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different shading configurations on the solar and thermal radiation in a greenhouse. Nets at four different locations were employed to shade the roof and side-walls of a polycarbonate, mechanically ventilated greenhouse. The spectral radiative properties of all these plastic materials were measured in short and long wave spectrum bands. The net solar and thermal radiations and air temperature were measured outside and inside two identical shaded and unshaded greenhouses. The results showed that external roof-shading is desirable, as it reduced the generated thermal radiation in the greenhouse by 21% and 15% during the day and night time, respectively and reduced the greenhouse air temperature during the day. The internal shading (roof and side walls) is undesirable, since it drastically increased the generated thermal radiation in the greenhouse by 147% and strongly increased the greenhouse air temperature during the day. Shading the side-walls is not recommended because it significantly reduces the transmitted solar radiation in the morning and afternoon (when the outside irradiance is low) and is useless at around noon when the outside irradiance is extremely high

    Covering Materials Incorporating Radiation-Preventing Techniques to Meet Greenhouse Cooling Challenges in Arid Regions: A Review

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    Cooling greenhouses is essential to provide a suitable environment for plant growth in arid regions characterized by brackish water resources. However, using conventional cooling methods are facing many challenges. Filtering out near infra-red radiation (NIR) at the greenhouse cover can significantly reduce the heating load and can solve the overheating problem of the greenhouse air. This paper is to review (i) the problems of using conventional cooling methods and (ii) the advantages of greenhouse covers that incorporate NIR reflectors. This survey focuses on how the cover type affects the transmittance of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), the reflectance or absorptance of NIR and the greenhouse air temperature. NIR-reflecting plastic films seem to be the most suitable, low cost and simple cover for greenhouses under arid conditions. Therefore, this review discusses how various additives should be incorporated in plastic film to increase its mechanical properties, durability and ability to stand up to extremely harsh weather. Presently, NIR-reflecting covers are able to reduce greenhouse air temperature by no more than 5°C. This reduction is not enough in regions where the ambient temperature may exceed 45°C in summer. There is a need to develop improved NIR-reflecting plastic film covers


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    This study was carried out during 2013 and 2014 seasons to examine the effect of soil addition of Calcium nitrate at 1.0 kg/tree, borax at 25 g/tree and /or spraying of chelated-Ca at 0.03% and chelated-B at 0.025% on growth, yield and fruit quality of Washington Navel orange trees. Varying sources and methods of application for both Calcium and boron had an announced effect on growth, leaf content of pigments and nutrients, yield and fruit quality .Using both calcium and boron via leaves was superiors than using both via soil and using chelated form of both nutrients was favorable than using calcium nitrate or borax for Ca and B, respectively. Using Ca and B via leaves in chelated forms at 0.03 and 0.025% respectively gave the best results comparing with using both together via soil. A pronounced effect on yield and fruit quality of Washington Navel orange trees was obtained with spraying chelated-Ca at 0.03% plus chelated-B at 0.025 % three times at growth start, just after fruit setting and three weeks later

    The Effect of Polypropylene Fibers on the Fracture Characteristics of Lightweight Aggregate Crumb Rubber Concrete Composites

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    The increasing use of rubber tires and their low recycling ratio have made them a serious environmental problem. This work aims to develop and investigate enhanced lightweight aggregate crumb rubber concrete (PFLWACRC) composites regarding the fracture properties of concrete. Polypropylene (PP) fibers are commonly familiar with increased crack growth endurance of concrete. On the other hand, the reuse of waste rubber in concrete plays a major role in the mitigation of the effects of climate change. Various concrete mixtures were designed with conventional Portland cement and common lightweight coarse aggregates. The variables considered in this study are PP fibers in different percentages (0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.6% volume fraction), and crumb rubber with various substitution proportions (0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and 25% of fine aggregates). Cement with 450kg/m3 density with 10% silica fume was used. The fracture characteristics, which involve fracture toughness (KIC) and fracture energy generation (GF), of all concrete mixtures were evaluated by testing two types of samples, i.e. 54 notched concrete beams with dimensions of 10×10×52cm and 54 cylinders with diameter×height equal to 15×30cm. The results showed that the fracture toughness generation addresses the energy scattering limit of concrete mixtures. The findings showed that the existence of PP fibers increased the fracture energy and critical Crack Mouth Opening Displacement (CMOD)c. The PP fibers had a limited effect on the compressive strength and may even reduce it, but a remarkable enhancement of the energy absorption was observed