25 research outputs found

    Effect of Indion Complexation on the Stability and Bioavailability of some Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs

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    Ion exchange resins are commonly used for masking of drug objectionable taste. Our work aimed to study the effect of this complexation on the drug stability and bioavailability in rabbits. In this work, paracetamol and ibuprofen complexes with indion 204 were prepared; drug stability and bioavailability from the prepared complexes were studied and compared with that of the commonly used commercial tablets Tylenol and Motrin respectively. The clinical protocol and information about drugs were discussed with a group of healthy albino rabbits. The results showed that tmax of both drugs were kept constant at 1.5hrs and 2hrs without any change from the reference standards Tylenol and Motrin respectively. The calculated pharmacokinetic parameters Cpmax, AUC(0-24) and AUC(0-∞) respectively for paracetamol were 0.431µg/ml, 3.535µg.hr/ml and 3.756µg.hr/ml from the prepared complexes in comparison to 0.494µg/ml, 4.083µg.hr/ml, 4.198µg.hr/ml from Tylenol, and 0.743µg/ml, 5.380µg.hr/ml, 5.559µg.hr/ml from the prepared ibuprofen complexes in comparison to 0.803µg/ml, 6.272 µg.hr/ml, 6.432 µg.hr/ml from Motrin. The relative bioavailability of both drugs from the prepared complexes were calculated using Tylenol and Motrin as reference standards and the 90 % confidence intervals of the geometric mean values for the test/reference ratios for Cpmax, AUC (0-24) and AUC (0-∞) were within the bioequivalence acceptance range of 80–125 % according to the European Guideline. Statistical analysis (ANOVA) indicated a significance difference between the calculated pharmacokinetic parameters for both drugs. From these results we can conclude that indion complexation of drugs significantly affects their pharmacokinetics and retards their bioavailability

    Ketorolac Tromethamine In-situ Ocular Hydro Gel; Preparation, Characterization, and In-vivo Evaluation

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    The aim of this work is to formulate Ketorolac tromethamine in a new ocular in situ hydro gel delivery system. Two polymers; Chitosan and Carbopol 940 were used in different concentrations for the preparation of the in situ hydro gels, all formulations exposed to visual examination, pH measurement, in-vitro release, rheological study, stability study, and in-vivo anti-inflammatory effect study on the inflamed eye of rabbits. Results showed that all formulations were clear and showed pH within the acceptable range, Chitosan 0.5%w/v gives the highest release rate, all formulae exhibited pseudoplastic flow with a thixotropic behavior, stability study showed that rate of drug degradation followed first order kinetics and 0.5% Chitosan based formula showed longer shelf life (2.532 year), the percent of unhealed ulcers of the inflamed eye of rabbits was 17.5% for 0.5% Chitosan in situ hydro gel compared to 55% for Acular eye drop (positive control). Statistical analysis of the data revealed significance difference between the tested formula and control solution at p <0.05. So this system that combines the advantages of both solutions and gels, such as accuracy and facility of administration of the former and prolonged residence time of the latter, also enhances the healing rate of Ketorolac tromethamine in ulcerative rabbit's eye compared to ocular eye drops

    Effect of Indion Complexation on the Stability and Bioavailability of some Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs

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    Ion exchange resins are commonly used for masking of drug objectionable taste. Our work aimed to study the effect of this complexation on the drug stability and bioavailability in rabbits. In this work, paracetamol and ibuprofen complexes with indion 204 were prepared; drug stability and bioavailability from the prepared complexes were studied and compared with that of the commonly used commercial tablets Tylenol and Motrin respectively. The clinical protocol and information about drugs were discussed with a group of healthy albino rabbits. The results showed that tmax of both drugs were kept constant at 1.5hrs and 2hrs without any change from the reference standards Tylenol and Motrin respectively. The calculated pharmacokinetic parameters Cpmax, AUC(0-24) and AUC(0-∞) respectively for paracetamol were 0.431µg/ml, 3.535µg.hr/ml and 3.756µg.hr/ml from the prepared complexes in comparison to 0.494µg/ml, 4.083µg.hr/ml, 4.198µg.hr/ml from Tylenol, and 0.743µg/ml, 5.380µg.hr/ml, 5.559µg.hr/ml from the prepared ibuprofen complexes in comparison to 0.803µg/ml, 6.272 µg.hr/ml, 6.432 µg.hr/ml from Motrin. The relative bioavailability of both drugs from the prepared complexes were calculated using Tylenol and Motrin as reference standards and the 90 % confidence intervals of the geometric mean values for the test/reference ratios for Cpmax, AUC (0-24) and AUC (0-∞) were within the bioequivalence acceptance range of 80–125 % according to the European Guideline. Statistical analysis (ANOVA) indicated a significance difference between the calculated pharmacokinetic parameters for both drugs. From these results we can conclude that indion complexation of drugs significantly affects their pharmacokinetics and retards their bioavailability

    Formulation and Evaluation of Taste-Masked Orally Disintegrating Tablets of Nicergoline based on β-cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexation

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    Complexation of nicergoline with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) into an inclusion complex has been used successfully to improve the drug’s solubility, dissolution rate and hence per oral absorption. In addition, masking of the bitter taste was also achieved. The preparation of inclusion complexes was performed using two different techniques, namely; physical mixing and kneading. The apparent stability constant (Kc) of the complex was calculated from the phase solubility analysis. Compatibility of nicergoline and β-CD complex with disintegrants and superdisintegrants were evaluated using powder x-ray diffractometry (PXRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The morphology of complex particles was studied using scanning electron microscopy. Pharmaceutical characterization confirmed that all additives were compatible with the drug and no signs of physical or chemical interaction were detected. Orodispersible tablets (ODTs) of nicergoline complexed with β-CD and containing 7-9 % camphor had rapid disintegration time (7-12 seconds) and fast drug release profiles (90-100 % in 10 minutes). Therefore, nicergoline ODTs are considered a valuable choice dosage form with improved per oral absorption and taste acceptability

    Formulation and Evaluation of Taste-Masked Orally Disintegrating Tablets of Nicergoline based on β-cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexation

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    Complexation of nicergoline with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) into an inclusion complex has been used successfully to improve the drug’s solubility, dissolution rate and hence per oral absorption. In addition, masking of the bitter taste was also achieved. The preparation of inclusion complexes was performed using two different techniques, namely; physical mixing and kneading. The apparent stability constant (Kc) of the complex was calculated from the phase solubility analysis. Compatibility of nicergoline and β-CD complex with disintegrants and superdisintegrants were evaluated using powder x-ray diffractometry (PXRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The morphology of complex particles was studied using scanning electron microscopy. Pharmaceutical characterization confirmed that all additives were compatible with the drug and no signs of physical or chemical interaction were detected. Orodispersible tablets (ODTs) of nicergoline complexed with β-CD and containing 7-9 % camphor had rapid disintegration time (7-12 seconds) and fast drug release profiles (90-100 % in 10 minutes). Therefore, nicergoline ODTs are considered a valuable choice dosage form with improved per oral absorption and taste acceptability


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    Objectives: Carvedilol (CVD) is a nonselective β-adrenergic blocker that suffers from low absolute bioavailability (25-35%) due to first-pass metabolism. CVD-loaded buccal tablets were developed as a promising approach to overcome this limitation.Methods: The bilayers tablets were prepared by the direct compression technique. CVD-containing layer was based on one of four high molecular weight polymers; hydroxy propyl methylcellulose K15M (HPMC), Polyethylene oxide WSR N-750 (PEO), chitosan (CH) and Eudragit® RS-100 (EUD). An occlusive backing of ethylcellulose 20 (Ethocel®) was adopted as a second layer. The tablets were characterized for weight variation, thickness, friability % and drug content. Further studies were conducted to evaluate their swelling indices, surface pH, in vitro adhesion retention periods and in vitro drug release profiles.Results: The prepared tablets followed the compendial requirements for thickness, friability %, drug content and weight variation. The surface pH of all tablets ranged from 6.43 to 7.44 while their adhesion retention periods varied from 3.12 to 4.24 h. The best achieved system (PEO-based matrix; F4) displayed a reasonable adhesion retention period and a promising sustained drug release profile, over at least 8 hours, following non-fickian diffusion kinetics. This could indicate the contribution of swelling and erosion mechanisms for drug release.Conclusions: The current work succeeded in developing and evaluation of promising mucoadhesive CVD matrices suitable for buccal administration. Further pharmacokinetic and clinical studies are suggested to confirm the ability of the best achieved system to avoid the first pass metabolism of CVD and improve patient compliance.Â

    Formulation and in-vitro evaluation of fast dissolving tablets containing a poorly soluble antipsychotic drug

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    The aim of the present study was to formulate olanzapine fast dissolving tablets (FDT). Olanzapine is a poorly water soluble drug that undergoes first pass metabolism in liver resulted in low oral bioavailability. The water solubility is enhanced by formation of co-amorphous dispersion by solvent evaporation under vacuum method using a polycarboxylic acid (ascorbic acid) as a coformer in two different molar ratios (1:1 and 1:2). The prepared systems were evaluated using differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), Fourier Transform Infra-Red analysis (FTIR), X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and saturated solubility. The co-amorphous dispersion system in a molar ratio 1:2 is higher in solubility than 1:1, so it was selected for incorporation into FDT formulation. Compatability study between olanzapine and different tablet excipients including DSC and FTIR showed that the drug is compatible with the selected tablet excipients. Direct compression method was used in FDT formulations using different types and concentrations of superdisintegrants. FDTs were evaluated for weight variation, hardness, friability, wetting time, drug content uniformity, invitro disintegration time and invitro dissolution study. All the prepared FDTs were complied with the compendia standards. F3 and F8 showed lower disintegration time and higher percent of drug dissolved, so they were selected for stability study. After storage for 3 months at 30ºC at 65% relative humidity, both formulations were physically stable regarding color and integrity and had only minor increases in disintegration time, drug content and friability after three months’ storage. The results indicate that olanzapine FDT tablets may serve as a successful strategy for enhancing the bioavailability of olanzapine

    Ketorolac Tromethamine In-situ Ocular Hydro Gel; Preparation, Characterization, and In-vivo Evaluation

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    The aim of this work is to formulate Ketorolac tromethamine in a new ocular in situ hydro gel delivery system. Two polymers; Chitosan and Carbopol 940 were used in different concentrations for the preparation of the in situ hydro gels, all formulations exposed to visual examination, pH measurement, in-vitro release, rheological study, stability study, and in-vivo anti-inflammatory effect study on the inflamed eye of rabbits. Results showed that all formulations were clear and showed pH within the acceptable range, Chitosan 0.5%w/v gives the highest release rate, all formulae exhibited pseudoplastic flow with a thixotropic behavior, stability study showed that rate of drug degradation followed first order kinetics and 0.5% Chitosan based formula showed longer shelf life (2.532 year), the percent of unhealed ulcers of the inflamed eye of rabbits was 17.5% for 0.5% Chitosan in situ hydro gel compared to 55% for Acular eye drop (positive control). Statistical analysis of the data revealed significance difference between the tested formula and control solution at p <0.05. So this system that combines the advantages of both solutions and gels, such as accuracy and facility of administration of the former and prolonged residence time of the latter, also enhances the healing rate of Ketorolac tromethamine in ulcerative rabbit's eye compared to ocular eye drops

    Enhanced dissolution of meloxicam from orodispersible tablets prepared by different methods

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    The objective of this study was formulation, development and evaluation of meloxicam orodispersible tablets. ODTs were prepared by two methods including sublimation technique where different subliming agents like camphor, menthol and thymol were used with Ac-Di-Sol as a superdisintegrant. Each subliming agent was used in three different concentrations (5, 10 and 15% w/w). Tablets were first prepared and later exposed to vacuum. Meloxicam ODTs were also prepared by freeze-drying an aqueous dispersion of meloxicam containing a matrix former, a sugar alcohol, and a collapse protectant. In addition, different disintegration accelerators were tested (each in 1% w/v) including PVP K25, PVP K90, PEG 6000, PEG 4000, PEG 400, tween 80 and tween 20. The prepared ODTs from two methods were evaluated for weight variation, thickness, drug content, friability, hardness, wetting time, in vitro disintegration time and in vitro dissolution study. The best formulation was subjected to stability testing for 3 months at temperatures 40 °C and 75% relative humidity and at 60 °C. All formulations showed disintegration time ranging from 1 to 46 s. All the prepared formulae complied with the pharmacopoeial requirements of the drug contents. T17 gave the best in vitro disintegration and dissolution results. ODT formula T17 has shown no appreciable changes with respect to physical characters, meloxicam content and dissolution profiles when stored at elevated temperatures. In conclusion the results of this work suggest that orodispersible tablets of meloxicam with rapid disintegration time, fast drug release and good hardness can be efficiently and successfully formulated by employing freeze drying and sublimation methods

    Development and optimization of cosolvent-based blended Sertraline orodispersible films - A step to personalized medicine

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    Personalized medicine is gaining importance in pharmacotherapeutics as it allows tailoring the drug treatment to achieve the best patient response. Orodispersible film (ODF) is easy to formulate in hospitals, produces dose flexibility to suit an individual needs, particularly for patients suffer from swallowing issues or prohibited to take fluids. Sertraline Hydrochloride (SRT) was solubilized in several cosolvents, then different SRT ODFs based on five hydrophilic polymers namely; polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), hydroxylethyl cellulose (HEC), hydroxypropyl methylcellulose E5 LV (HPMC E5 LV), sodium alginate (NaAlg) and gelatin at two concentrations (2% and 4%) were developed and characterized. The outcomes were exposed to response surface analysis to obtain the desirability results to obtain the optimized formulation. Blended ODFs were developed from 4% PVA and 2% HEC in different blends and then potassium chloride (KCl) as a pore-forming agent was added to the best formulation to investigate its dissolution enhancement effect. F14 containing 4% PVA: 2% HEC 2:1 with 5% KCl showed best physicochemical properties of suitable pH (5.6), disintegration time (6 sec), good folding endurance which released 91 % SRT after 15 min. SRT ODF is an encouraging delivery system in the course of personalized medicine for the management of depression