71 research outputs found

    ENMG 6103

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    Usability Studies In Virtual And Traditional Computer Aided Design Environments For Navigation

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    A usability study was used to measure user performance and user preferences for a CAVETM immersive stereoscopic virtual environment with wand interfaces compared directly with a workstation non-stereoscopic traditional CAD interface with keyboard and mouse. In both the CAVETM and the adaptable technology environments, crystal eye glasses are used to produce a stereoscopic view. An ascension flock of birds tracking system is used for tracking the user’s head and wand pointing device positions in 3D space. It is argued that with these immersive technologies, including the use of gestures and hand movements, a more natural interface in immersive virtual environments is possible. Such an interface allows a more rapid and efficient set of actions to recognize geometry, interaction within a spatial environment, the ability to find errors, and navigate through a virtual environment. The wand interface provides a significantly improved means of interaction. This study quantitatively measures the differences in interaction when compared with traditional human computer interfaces. This paper provides analysis via usability study methods for navigation termed as Benchmark 1. During testing, testers are given some time to “play around” with the CAVETM environment for familiarity before undertaking a specific exercise. The testers are then instructed regarding tasks to be completed, and are asked to work quickly without sacrificing accuracy. The research team timed each task, and recorded activity on evaluation sheets for Navigation Test. At the completion of the testing scenario involving navigation, the subject/testers were given a survey document and asked to respond by checking boxes to communicate their subjective opinions

    Warehouse Location Decision in Pakistan:A Real Case Study

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    The manufacturing industry in Pakistan ispassing through a critical phase of its history. In the changing market placeconsumer are increasingly vigilant and demanding better quality, morecompetitive prices and shorter lead times. Maintaining cost effectivemanufacturing along with it distribution to the different customers across thecountry is becomes challenging day by day. In this paper, we propose anadditional new warehouse location in Pakistan using transportation cost as adecision factor. Initially the proposed warehouse will be run by the third partywarehouse service provider on temporary basis, so that it lower down theinventory level of Lahore warehouse from 0.4 million liters to 0.2 millionliters, saves approximately 1.5 Million Rs. / year with improved customerservice

    The Impact of Human Papillomavirus Educational Intervention Study on the Knowledge, Health Beliefs, Health Behaviors and Increasing the Use of Gardasil in Women of Color

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    Lack of human papillomavirus (HPV) knowledge and cervical cancer awareness are factors contributing to a disproportion in African American (AA) women with cervical cancer. The purpose of this intervention study was to use gender specific and culturally appropriate HPV educational materials to increase HPV knowledge and cervical cancer awareness, to increase health beliefs, and the intent for AA women to use the HPV vaccine. Convenience sampling was used to describe a sample of 98 AA women recruited from an Ambulatory Women’s health clinic between 2015 and 2017. HPV educational videos and pamphlets materials were used to collect baseline and post intervention knowledge using a self-administered questionnaire, video, and pamphlet. Results revealed an increase in HPV and cervical cancer knowledge, and recommended use of HPV vaccine with family members. HPV educational materials increased women’s knowledge of HPV and cervical cancer, increased healthy behaviors, and the intent to use HPV vaccine with family members, without personal intent to take the HPV vaccine. Future research is needed to examine the decrease in AA women’s’ intent to receive the HPV vaccine

    Explorative Study of Parents Education Effect on the Socialization of their Children (A Case of District Muzaffar Garh)

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    The Present research was conducted on “Explorative study of Parents Education effect on the Socialization of their Children” (A case of District Muzaffar Garh). In Pakistan, Education is overseen by the government, NGOs and different private sector. The education system in Pakistan is generally divided into five levels: primary (grades one to five), middle (grade six to eight), high (grade nine to ten), intermediate (grade eleven to twelve) and universities programs (undergraduate and graduate degree). The main focus of this research was to identify the major factors, those effect on the socialization of the children. Despite of all factors, parent’s education has significant effect on the socialization of their children. Due to parent’s low literacy rate, due to their low level of education, due to some economical, cultural and organizing issues families have bad effect on their children socialization. So in this research those problems or issues were analysis and highlighted those create hurdles in the socialization of the children. Data analysis and testing of hypothesis show that educated parents socialize their children in well manner way as compare to uneducated parents. Educated parents children are more active and take part not only in educational activities but also in the other activities. Data also showed that some time teachers do hard work but the back up support does not come from the parents. The reason is that the illiterate /lesser educated parents do not realize the value of education Keywords: Affection, Level, Education, Socialization, Participant 

    Assessment of salinity tolerance in rice using seedling based morpho-physiological indices

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    Background: Salinity is among the most damaging abiotic stresses for rice production which limits its growing area. The present research was conducted to evaluate five rice varieties for salinity tolerance at seedling stage.Methods: Experiment was conducted in triplicate and in two sets. One set was grown as a control (non-stress) and other as salt stressed. Salt stress of 15 dS/m was applied to one set of rice seedlings under controlled conditions. Data for different growth related morpho-physiological traits, i.e. germination percentage, root and shoot length, seedling fresh and dry weight, Na+ and K+ uptake were recorded after 15 days of seedling emergence under control as well as salinity condition.Results: Significant differences were observed among the genotypes under both the treatments and interaction of the evaluated traits suggested a significant variability among the rice genotypes under salt stress. NIAB-IRRI-9, Basmati-198 and KSK-133 were proved to be relatively salt tolerant varieties as they showed good performance for the recorded parameters. However, Basmati-385 was observed a salt sensitive variety due to highest reduction in seedling fresh and dry weight along with the maximum Na+ uptake.Conclusion: Based on obtained results, it was concluded that the evaluated morpho-physiological traits were useful to screen rice cultivars for salinity stress. In addition, NIAB-IRRI-9, Basmati-198 and KSK-133 can be used in breeding programs as tolerant check and Basmati-385 can be used as sensitive check

    Application of the GPS technology to assess time-location pattern of undergraduate students at a private medical university in Karachi, Pakistan: A pilot study

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    To compare time-location pattern of undergraduate university students through GPS and diary method, and with level of physical activity, a cross-sectional survey was conducted from September 2012 - May 2013 involving 50 undergraduate students from Aga Khan University. Data were recorded through GPS, diary method, International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-L) and accelerometer (ActiGraph). Median self-reported time spent in the indoor-inside the campus, indoor-outside the campus and outdoor environment was 405 (IQR:300-540), 720 (IQR:465-840) and 300 minutes (IQR:180-495) respectively, while 52% of the students were in moderate, 40% vigorous and 8% in mild categories of physical activity. Mean differences in location (GPS versus diary method) were statistically insignificant; indoor residential, -30.2, indoor other, -26.2, outdoor at rest, 45.9 and outdoor travelling, 10.5 minutes. We conclude that students spent most of their time indoors-outside of campus and majority were physically active, while also demonstrating the applicability of GPS and ActiGraph for such studies

    Functional outcome of crossed Kirschner wire fixation in pediatric supracondylar humerus fracture

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    Background: Distal humeral fractures are one of the most common types of fractures in children, most of them being supracondylar. Supracondylar fractures are usually caused by trauma, most likely falls. It is an emergency, requiring rapid diagnosis and management to avoid serious complications. Recommended treatment modalities vary from no reduction and immobilization to open reduction and internal fixation. Kirschner wire (K-wire) fixation of displaced supracondylar fractures after closed reduction is a preferred method and is being performed for over 50 years now. This study was conducted to determine the functional outcome of crossed K-wire fixation in pediatric supracondylar fracture.Methods: This prospective study was conducted from May-November 2018 at the department of Orthopedics, Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. It was inferred that functional outcome of pediatric displaced supracondylar humeral fractures is satisfactory when managed with percutaneous crossed K-wire fixation. It included 83 children with supracondylar fractures. They were treated with percutaneous crossed K-wire fixation. Patients were then followed up to determine satisfactory functional outcome according to Flynn’s criteria. Data entry and analysis was done using SPSS 21.0.Results: Eight-three patients were included. The mean±standard deviation age of this study population was 7.03±3.39 years. Out of the study participants, 47 (56.6%) were males and 36 (43.4%) were females. 71.1% of the patients were of Gartland class II fractures and 28.9% were of Gartland class III. 43.4% had an injury due to fall while playing while 19.3% had fallen from height. 80.7% were found to have a satisfactory functional outcome.Conclusions: It was inferred that the functional outcome of pediatric displaced supracondylar humeral fractures is satisfactory when managed with percutaneous crossed K-wire fixation

    Leader humility and employees’ creative performance: the role of intrinsic motivation and work engagement

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    Drawing on the job demand-resource (JD-R) model and self-determination theory (SDT), this study examines the relationship between humble leadership and employees’ creative performance, taking into account the sequential mediating role of intrinsic motivation and work engagement. The sequential mediation model was tested using two-wave questionnaire data collected from employees and their supervisors (n = 350) in the telecommunication sector of Pakistan. Data were processed and examined using SPSS and AMOS. The results revealed significant positive relationships among all variables. Further, it was found that intrinsic motivation and work engagement sequentially but partially mediated the positive relationship between humble leadership and creative performance. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed at the end
