42 research outputs found

    Estimation of postmortem interval using the blowfly Phaenicia (Lucilia) sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria

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    Background: The period of insect activity (PIA) was experimentally estimated for a carcass of Cavia porcellus (guinea pig) using the blowfly Phaenicia sericata in Kaduna, northern Nigeria.Methods: Cavia porcellus (guinea pig) was killed and the carcass placed inside in a wire cage measuring 81x53x45 cm to prevent larger animals and birds from scavenging and allowed to decompose under ambient conditions and an average of 12hour light and darkness.Results: Six second-instar larvae of blowflies were collected from the decomposing carcass from which four adult flies emerged and identified (two each of P.  sericata and P. infernalis). Using P. sericata, the period of insect activity (PIA) was estimated as the difference between the total development time of the species and the time it required to become adult in the laboratory. The estimated minimum post mortem interval was 13.8 days with the probable day of oviposition between 9th and 10th January, 2016, coinciding with the actual period the animal was killedConclusions: Estimated time between death and discovery of corpse (PMI) based on the period of insect activity (PIA) may be a better alternative in some situations because it eliminate taking multiple temperature measurements at the crime scene, at the carcass as well in the maggot masses on the cadaver.

    Level of Knowledge Awareness and Use of Planning as Writing Strategy by EFL International Students in UUM English Intensive Course

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    Malaysian English Language Curriculum makes it compulsory for every newly intake student to master and pass the English Writing Tasks (EWT) as among the basic skills in the language learning processes. However, most of the English Foreign Language (EFL) international students face difficulties with the EWT during the English Intensive Course (EIC) leading to consistent mass failures. The possible reasons of these failures could be due to the neglect of the writing strategies. Hence, the central focus of this paper is to identify and determine the EFL international students’ level of awareness and the use of planning as writing strategy before writing English essays. To this end, convenient purposive sampling strategy was used where 50 EFL (postgraduate and undergraduate) international students drawn from Universiti Utara Malaysian EIC program were selected and administered Writing Strategy Questionnaires (WSQ). The participants hailed from various countries who used and learned English as a foreign language, namely; Jordan, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Palestine among others. The data were analyzed using SPSS. The findings revealed proportionate disparity between the EFL students that use planning strategy before starting writing English essays (usually true = 28%) with those that do not (usually not true = 28%). In terms of Revising Requirement for writing process before one start writing an essay in English, the findings revealed validity (40%) of participants’ responses at 82% cumulative. This is followed by “somewhat true” responses at 24% and 42% cumulative. These imply the EFL international students’ reasonable use of planning and having knowledge awareness of writing strateg


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    The study examines the effect of exchange rate fluctuations on the performance of the manufacturing sub-sector in Nigeria. To achieve this objective, changes in exchange rate and its key determinants were analyzed to ascertain the extent to which they impact on capacity utilization in the sub-sector. Key determinants of exchange rate behavior selected for analysis are interest rate, inflation rate and trade openness. Empirical studies related to the subject area have basically focused on the response of aggregate output (GDP) to changes in these economic indicators. Studies on sector-specific responses to changes in these economic indicators, particularly in developing economies like Nigeria, have not only been dearth but have produced mixed results. Quantitative research technique based on ex-post facto design was adopted for the study. Econometric method based on vector error correction mechanism was adopted in estimating the parameters of the model. Model estimates show that, in the long-run, all the exogenous variables (exchange rate, interest rate, inflation rate and trade openness) have significant positive impact on manufacturing capacity utilization. The study also shows significant positive effect of exchange rate and trade openness on manufacturing capacity utilization in the short-run. Inflation and interest rates were observed to exert non-significant impact on manufacturing capacity utilization during the period covered by the study. Diversification of the economy away from oil is strongly recommended in order to achieve enhanced foreign exchange inflow necessary for rapid development of domestic manufacturin

    Corporate Governance and Financial Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in Nigeria

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    Financial sustainability is critical to the growth of Microfinance institutions and therefore deserves proper attention by relevant stakeholders. This study investigates the impact of corporate governance on financial sustainability of Microfinance Institutions in Nigeria during the period, 2011 to 2015. We model financial sustainability measurement through the use of Return on Assets (ROA) and Operating Self Sufficiency (OSS). Board independence (BRDIND), board size (BRDSIZE) and gender diversity (GENDIV) were adopted as corporate governance attributes or proxies. The main findings reveal that the regression model is not significant at 1 per cent level with the adjusted RSquared of 28% and 48% for the respective models. The result of regression coefficient shows that BRDIND (-0.144 and -0.7211) and GENDIV (-0.032 and -0.9119) are not statistically significant with the exception of BRDSIZE (0.245 and 0.278) which shows a significant positive impact on financial sustainability. Our findings reveal that there is no significant relationship between corporate governance mechanisms (board independence, gender diversity) and financial sustainability. Only board size shows a positive relationship with financial sustainability. This paper recommends that microfinance banks should adopt gender friendly policies thereby encouraging more women to the membership of microfinance banks’ Boards to take advantage of their expected benefits. Also, this study recommends that the regulatory authorities should ensure that Microfinance banks in Nigeria comply strictly with corporate governance code and sanctions should be meted to erring bank

    Passive surveillance of communicable diseases among inmates of Jos central prison, Nigeria

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    Background: This paper presents a comprehensive study of the disease profile among inmates of Jos prison, Nigeria.  Methods: Blood samples were examined using Giemsa-stained thin and thick smears for Plasmodium parasites determine and stat-pak was employed to detect antibodies against HIV types I and II, sputum samples were stained by Ziehl-Nelson method and examined for acid fast Bacilli. Intestinal parasites were identified and characterized from stool samples using normal saline and lugol’s iodine method and subsequently formal-ether concentration and Kato-katz technique.Results: Out of 132 inmates that presented themselves for medical treatment at the prison clinic, eighty-nine (67.4%) (95% CI=62.4-72.4) were infected with various pathogenic agents, namely Plasmodium parasites (37.1%), intestinal parasites (14.4%), human immunodeficiency virus (11.4%) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (4.5%). The parasites occurred both as mono and mixed-double and triple infections. Malaria due to Plasmodium falciparum predominates with 65.3% (32/49) while non-falciparum species had 20.4% due to P. malariae (16.3%) and P. vivax (4.1%). Intestinal parasites accounted for 14.4% (95% CI=9.4-19.4) of the infections comprising five species, with Entamoeba hystolytica dorminating (57.9%) and Strogyloides stercoralis rare (4.8%). Of the co-infection, the highest combination was Plasmodium + HIV (35.3%). Fifteen inmates had HIV virus (16.5%) and 6 (6.6%) had Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The age group 1-40 years recorded 93.3% and 100% of the HIV and tuberculosis infections respectively. Eleven deaths were recorded 4 years preceding this survey from various causes including HIV and septicemia.Conclusions: The study concludes that Nigerian prisons pose a serious threat as reservoir of diseases to the nation


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    This study examines the possible effects of dividend policy on firm value. The study covers 10 quoted companies studied for the period of 1995 - 2015. In so doing, the methodology adopted is the ordinary least square regression analysis for primary data analyses and multiple regression analysis for the secondary data analyses with models MPS (Market Price per Share) as dependent variable, EPS (Earnings per Share) and DPS (Dividend Per Share) as independent variables. The study shows the relevance of dividend as a signaling model and proves that firm value is greatly influenced by dividend policy as far as public limited companies are concerned

    Evaluation of in vitro bactericidal activity of human serum against Salmonella typhi in relation to serogroups

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    Background: Series of more than 35 proteins facilitated a major role in fighting the foreign invaders in human body and other warm blooded animals, those named complement system. Methods: Total of 147 human serum were collected from asymptomatic volunteers by venipuncture, their sero groups were determined by reverse blood grouping method. Strain of Salmonella typhi (S. Typhi) were collected from Wudil general hospital and identified molecularly at center of biotechnological research of Bayero University, Kano. Serum bactericidal assay was done at microbiology laboratory of Wudil general hospital. Data obtained was subjected to two way ANOVA and considered significant at p < span style="text-decoration: underline;"><0.05.  Results:  Complement dependent pathways shows a more than 50% kills, in which both A, AB, B and O kill percent were 74.98%, 67.87%, 78.53% and 78.60% respectively, however, no statistical significant difference. While the non-complement dependent pathways revealed kills percentage of 59.27%, 57.86%, 59.21% and 58.60% for A, AB, B and O sero groups, also no significant statistical difference. Moreover, in comparing the complement and non-complement dependent pathways, data analysis shows a significant difference with p values of 0.001, 0.003, 0.006 and 0.0008 for A, AB, B and O sero groups respectively. Conclusion: We concluded that, ABO sero-groups and complement system plays an important role as infection determinants, where AB sero-group have more chances to S. Typhi infection than other sero-groupings. This study suggests that the effect of many host genetic parameters on treatment of microorganisms needs to be further studied

    Working Capital Management and the Performance of Consumer and Industrial Goods Sectors in Nigeria

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    The paper investigates the impact of working capital management on the performance of selected companies listed on the Nigerian Stock Exchange using panel data for forty (-IO)firms from the consumer and industrial goods sectors of the economy from 2006-20 15.Return on assets (ROA) was adopted as proxy for firm performance while cash conversion cycle (CCC). average payment period (APP),inventory conversion period (JCP), and average collection period (ACP) were adopted asproxies for working capital management. Estimation of the impact of the exogenous variables (cash conversion cycle, average payment period, inventory conversion period and average conversion period) on firm pe1jormance (endogenous variable) ·was based on the econometric techniques of the Ordinary Least Squares(OLS) and Generalized Least Square (GLS). Based on the OLS technique, the adjusted R2shows that 54% of variations in ROA were explained by the exogenous variables while the GLS shows that 62% of the variations were explained by the exogenous variables. These results imply that the exogenous variables significantly explain.firm pe1jormance in selected sectors. The regression results show evidence of sign(pc:ant positive impact (?laverage payment period and inventory conversion period on firm performance. There is also evidence of non significant negative impact of cash conversion (.yc/e on the performance of the selected firms. Parameter estimates were obtained at 5 per cent level of significance. Based on the above result, rhe study concludes that working capital management has significant impact on the performance of firms in 1 he consumer and industrial goods sectors of the Nigerian economy. Industry managers are therefore advised to devise efficient strategies for managing working capital so as to optimize its potentials

    Persistence of fiscal deficits in Nigeria: examining the issues

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    Due to a huge financing gap in many developing nations, governments use budget deficit to facilitate growth and development. However, deficit financing deepens the economic woes of these economies, leaving them in a vicious cycle of deficits. In Nigeria, for instance, fiscal deficits cause country’s bad performance and ranking both in global growth and development indicators. Thus, the use of fiscal deficit to enhance economic performance has proved to be futile and also has left bad economic consequences. Based on the econometric method of Autoregressive Distributed Lag, this study examines how selected macroeconomic indicators influence fiscal deficits in the budgetary policy of Nigeria. Historical data between 1981 and 2017 were used for the study. The study shows a significant positive effect of inflation, oil revenue, and lagged exchange rate on fiscal deficits. There is also evidence that external debt and current exchange rate decrease the level of fiscal deficits. However, the research did not prove robust evidence of fiscal deficit persistence. Government policy should target low level of inflation and exchange rate appreciation as well as the productive investment of oil revenues and economic diversification as the panacea for persistent use of fiscal deficits

    Prevalence and factors associated with dengue fever among febrile patients attending secondary health facilities in Kano metropolis, Nigeria

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    Background: The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has categorized dengue fever as a priority epidemic-prone disease. Kano metropolis is a hub for international trade and has seen rapid population growth with unplanned urbanisation. This provides the right environment for dengue virus transmission and spread. Most fevers in Nigeria and Kano in particular are treated as malaria or typhoid. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and factors associated with dengue fever and dengue-malaria co-infection among febrile patients in Kano metropolis. Methodology: We conducted a hospital-based cross-sectional study among febrile patients attending secondary health facilities in Kano metropolis. We used multistage sampling technique to recruit 440 participants into the study. An interviewer administered structured questionnaire was used to collect participants’ information, while blood was screened for malaria using rapid diagnostic test (RDT) kit and tested for dengue fever using an ELISA kit for dengue IgM. Data was cleaned and analysed using Microsoft Excel 2016 and Epi Info version 7.2 to calculate frequencies, proportions and odds ratios. Results: The median age of participants was 24 years (IQR= 13-36 years) while the age-group most represented was the 10-19 years’ age group with 97 (22.9%) participants. Males constituted 257 (60.6%) while most were single 238 (56.1%). Dengue IgM was positive for 332 (78.3%), while malaria RDT was positive for 81 (19.1%) and 67 (15.8%) were positive for both. Those aged above 25 years were less likely to present with dengue fever (OR=0.6; 95% CI=0.33-0.97). Dengue fever contributes a high percentage to febrile illnesses seen in Kano metropolis. Significant proportions of febrile patients have both dengue and malaria co-infection. None of the participants had dengue as a presumptive diagnosis. Conclusion: These findings imply dengue fever should feature as a prominent differential for febrile illnesses and dengue screening tests should be made available for all cases seen in Kano. Keywords: seroprevalence; dengue fever; RDT; secondary health facilities; Nigeria French Title: Prévalence et facteurs associés à la dengue chez les patients fébriles fréquentant les établissements de santé secondaires de la métropole de Kano, au Nigéria Contexte: Le Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) a classé la dengue parmi les maladies à tendance épidémique prioritaires. La métropole de Kano est une plaque tournante du commerce international et a connu une croissance démographique rapide avec une urbanisation imprévue. Cela fournit le bon environnement pour la transmission et la propagation du virus de la dengue. La plupart des fièvres au Nigeria et à Kano en particulier sont traitées comme le paludisme ou la typhoïde. Cette étude visait à déterminer la prévalence et les facteurs associés à la dengue et à la co-infection dengue-paludisme chez les patients fébriles de la métropole de Kano. Méthodologie: Nous avons mené une étude transversale en milieu hospitalier auprès de patients fébriles fréquentant des établissements de santé secondaires de la métropole de Kano. Nous avons utilisé une technique d'échantillonnage en plusieurs étapes pour recruter 440 participants dans l'étude. Un questionnaire structuré administré par un intervieweur a été utilisé pour collecter les informations des participants, tandis que le sang a été testé pour le paludisme à l'aide d'un kit de test de diagnostic rapide (TDR) et testé pour la dengue à l'aide d'un kit ELISA pour les IgM de la dengue. Les données ont été nettoyées et analysées à l'aide de Microsoft Excel 2016 et d'Epi Info version 7.2 pour calculer les fréquences, les proportions et les rapports de cotes. Résultats: L'âge médian des participants était de 24 ans (IQR=13-36 ans) tandis que le groupe d'âge le plus représenté était le groupe d'âge 10-19 ans avec 97 (22,9%) participants. Les hommes en constituaient 257 (60,6%) tandis que la plupart étaient célibataires 238 (56,1%). Les IgM de la dengue étaient positives pour 332 (78,3%), tandis que les TDR du paludisme étaient positifs pour 81 (19,1%) et 67 (15,8%) étaient positifs pour les deux. Les personnes âgées de plus de 25 ans étaient moins susceptibles de présenter une fièvre dengue (OR=0,6; IC à 95%=0,33-0,97). La dengue contribue à un pourcentage élevé des maladies fébriles observées dans la métropole de Kano. Des proportions significatives de patients fébriles présentent une co-infection à la fois par la dengue et le paludisme. Aucun des participants n'avait de dengue comme diagnostic présumé. Conclusion: Ces résultats impliquent que la dengue devrait apparaître comme un différentiel important pour les maladies fébriles et des tests de dépistage de la dengue devraient être disponibles pour tous les cas observés à Kano. Mots-clés: séroprévalence; la fièvre de la dengue; RDT; établissements de santé secondaires; Nigeri