20,665 research outputs found

    Finite Volume Cumulant Expansion in QCD-Colorless Plasma

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    Due to the finite size effects, the localisation of the phase transition in finite systems and the determination of its order, become an extremely difficult task, even in the simplest known cases. In order to identify and locate the finite volume transition point T0(V)T_{0}(V) of the QCD deconfinement phase transition to a Colorless QGP, we have developed a new approach using the finite size cumulant expansion of the order parameter and the LmnL_{mn}-method. The first six cumulants C1,2,3,4,5,6C_{1,2,3,4,5,6} with the corresponding under-normalized ratios(skewness Σ\Sigma, kurtosis κ\kappa ,pentosis Π±\Pi_{\pm} and hexosis H1,2,3\mathcal{H}_{1,2,3}) and three unnormalized combinations of them (O=σ2κΣ−1\mathcal{O}={\mathcal{\sigma }^{2} \mathcal{\kappa } }{\mathbf{\Sigma }^{-1} }, U=σ−2Σ−1\mathcal{U} ={\mathcal{\sigma }^{-2} \mathbf{\Sigma }^{-1} }, N=σ2κ\mathcal{N} = \mathcal{\sigma }^{2} \mathcal{\kappa }) are calculated and studied as functions of (T,V)(T,V). A new approach, unifying in a clear and consistent way the definitions of cumulant ratios, is proposed. A numerical FSS analysis of the obtained results has allowed us to locate accurately the finite volume transition point. The extracted transition temperature value T0(V)T_{0}(V) agrees with that expected T0N(V)T_{0}^{N}(V) from the order parameter and the thermal susceptibility χT(T,V)\chi _{T}\left( T,V\right), according to the standard procedure of localization to within about 2%2\%. In addition to this, a very good correlation factor is obtained proving the validity of our cumulants method. The agreement of our results with those obtained by means of other models is remarkable.Comment: 19 pages,14 figues, figures 4,5,6 figures are oversized, therefore, can be obtained directly from [email protected],Accepted for publication in EPJ

    Pseudo-Unitary Operators and Pseudo-Unitary Quantum Dynamics

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    We consider pseudo-unitary quantum systems and discuss various properties of pseudo-unitary operators. In particular we prove a characterization theorem for block-diagonalizable pseudo-unitary operators with finite-dimensional diagonal blocks. Furthermore, we show that every pseudo-unitary matrix is the exponential of i=−1i=\sqrt{-1} times a pseudo-Hermitian matrix, and determine the structure of the Lie groups consisting of pseudo-unitary matrices. In particular, we present a thorough treatment of 2×22\times 2 pseudo-unitary matrices and discuss an example of a quantum system with a 2×22\times 2 pseudo-unitary dynamical group. As other applications of our general results we give a proof of the spectral theorem for symplectic transformations of classical mechanics, demonstrate the coincidence of the symplectic group Sp(2n)Sp(2n) with the real subgroup of a matrix group that is isomorphic to the pseudo-unitary group U(n,n), and elaborate on an approach to second quantization that makes use of the underlying pseudo-unitary dynamical groups.Comment: Revised and expanded version, includes an application to symplectic transformations and groups, accepted for publication in J. Math. Phy

    Ortho-Fluorination of azophenols increases the mesophase stability of photoresponsive hydrogen-bonded liquid crystals

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    Photoresponsive liquid crystals (LCs) whose alignment can be controlled with UV-Visible light are appealing for a range of photonic applications. From the perspective of exploring the interplay between the light response and the self-assembly of the molecular components, supramolecular liquid crystals are of particular interest. They allow elaborating the structure-property relationships that govern the optical performance of LC materials by subtle variation of the chemical structures of the building blocks. Herein we present a supramolecular system comprising azophenols and stilbazoles as hydrogen-bond donors and acceptors, respectively, and show that ortho-fluorination of the azophenol dramatically increases the thermal stability of the LC phases, an important characteristics in their further utilization in photonics. The systems exhibit fast photoinduced order-disorder transitions, and rapid recovery of the liquid-crystalline state once the light irradiation is ceased, due to the photochemical properties of azophenols

    Pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians, indefinite inner product spaces and their symmetries

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    We extend the definition of generalized parity PP, charge-conjugation CC and time-reversal TT operators to nondiagonalizable pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonians, and we use these generalized operators to describe the full set of symmetries of a pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonian according to a fourfold classification. In particular we show that TPTP and CTPCTP are the generators of the antiunitary symmetries; moreover, a necessary and sufficient condition is provided for a pseudo-Hermitian Hamiltonian HH to admit a PP-reflecting symmetry which generates the PP-pseudounitary and the PP-pseudoantiunitary symmetries. Finally, a physical example is considered and some hints on the PP-unitary evolution of a physical system are also given.Comment: 20 page

    New features of scattering from a one-dimensional non-Hermitian (complex) potential

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    For complex one-dimensional potentials, we propose the asymmetry of both reflectivity and transmitivity under time-reversal: R(−k)≠R(k)R(-k)\ne R(k) and T(−k)≠T(k)T(-k) \ne T(k), unless the potentials are real or PT-symmetric. For complex PT-symmetric scattering potentials, we propose that Rleft(−k)=Rright(k)R_{left}(-k)=R_{right}(k) and T(−k)=T(k)T(-k)=T(k). So far, the spectral singularities (SS) of a one-dimensional non-Hermitian scattering potential are witnessed/conjectured to be at most one. We present a new non-Hermitian parametrization of Scarf II potential to reveal its four new features. Firstly, it displays the just acclaimed (in)variances. Secondly, it can support two spectral singularities at two pre-assigned real energies (E∗=α2,β2E_*=\alpha^2,\beta^2) either in T(k)T(k) or in T(−k)T(-k), when αβ>0\alpha\beta>0. Thirdly, when αβ<0\alpha \beta <0 it possesses one SS in T(k)T(k) and the other in T(−k)T(-k). Fourthly, when the potential becomes PT-symmetric [(α+β)=0][(\alpha+\beta)=0], we get T(k)=T(−k)T(k)=T(-k), it possesses a unique SS at E=α2E=\alpha^2 in both T(−k)T(-k) and T(k)T(k). Lastly, for completeness, when α=iγ\alpha=i\gamma and β=iδ\beta=i\delta, there are no SS, instead we get two negative energies −γ2-\gamma^2 and −δ2-\delta^2 of the complex PT-symmetric Scarf II belonging to the two well-known branches of discrete bound state eigenvalues and no spectral singularity exists in this case. We find them as EM+=−(γ−M)2E^{+}_{M}=-(\gamma-M)^2 and EN−=−(δ−N)2E^{-}_{N}=-(\delta-N)^2; M(N)=0,1,2,...M(N)=0,1,2,... with 0≤M(N)<γ(δ)0 \le M (N)< \gamma (\delta). {PACS: 03.65.Nk,11.30.Er,42.25.Bs}Comment: 10 pages, one Table, one Figure, important changes, appeared as an FTC (J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 45(2012) 032004

    Microbial dynamics during various activities in residential areas of Lahore, Pakistan

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    Bioaerosols are ubiquitous in the atmosphere with their levels affected by a variety of environmental factors as well as type of activities being carried out at any specific time. The present study investigated how indoor activities influence bioaerosol concentrations in five residential houses of Lahore. Agar coated petri plates were exposed face upwards for twenty minutes in kitchens and living rooms during activity and non-activity periods. The temperature and relative humidity levels were noted as well. The bioaerosol concentrations in kitchens during the activity time ranged between 1022 to 4481 cfu/m3 and in living rooms from 1179 to 3183 cfu/m3 . Lower values were observed during non-activity periods. A paired-t test revealed a significant difference in bacterial loads during activity and non-activity times in both micro-environments (p = 0.038 in kitchen and p = 0.021 in living room). The predominant species identified were Micrococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., and Bacillus spp. which are a common constituent of the indoor environment and are known to be opportunistic pathogens as well

    Analyzing Energy-efficiency and Route-selection of Multi-level Hierarchal Routing Protocols in WSNs

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    The advent and development in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in recent years has seen the growth of extremely small and low-cost sensors that possess sensing, signal processing and wireless communication capabilities. These sensors can be expended at a much lower cost and are capable of detecting conditions such as temperature, sound, security or any other system. A good protocol design should be able to scale well both in energy heterogeneous and homogeneous environment, meet the demands of different application scenarios and guarantee reliability. On this basis, we have compared six different protocols of different scenarios which are presenting their own schemes of energy minimizing, clustering and route selection in order to have more effective communication. This research is motivated to have an insight that which of the under consideration protocols suit well in which application and can be a guide-line for the design of a more robust and efficient protocol. MATLAB simulations are performed to analyze and compare the performance of LEACH, multi-level hierarchal LEACH and multihop LEACH.Comment: NGWMN with 7th IEEE Inter- national Conference on Broadband and Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications (BWCCA 2012), Victoria, Canada, 201
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