7 research outputs found


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    Glauconite is a greenish ferric-iron silicate mineral with micaceous structure, characteristically formed in shallow marine environments. Glauconite has been used as a pigmentation agent for oil paint, contaminants remover in environmental studies and a source of potassium in plant fertilizers, and other industries. Koppeh-dagh basin is extended in Iran, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan countries and Glauconite units exist in this basin. In this research for enhancing and mapping glauconitic units in Koppeh-dagh structural zone in north east of Iran, remote sensing techniques such as Spectral Angle Mapper classification (SAM), band ratio and band composition methods on SPOT, ASTER and Landsat data in 3 steps were applied

    Integration of SPOT-5 and ASTER satellite data for structural tracing and hydrothermal alteration mineral mapping: implications for Cu–Au prospecting

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    © 2018, © 2018 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The integration of information extracted from the Syste`m Pour l’Observation de la Terre (SPOT) and the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data, comprehensive field and mineralogy studies demonstrates that phyllic alteration zone associated with northwestern (NW)–southeastern (SE) structural fractures is a high potential zone for Cu–Fe–Au vein-type mineralisation in the Bajestan region, the Lut block, east Iran. The fractal pattern was calculated for fractures map using the Box-Counting algorithm to the SPOT-5 data. Statistical parameters of fractures, such as density, intensity and fractures’ intersection were also determined. Band composition, specialised band ratio and Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) classification methods were implemented to the ASTER dataset for detecting hydrothermal alteration zones, such as propylitic, phyllic, argillic and gossan. Results indicate that the maximum value of the fractal dimension, intensity, density and the intersection of the fractures are concentrated in the NW and SE parts of SPOT image maps. In the other hand, phyllic alteration zone containing sericite, alunite, kaolinite and jarosite mineral assemblages was also identified in several zones of the NW and SE parts of the ASTER image maps. Integration of the results indicates the high potential zones for the occurrence of Cu–Fe–Au mineralisation in the Bajestan region

    Petrology, geochronology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of Bajestan granitoids, North of Ferdowsi, Khorasan Razvi Province

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    تودههاي گرانیتوئیدي بجستان در شرق شهر بجستان، جنوب غرب استان خراسان رضوي واقع شدهاند. تودههاي عمیق و نیمهعمیق اسیدي برون زد یافته در این منطقه داراي ترکیب سینوگرانیتی، مونزوگرانیتی و گرانیتی هستند. نتایج سن سنجی نشانگر حضور دو فاز - ماگماتیسم در منطقه است. تودههاي بیوتیت مونزوگرانیت، گرانیت پورفیري و سینوگرانیت، داراي سن کرتاسه بالایی، کامپانین ( 76 79 میلیون سال) است و تنها توده پیروکسن هورنبلند بیوتیت مونزوگرانیت در جنوب غرب محدوده مورد بررسی، داراي سن الیگوسن 0 و / 0 تا 717908 / 87 اولیه بین 710898 Sr/86Sr 30/7±1/5 میلیون سال) است. در تودههاي با سن کرتاسه بالایی، میزان ) єNd 0 و / 0 تا 512211 / 143 اولیه بین 512058 Nd/144Nd 10 - متغیر است. نسبتهاي / 7- تا 65 / در دامنه 38 I 87 و Sr/86Sr єNd 143 اولیه و Nd/144Nd 8- است. از / 0 و 06 /512186 ،0/ براي توده پیروکسن هورنبلند بیوتیت مونزوگرانیت به ترتیب 713292 I دسته احیایی (ایلمینیت) تعلق دارند. S نظر ویژگیهاي ژئوشیمیایی، تودههاي بالا، عمدتاً ماهیت پرآلومین دارد و به گرانیتوئیدهاي تیپ با توجه به نتایج بررسیهاي انجام شده، منشأ تودههاي نفوذي منطقه، پوستهاي و حاصل ذوب رسوبات دگرگون شده با ترکیب پسامیت و مرتبط با زون برخورد است. تودههاي گرانیتوئیدي با سن کرتاسه بالایی منطقه بجستان در مقایسه با سایر تودههاي متعلق به کرتاسه 87 هستند. توده پیروکسن هورنبلند بیوتیت مونزوگرانیت با سن الیگوسن با Sr/86Sr بالایی، مانند بزمان، گزو و کجه، داراي نسبت بالاتر دارا بودن ویژگیهاي مشابه با تودههاي کرتاسه بالایی، نشان دهنده ادامه محیط زون برخوردي در این بخش از بلوك لوت است.The investigated area is situated in the south west of the Khorasan Razavi Province along the North West of the Lut Block. Different types of metal ore bodies along with non-metal deposits have already been documented in the Lut Block (Karimpour et al., 2008). Most of the study area is covered with granitoid rocks. Metamorphic rocks with unknown age are present in the north of the area. Skarns are observed in contact with fault zones and intrusive bodies. Eocene volcanic rocks with andesite and andesibasalt composition are located in the east and north east of the area (Ahmadirouhani et al., 2015). The study area that is a part of the Lut Block has a high potentials for Cu, Fe, Au, and Barite mineralization along the observed alteration zones. In the present study, the petrography, petrogenesis, Sr–Nd isotopes, and U–Pb zircon age of acidic granitoids in the east of Bajestan were investigated

    Fracture mapping of lineaments and recognizing their tectonic significance using SPOT-5 satellite data: a case study from the Bajestan area, Lut Block, east of Iran

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    Syste'm Pour l‘Observation de la Terre (SPOT) remote sensing satellite data have useful characteristics for lineament extraction and enhancement related to the tectonic evaluation of a region. In this study, lineament features in the Bajestan area associated with the tectonic significance of the Lut Block (LB), east Iran were mapped and characterized using SPOT-5 satellite data. The structure of the Bajestan area is affected by the activity of deep strike-slip faults in the boundary of the LB. Structural elements such as faults and major joints were extracted, mapped, and analyzed by the implementation of high-Pass and standard kernels (Threshold and Sobel) filters to bands 1, 2 and 3 of SPOT-5 Level 2 A scene product of the Bajestan area. Lineament map was produced by assigning resultant filter images to red-green-blue (RGB) colour combinations of three main directions such as N-S, E-W and NE-SW. Results derived from image processing technique and statistical assessment indicate that two main orientations, including NW-SE with N-110 azimuth and NE-SW with N-40 azimuth, were dominated in the Bajestan area. The NW-SE trend has a high frequency in the study area. Based on the results of remote sensing lineament analysis and fieldwork, two dextral and sinistral strike-slip components were identified as main fault trends in the Bajestan region. Two dextral faults have acted as the cause of shear in the south and north of the Bajestan granitoid mass. Furthermore, the results indicate that the most of the lineaments in this area are extensional fractures corresponding to both the dykes emplacement and hydrothermal alteration zones. The application of SPOT-5 satellite data for structural analysis in a study region has great capability to provide very useful information of a vast area with low cost and time-consuming