87 research outputs found

    Pemaknaan Hakikat Diri Akuntan Publik

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    Profesi publik seperti akuntan publik menuntut adanya presentasi diri. Dari perspektif Interaksionisme Simbolik, presentasi diri berarti pengonstruksian makna diri dan realitas kehidupan yang khas. Tulisan ini bermaksud menganalisis pemaknaan presentasi diri akuntan publik sebagai wahana aktualisasi akademis dan profesi praktisi yang dikonstruksi melalui hakekat diri. Metode kualitatif yang digunakan melibatkan wawancara, pengamatan berperanserta, dan studi dokumentasi. Berdasarkan prinsip universal, segala sesuatu yang akan menyebabkan proses interaksi, eksistensi, dan tanggapan, akuntan publik dipertukarkan simbol pada presentasi diri mereka

    “Quo Vadis Infotainment”?

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    According to Marshall McLuhan, the world has become a global village where modern communication media opened up unlimited interactions among people all over the world. Among other things, mass communication channel has rapidly developed, allowing greater mass of information transmissions to be spread for all members of society in no time. Unfortunately, the rapid development of mass media was not followed by better quality in terms of media content. Infotainments were everywhere, offering latest report concerning celebrity news in detail, and raising serious questions concerning ethics, privacy, public policy, and news quality today

    Konstruksi Jilbab Sebagai Simbol Keislaman

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    Veil USAge is not only just a matter of fashion style. Moreover, veils symbolize many great values in Islamic tradition. No wonder if veil—or jilbab—are commonly found in many places, including campus, among students as well as lecturer. This research aimed to investigate the motivation of the girls in wearing jilbab. Using phenomenology approach to know more about subjectivity meanings constructed between research subjects, the research has finally revealed some motivations among the girls in wearing jilbab. There are three motives in wearing jilbab as found among Unisba\u27s students: theological motive, psychological motive, and fashionable motive. Such motive further implied on three different identities constructed by research subjects: Phenomenal Moslem Students, Fashionable Moslem Students, and Tolerant Moslem Students

    Teori Penjulukan

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    Labelling theory, famously associated with Howard Becker, was resulted from deviation studies which flourished in the late years of 1950s. Labelling theory, as part of interaction symbolic school of thought, assumed deviation as interactional function between deviants and non-deviants, rather than individual inherent characteristic. Labelling theory consisted of four tenets: (1) Social label for particular action; (2) criminal act is resulted from social rules; (2) social control is worsening criminal problems; and (4) there are interrelated bonds within people who being labeled and their counterparts who give them any label. Media, for some ideological reasons, implied labeling theory in their narration which acted as a mean for social construction

    Kekerasan Di Televisi: Perspektif Kultivasi

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    Indonesians are categorized as Views Society, i.e. society who significantly spent most of their leisure times in front of the screen, instead of doing other activities, such as reading. Television, on the other hand, proved to be an effective media whose outreach and penetration potent were undefeatable compared with other media. This situation turns to be problematic, due to the low quality of television which contained violence materials. People naturally learn violence from television. Being overexposed to violence materials, people were getting used to solve their problems by means of violence, too

    Komunikasi Antar Pribadi antara Reseller dengan Produsen Cantiqa Kemiri

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    . Komunikasi antarpribadi diantara para pelaku bisnis menjadi sangat menarik diperhatikan karena setiap individu dalam setiap generasi akan berbeda cara berkomunikasinya. Dalam kerjasama bisnis diantara produsen dan reseller produk, cara penyampaian maksud dalam pesan komunikasi yang diutarakan akan berbeda tergantung dari tujuan penyampaian pesan serta maksud dari isi pesan itu sendiri. Sehingga pengaruh diantara maksud komunikasi yang disampaikan akan mendorong pelaku komunikasi tersebut untuk bias memberikan nilai tambah. Komunikasi merupakan pengiriman pesan dari seseorang dan diterima oleh orang lain dengan efek dan umpan Balik yang langsung, sehingga bukan hanya bertujuan membangun komunikasi yang efektif dalam komunikasi antarpribadi tetapi juga ingin menciptakan efek. Dalam kaitannya dengan komunikasi antarpribadi, reseller dan produsen menjalankan komunikasi dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan komunikasi yang efektif agar dapat melaksanakan kerjasama yang baik. Penelitian ini meneliti mengenai komunikasi antarpribadi antara produsen dan reseller Cantiqa Kemiri. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, studi kepustakaan, dan observasi. Key informan dalam penelitian ini adalah produsen dan reseller Cantiqa Kemiri. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa komunikasi antarpribadi antara produsen dan reseller Cantiqa Kemiri melibatkan beberapa aspek seperti keterbukaan, empati, dukungan, rasa positif, dan kesetaraan dalam menjaga hubungan antara satu sama lain sehingga penjualan produk tetap optimal

    Strategi Komunikasi Politik dan Budaya Transparansi Partai Politik

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    Freedom of information has become a momentum for the effort to realize good governance and promote democratic governance system in Indonesia. With the enactment of Freedom of Information Law No. 14 of 2008, the public was given access to the right of public information as human right such as guaranteed by law. Public freedom of information should encourage public participation. Political parties as public institutions also have to give information in the service of the public who wish to access any kind of information which is regulated by law. However, based on reports ICW, how difficult political parties provide the information requested by the ICW. This Article examines the political culture, political communication strategies and public freedom of information within the political parties
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