3 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui manajemen kepala sekolah dalam program literasi digital berbasis e-learning pada aspek perencanaan, penggorganisasi, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus (case study). Sampel penelitan ini adalah SD X, Y dan Z yang berada di Kota Bandung. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Langkah pada aspek perencanaan adalah analisis SWOT, konektivitas dengan visi satuan pendidikan, rencana termuat dalam KOSP, penggaran dana, pemenuhan media, sarana dan prasaran, mempersiapkan SDM, pelatihan atau IHT dan dukungan stake holder. 2) Langkah pada aspek penggorganisasian adalah pembuatan tim, penunjukan captain, pembuatan bidang yang dibutuhkan, penunjukan learder, struktur organigram, pengukuhan SK tim, kerjasama dengan stake holder terkait dan komunikasi. 3) Langkah pada aspek pelaksanaan hal yang dilakukan adalah menganalisis perubahan, analisa struktur organisasi, analisa budaya sekolah dan analisa kepemimpinan. 4) Langkah pada aspek pengawasan adalah memastikan SOP dan IK berjalan, memastikan proses audit internal secara kontinuitas terlaksana, observasi dan wawancara, evaluasi berkala dan penilaian dan umpan balik. Implementasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peningkatan aksesibilitas, fleksibilitas waktu dan tempat, perubahan peran instruktur, keberagaman pendekatan pembelajaran, pemantauan dan evaluasi yang lebih terfokus, pengembangan konten yang berkualitas, kendala teknologi, keterlibatan peserta yang lebih aktif, pengembangan keterampilan teknologi dan dampak jangka panjang. Rekomendasi dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kebutuhan, desain konten interaktif, fleksibilitas pembelajaran, keterlibatan peserta, konten adaptif, pemantauan kemajuan, dukungan instruktur, pengukuran dan evaluasi, kemitraan dan jaringan, memperdalam literasi digital peserta dan mengikuti perkembangan teknologi, promosi dan kesadaran, kreativitas dan inovasi dan evaluasi dampak sosial. ----- The purpose of this study was to determine the principal's management in the e-learning-based digital literacy program in the aspects of planning, organizing, implementing and supervising. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The samples of this research are elementary schools X, Y and Z located in Bandung City. The conclusions in this study are 1) Steps in the planning aspect are SWOT analysis, connectivity with the vision of the education unit, plans contained in the KOSP, budgeting funds, fulfilling media, facilities and infrastructure, preparing human resources, training or IHT and stake holder support. 2) Steps in the organizing aspect are team building, captain appointment, creation of required fields, learder appointment, organigram structure, team decree inauguration, cooperation with related stake holders and communication. 3) Steps in the implementation aspect of things done are analyzing changes, analyzing organizational structure, analyzing school culture and analyzing leadership. 4) Steps in the supervision aspect are ensuring SOPs and IK are running, ensuring the internal audit process is continuously carried out, observations and interviews, periodic evaluations and assessments and feedback. Implementation in this study are increased accessibility, flexibility of time and place, changes in instructor roles, diversity of learning approaches, more focused monitoring and evaluation, development of quality content, technological constraints, more active participant involvement, development of technological skills and long-term impact. The recommendations in this study are needs analysis, interactive content design, learning flexibility, participant engagement, adaptive content, progress monitoring, instructor support, measurement and evaluation, partnership and networking, deepening participants' digital literacy and keeping up with technology, promotion and awareness, creativity and innovation and social impact evaluation


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    Education has a goal to create a generation that is intelligent and has good character. This study aims to describe the implementation of the Education Unit Level curriculum, K-13 or the Operational Curriculum of the SDIT Al-Fitrah Driving School in Bandung, which is based on KSDIT-AF Number 54 of 2021 and in accordance with the guidelines for developing KTSP in accordance with Permendikbud no. 81a of 2013 and This year's Al Fitrah SDIT curriculum adheres to the 2013 Curriculum. Using a qualitative descriptive approach. The object being observed is SDIT Al-Fitrah in Bandung. Data in the form of documents. The research strategy uses content analysis. The results showed that the curriculum design at SDIT Al-Fitrah Bandung was designed with various patterns, including the use of a curriculum structure that applies to all general subjects and Mapel Mulok Khas Islam Terpadu for all classes. Supporting curriculum such as intracurricular, curricular and extracurricular. Then regarding implementation guidelines in the form of priority programs, self-development and life skills education. As for the implementation of independent learning, SDIT Al-Fitrah Bandung has only implemented it in grades I and IV of the Driving School Program


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    Education has a goal to create a generation that is intelligent and has good character. This study aims to describe the implementation of the Education Unit Level curriculum, K-13 or the Operational Curriculum of the SDIT Al-Fitrah Driving School in Bandung, which is based on KSDIT-AF Number 54 of 2021 and in accordance with the guidelines for developing KTSP in accordance with Permendikbud no. 81a of 2013 and This year's Al Fitrah SDIT curriculum adheres to the 2013 Curriculum. Using a qualitative descriptive approach. The object being observed is SDIT Al-Fitrah in Bandung. Data in the form of documents. The research strategy uses content analysis. The results showed that the curriculum design at SDIT Al-Fitrah Bandung was designed with various patterns, including the use of a curriculum structure that applies to all general subjects and Mapel Mulok Khas Islam Terpadu for all classes. Supporting curriculum such as intracurricular, curricular and extracurricular. Then regarding implementation guidelines in the form of priority programs, self-development and life skills education. As for the implementation of independent learning, SDIT Al-Fitrah Bandung has only implemented it in grades I and IV of the Driving School Program