43 research outputs found

    Organizational ambidexterity at INTRA-NPD level of analysis with quality - innovation matrix

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    Organizational ambidexterity refers to the firm’s capacity to simultaneously exploit existing product offerings with familiar knowledge, and explore new product opportunities with unfamiliar knowledge.Due to this definition, ambidexterity has been commonly studied at inter-new product development (NPD) level.As such, studies at the intra-NPD (in a single NPD) are still rare. Although both exploitative and explorative are critical capabilities for NPDs, with limited resources at hands, most firms will have to do a trade-off between them. As a result, while some firms preferred exploitative NPD, some others have adventured into explorative NPD.Therefore, a single NPD project is the feasible option to most firms at any one time. Although quality is the focus in exploitative NPD, while innovation is the emphasis in explorative NPD, both are imperative to any types of NPD.Thus, it was suggested firm that is capable of creating balance between quality and innovation in a single NPD will be more successful than the others at sustaining competitive advantage.However, creating a balance between quality and innovation in a single NPD is a challenging effort. As a result, this article proposed a quality-innovation (Q-I) matrix to demonstrate the concept of organizational ambidexterity for creating balance between quality and innovation in a single NPD. The Q-I matrix will enhance our understanding on the concept of organizational ambidexterity at intra-NPD level, which is still rarely studied in contrast to the inter-NPD level of analysis

    Bridging technology management with dynamic capabilities for sustainable competitive advantage

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    This article attempts to explain the concept of technology management (MOT) for sustaining competitive advantage.To better understand how sustainable competitive advantage can be created with MOT, the concept of dynamic capabilities (DCs) that is designed to respond to technological change is brought into the picture.With DCs, this article has characterized MOT’s activities and routines as firm’s internal and intangible resources that are specific and identifiable with common features, but idiosyncratic in details. With these characteristics, MOT can be unique, difficult to imitate, rare, and valuable to explain the source of sustainable competitive advantage.To achieve this objective, a framework that serves as a basis to table the linkages between MOT and DCs is proposed.With the framework, it becomes clear where DCs’ micro-foundations of opportunity sensing, opportunity seizing, and resource transformation can be bridged directly to the existing MOT’s activities and routines.Although DCs’ micro-foundations, and MOT’s activities and routines are adopted directly from the existing literature, this article has managed to clearly defined where the specific MOT’s activities and routines are linked to the specific DCs’ micro-foundations.As a result, the nature of MOT as a DCs’ tool for sustaining competitive advantage has been understood.For future studies, the framework serves as a guideline to systematically investigate the linkages between MOT and DCs

    Transformation of staff efficiency with talents enrichment: a dynamic capabilities view

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    This article aims to enrich our understanding on the concept of dynamic capabilities (DCs) according to a recent study on service quality and customer satisfaction for one agency in the public sector of Malaysia.Based on the findings, the discussion is focused on the element of staff and the dimension of policy development according to the critical responses.Through the lens of DCs, this article explains how the transformation processes of staff efficiency with talents enrichment will possibly increase the customer satisfaction towards a better policy development. This shows that the concept of DCs can be demonstrated in the public sector (e.g., non-profits oriented), which is still rarely discussed relatives to the private sector (e.g., profits oriented).At the ends, a proposition for empirical research based on the conceptual framework is suggested, in order to verify the mediating effects of talents enrichment (transformation processes) in the relationship between staff efficiency and policy development

    Organisational learning, organisational ambidexterity, environmental turbulence, and NPD performance of Malaysian's manufacturing sector

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    Despite numerous studies proving that environmental turbulence was moderating the new product development (NPD) performance of manufacturing firms, it is however, still less stressed upon in Malaysia. Motivated by the current NPD issues on organisational capability from the dynamic capability (DCs) perspective, this study aimed to empirically determine the relationships between organisational capability and NPD performance, and sequentially examine the moderating effects of environmental turbulence in those relationships. A survey was randomly conducted among 123 product/production managers from various manufacturing industries in Malaysia. The data was analysed with the SPSS v.19 statistical technique. Prior to the analysis, the data was cleaned, inspected for outliers, normality, factor analysis, and reliability test to meet the assumptions for the parametric test. The results of correlation and hierarchical multiple regression analyses found 22 (out of 48) hypotheses were supported. In detail, the exploitation capability, exploration capability, and contextual ambidexterity were found to be significantly correlated to NPD performance. It was also found that market turbulence was giving a pure moderation to all types of organisational capability (exploitation capability, exploration capability, structural ambidexterity, and contextual ambidexterity) on NPD financial performance. Meanwhile, the moderating effects of technological turbulence, and competitive intensity were varied across different relationships. Allin-all, the findings indicated that the concept of DCs was useful for building a firm’s ability to deploy organisational capabilities under different types of environmental turbulence to achieve better NPD performance. It can be achieved by creating balance in the firm’s NPD portfolio and is useful in the NPD strategy for decisionmaking process. Besides these contributions, the limitations of the study, and future research agenda were also discussed

    Managing technology and change in new product development (NPD): A dynamic capability perspective

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    This paper derives from the perspective of dynamic capability (DC) that foresees sustainable competitive advantage can be achieved through firm’s ability to continuously create alignment between new product development (NPD) and market need.By highlighting the inter-related issues, and with thorough critical review on the relevant literature, this paper proposes a conceptual framework for easy explanation of the concept. As a result, this paper contributes to better understanding of DC concept for managing technology and change in NPD.The potential areas for future studies are highlighted at the end of discussion

    Structural ambidexterity vs. contextual ambidexterity: Preliminary evidence from Malaysia

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    Structural ambidexterity and contextual ambidexterity have dominated the discussion on organisational ambidexterity, where the similarities and differences between them are being emphasised.One of the critical views is that although both of them are essential, the impacts on performance may be dissimilar. Since there are fewer empirical studies been done to demonstrate this view, this study aims to compare and contrast the effects of structural ambidexterity and contextual ambidexterity on the firms‟ performance of new product development (NPD).This study is examined in the case of manufacturing sector in Malaysia. The data was collected via a questionnaire survey targeting product/production managers, and processed with SPSS v.19 statistical technique.The results of correlation and linear regression analyses have shown that structural ambidexterity and contextual ambidexterity are indeed dissimilar in their effects on NPD performance, but at the same time are complementing each other.It is concluded that both of them are important, but must be applied according to the right contexts. Since this is a preliminary study, more empirical works need to be done to generalise the findings

    Organisational capabilities, environmental turbulence, and NPD performance: A study on Malaysian manufacturing firms

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    Although current NPD study is focusing on various organisational capabilities, the amount of studies that have looked at the relationships between them and NPD performance under turbulence environments remains relatively low in the context of the Malaysian manufacturing sector.The results have revealed that different organisational capabilities have different effects on different NPD performances under various environmental turbulences. From DCs point of view, this study has proven that, unless firms are capable of deploying the correct types of organisational capabilities, simply possessing them is insufficient to achieve better NPD performance under a turbulence environment

    Understanding the concept of dynamic capabilities by dismantling Teece, Pisano, and Shuen (1997)’s definition

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    The concept of dynamic capabilities (DCs) is gaining popularity in management field particularly in strategic management. The concept that is still new and contemporary has attracted many arguments that may lead to confusion. To understand the basic concept of DCs, looking back to the definition in Teece, Pisano and Shuen 1997’s working paper will be crucial not just because the authors are among the first to seriously promote DCs but also among the most referred article in the management field of 1990s and even still today. Hence, the objective of this review paper is to understand the basic concept of DCs by scrutinizing the definition in Teece, Pisano and Shuen (1997) that will give benefit to those who are new to the concept and wanting a quick insight on it.The definition is dismantled into six questions where the contested arguments (when applicable) relating to each of the questions are drawn from mainly various DCs literature that is not means to be conclusive and exhaustive

    The concept of dynamic capability for managing technology and change

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    There are numerous conceptual and empirical studies on the topic of dynamic capability where most of them were demonstrated to address the innovation and technological-related issues. However, there are still many issues surrounding the concept that need further clarification. To explicitly understand how dynamic capability can benefit technology management, this paper reviews the fundamental of dynamic capability concept, the issues surrounding the topics under discussion, and its relevance for managing technology and change. By doing so, the link between dynamic capability and technology management can be clarified. This review paper should benefit both the academicians and students who interested in management of technology and change with the concept of dynamic capability

    Sustaining value creation with complementary technologies alignment

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    Firm creates value within its value chain (VC) and value systems (VS).As technologies exist in the firm’s VC and VS, they have becoming more complementary than replacing each other. Technological change that affects the activities in the firm’s VC and/or VS iscausing misalignment to the firm’s existing complementary technologies, which will affect not just the firm’s value creation activities but also the value creation of the members in the systems.It is argued value creation can be sustained if the firm is able to continuously create alignment among the complementary technologies in its VC and/or with the other members’ VCs.Guided with the concept of complementary assets alignment from dynamic capability (DC) perspective, the objective of this conceptual paper is to highlight a conceptual framework for sustaining value creation by creating alignment among the complementary technologies within the firm’s VC and VS in response of technological change