2 research outputs found

    Integration of Tradition and Sharia: Dowry and Dui Menre in the Marriage of the Bugis Community in Bone Regency

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    Ā ABSTRACTA Mahr (Dowry) andĀ dui menreĀ become interesting phenomenon that occurs in the marriage practice of the Bugis community in Bone Regency. The higher the social status of the prospective wife's family, the higher theĀ dui menre. When an agreement has been reached on the amount ofĀ dui menre, then the husband will give a dowry in the marriage contract. Both of these things must be fulfilled as the requirement for marriage. When the husband does not fulfill theĀ dui menreĀ as previously agreed on the agreement, the marriage process might not occur. The study aimed to integrate tradition and sharia in the marriage of the Bugis community in Bone Regency. The research was empirical legal research with a socio-legal approach. The study indicated that the dowry andĀ dui menreĀ in Bugis traditional marriages are an inseparable. Here, the integration isĀ dui menreĀ as a pre-marital condition that must be fulfilled in the context of giving as a form of respect and assistance to the prospective wifeā€™s family. There is no prohibition in Islam as long as there is an agreement between the two parties, and no violate the sharia principles. Meanwhile, the dowry is also obligatory and carried out in the marriages of the people of the Bone regency. Therefore, the dowry andĀ dui menreĀ in the marriage of the Bone community are following the tradition and sharia.Keywords: Dowry; Dui Menre; Bugis tradition; and Islamic Law;ABSTRAKMahar dan dui menre menjadi suatu fenomena yang menarik yang terjadi dalam perkawinan masyarakat Bugis di Kabupaten Bone khususnya. Semakin tinggi status sosial keluarga calon istri maka semakin tinggi juga dui menrenya. Ketika telah terjadi kesepakatan terkait jumlah dui menre, maka dalam akad nikah calon suami akan memberikan mahar. Kedua hal tersebut harus diwujudkan agar perkawinan dapat dilangsungkan. Ketika dui menre sebagai hal yang harus terlebih dulu diberikan tidak terwujud kesepakatan maka proses perkawinan tidak dapat diteruskan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengintegrasikan antara tradisi dan syariah dalam perkawinan masyarakat Bugis di Kabupaten Bone. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum empiris dengan pendekatan sosio-legal. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa mahar dan dui menre dalam perkawinan adat Bugis adalah suatu kesatuan yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Sehingga integrasi yang dapat dilakukan yaitu dui menre sebagai syarat pra nikah wajib dipenuhi dalam rangka pemberian sebagai bentuk penghormatan dan bantuan kepada keluarga calon istri. Hal ini tidak ada larangan dalam Islam sepanjang ada kesepakatan antara kedua belah pihak dan tidak ada melanggar prinsip-prinsip syariah. Sementara mahar juga hukumnya wajib dan senantiasa tetap dilaksanakan dalam pernikahan masyarakat kabupaten Bone. Oleh karena itu, mahar dan dui menre dalam perkawinan masyarakat Bone sejalan antara tradisi dan syariah.Kata Kunci: Mahar; Dui Menre; Adat Bugis; dan Hukum Islam

    Contemporary Islamic Law in Indonesia: the Fulfillment of Child Custody Rights in Divorce Cases Caused by Early Marriage

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    A marriage license in Indonesia is only allowed to be granted to a man and woman from age 19 and above. The aim is to prevent early marriages which are very vulnerable to divorce due to the psychological immaturity of the couple. For example, Kotagajah Timur was observed to have a common case of divorce among underage people that married due to pregnancy outside of marriage. Therefore, this descriptive-analytical field study was conducted based on a phenomenological method. Moreover, data were collected using observation, interviews, and documentation. The results showed that divorcees from early marriages were unable to fulfill the provisions of Child Custody Rights. This was observed from the fact that the couple did not provide the required child protection after the divorce in addition to the non-fulfillment of other rights such as Nasab, Nafkah, Care (Hadhanah), and Child Education Patterns. Furthermore, the mother is required by the law to have full custody while the father provides living expenses. This requirement is observed to have been ignored because the mother is underage and lacks the maturity to perform the necessary obligations such as caring for and educating the children. Therefore, the children are discovered to be under the care of the parents of the mother