33 research outputs found

    One-dimensional photonic crystal / photonic wire cavities based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI)

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    It has been of major interest in recent research to produce faster optical processing for many telecommunications applications, as well as other applications of high performance optoelectronics. The combination of one-dimensional photonic crystal structures (PhC) and narrow photonic wire (PhW) waveguides in high refractive-index contrast materials such as silicon-on-insulator (SOI) is one of the main contenders for provision of various compact devices on a single chip. This development is due to the ability of silicon technology to support monolithic integration of optical interconnects and form fully functional photonic devices incorporated into CMOS chips. The high index contrast of the combination of a silicon core with a surrounding cladding of silica and/or air provides strong optical confinement, leading to the realization of more compact structures and small device volumes. In order to obtain a wide range of device functionality, the reduction of propagation losses in narrow wires is equally important, although there are still performance limitations determined by fabrication processes. Compact single-row PhC structures embedded in PhW waveguide micro-cavities could become essential components for wavelength selective devices, especially for possible application in WDM systems. The high quality factor, Q, and confinement of light in a small volume, V, are important for optical signal processing and filtering purposes, implying large Purcell factor values. In this thesis, one-dimensional photonic crystal/photonic wire micro-cavities have been designed and modeled using both 2D and 3D versions of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) approach. These devices were fabricated using electron beam lithography (EBL) and reactive ion etching (RIE) for patterning of the silicon layer. The device structures were characterized with TE polarized light, using a tunable laser covering the range from 1480 nm to 1585 nm. Single-row periodic hole-type PhC mirrors consisting of identical and equally spaced holes were embedded in 500 nm wire waveguides. Two PhC hole mirrors were separated with a cavity spacer varying from 400 nm to 500 nm in length to form a micro-cavity. In contrast, several different cavity arrangements were also successfully investigated, - i.e. extended cavity and coupled micro-cavity structures. The experimental results on photonic crystal/photonic wire micro-cavity structures have demonstrated that further enhancement of the quality-factor (Q-factor) - up to approximately 149,000 at wavelengths in the fibre telecommunications range is possible. The Q factor values and the useful transmission levels achieved are due, in particular, to the combination of both tapering within and outside the micro-cavity, with carefully designed hole diameters and non-periodic hole placement within the tapered sections. On the other hand, a large resonance quality factor of approximately 18,500, together with high normalized transmission of 85% through the use of tapering on both sides of the hole-type PhC mirrors that formed the micro-cavity, has been obtained. For the extended cavity case, the multiple resonances excited within the stop band, together with substantial tuning capability of the resonances obtained by varying the cavity length has been demonstrated, together with a Q-factor value of approximately 74,000 at the selected resonance frequency with a normalised transmission of 40%. In addition, the coupled micro-cavity structures considered in this thesis have formed the basic building block for designing multiple cavity structures where the combination of several cavities splits the selected single cavity resonance frequency into a number of resonances that depends directly on the number of cavities used in the design. The coupling strength between the resonators and the Free Spectral Range (FSR) between the split resonance frequencies of the coupled cavity combination were controlled via the use of different numbers of periodic hole structures – and through the use of different aperiodic hole taper arrangements between the two cavities in the middle section of the mirrors

    Modelling of Photonic Crystal (PhC) Cavities: Theory and Applications

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    In recent years, many researchers have shown their interest in producing a compact high-performance optical chip that is useful for most telecommunication applications. One of the solutions is by realising photonic crystal (PhC) structures that exhibit high-quality factors in a small mode volume, V. Silicon on insulator (SOI) is one of the main contenders due to its high-index contrast between the silicon (Si) core waveguide with silica (SiO2) cladding surrounding it. The maturity of silicon photonic can also be incorporated with CMOS chips making it a desired material. A strong optical confinement provided by PhC structures makes it possible to realise the compact device on a single chip. In this chapter, we will discuss a fundamental background of photonic crystal cavities mainly on one-dimensional (1D) structures, which are the simplest as compared to their counterparts, 2D and 3D PhC device structures. We have modelled a photonic crystal cavity using finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) approach. This approach uses time-dependent Maxwell equation to cover wide frequency range in a single simulation. The results are then compared with the actual measured results showing a significant agreement between them. The design will be used as basic building block for designing a more complex PhC structures that exhibit high-quality factors for applications such as filtering, DWDM and sensors

    Kajian terhadap EIS dan kaedah kehilangan berat: novel perencat kakisan hijau daripada ekstrak etlingera elatior

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    Perencatan kakisan berasaskan bahan pengekstrakan tumbuhan telah mendapat perhatian penyelidik sejak beberapa tahun kebelakangan ini disebabkan tidak bertoksik dan biodegredasi. Hasil ekstrak Etlingera elatior telah digunakan dalam kajian ini sebagai perencat kakisan hijau dalam medium 0.5 M asid hidroklorik (HCl). Dalam kajian ini, bahan ekstrak yang diperoleh telah dicirikan menggunakan analisis spektroskopi inframerah Fouriertransformasi (FTIR) dan spektroskopi jisim-kromatografi gas (GC-MS) untuk mengenal pasti kumpulan berfungsi dan sebatian kimia yang wujud. Keberkesanan bahan ekstrak dalam perencatan kakisan keluli berkarbon rendah telah dikaji melalui ujian kehilangan berat dan ujian impedans (EIS) dalam medium berasid mengikut parameter suhu (25 °C, 45 °C dan 65 °C) dan kepekatan ekstrak (250 ppm, 450 ppm, 650 ppm, 950 ppm dan 1050 ppm) yang berbeza. Spesimen keluli berkarbon rendah dicirikan melalui mikroskop elektron imbasan (SEM) dan serakan x penyebaran tenaga (EDX). Spektroskopi inframerah Fourier-transformasi (FTIR) telah menunjukkan kehadiran kumpulan berfungsi seperti hidroksil dan alkena. Sebatian organik yang mempunyai ikatan π dengan kepadatan elektron tinggi akan memudahkan proses penjerapan. Analisis GC-MS pula mendedahkan empat sebatian utama yang terdapat dalam ekstrak Etlingera elatior iaitu N-asid hexadekanoik, siklododekan, 9,12-asid oktadekadienoik dan asid dodekanoik. Kecekapan perencatan yang diperoleh dari ujian kehilangan berat mendapati bahawa peratusan kecekapan perencatan tertinggi adalah 93.6%, manakala bagi ujian impedans (EIS) adalah 90.5% pada kepekatan 950 ppm. Suhu yang tinggi juga mempercepatkan kadar kakisan dan kecekapan perencatan (IE%) menurun. Morfologi pembentukan lapisan pelindung dilihat pada permukaan berkarbon rendah apabila dengan kehadiran perencat kakisan ekstrak Etlingera elatior. Secara keseluruhannya, perencat kakisan daripada ekstrak Etlingera elatior berupaya menghalang kakisan berlaku disokong pula dengan sifat yang mesra alam

    Stable multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser assisted by graphene-PMMA thin film

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    Multi-wavelength erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) is of significant interest due to its operation within the conventional optical communication band. The primary concern in multi-wavelength EDFL is the low stability of its gain medium in room temperature. This work proposed the use of graphene-polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) thin film as a stabilizer and nonlinear medium to generate stable multi-wavelength EDFL. Six channels with a constant spacing of 0.62 nm are observed within 10 dB peak power difference. The peak power stability of these lasers is measured at less than 0.8 dB within an observation time of 300 min. These findings validate the potential of graphene/PMMA thin film stabilizer as a key element in producing simple and highly stable multi-wavelength EDFL structure

    Characterization of graphene based capacitive microphone

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    This research focuses on the design, fabrication and characterization of the graphene based capacitive microphone. Finite element analysis (FEA) is first simulated in order to design and study the proposed graphene based capacitive microphone. While the fabrication introduced MEMS technique in order to reduce the physical size, volume and cost without neglecting the performance. This study discusses on physical characteristics of graphene diaphragm for capacitive microphone. The fabrication of 200 nm air gap and the free-standing suspended graphene with the contribution of the van der Waals force between the graphene layer as a diaphragm and the substrate are presented in this study. The first stage involved in this study was the photolithography process of patterning electrodes with 4 different dimensions of diaphragm. The characterization was performed by using surface profilometer, optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and FESEM to evaluate the physical characteristics of the diaphragm. In the last stage, LCR meter was used to measure the capacitive change with different diameter of graphene diaphragm within frequency range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz. FEA analysis showed the good sensitivity against the frequency response for the largest proposed diameter of diaphragm

    High sensitivity microfiber interferometer sensor in aqueous solution

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    The need for environmental protection and water pollution control has led to the development of different sensors for determining many kinds of pollutants in water. Ammonia nitrogen presence is an important indicator of water quality in environmental monitoring applications. In this paper, a high sensitivity sensor for monitoring ammonia nitrogen concentration in water using a tapered microfiber interferometer (MFI) as a sensor platform and a broad supercontinuum laser as the light source is realized. The MFI is fabricated to the waist diameter of 8 µm producing a strong interference pattern due to the coupling of the fundamental mode with the cladding mode. The MFI sensor is investigated for a low concentration of ammonia nitrogen in water in the wide wavelength range from 1500–1800 nm with a high-power signal provided by the supercontinuum source. The broad source allows optical sensing characteristics of the MFI to be evaluated at four different wavelengths (1505, 1605, 1705, and 1785 nm) upon exposure towards various ammonia nitrogen concentrations. The highest sensitivity of 0.099 nm/ppm that indicates the wavelength shift is observed at 1785 nm operating wavelength. The response is linear in the ammonia nitrogen range of 5–30 ppm with the best measurement resolution calculated to be 0.5 ppm. The low concentration ammonia nitrogen detected by the MFI in the unique infrared region reveals the potential application of this optical fiber-based sensor for rivers and drinking water monitoring

    Design and simulation of tapered optical fiber by enhancing the evanescent field region for sensing application

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    We report the design and simulation of the tapered optical fiber with large presence of the evanescent field. The evanescent field of the optical fiber is strongly affected by the surrounding environment which will be exploited into fabricating variety of photonic-based devices such as photodetectors, optical sensors and ultra-high Q resonators. The simulation results show that by adiabatically tapered the waist region, there is a fairly large amount of evanescent field intensity observed at the air-cladding region. The smooth transition region of the tapered fiber has also minimized the multimode interference in the waist and transition region thus reducing the energy loss and contributing to the higher output power

    Photonic crystal (PhC) nanowires for infrared photodetectors

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    We report the Photonic Crystal (PhC) nanowires performance for potential phototodetectors integration application. The refractive index of PhC can be tailored to guide specific resonance wavelength precisely. This paper presents the numerical approach of 1D PhC with 12 periodic holes to observe the range of stop band acquired, transmission and the quality factor of the resonance wavelengths. By splitting the holes equally with a range of cavities from 440 to 450 nm, the stop band observed are between 1.5 to 2.1 μm. By varying the cavity length, the value of resonance wavelengths and quality factors observed have also changed. The introduction of 442 nm cavity shows the highest transmission but the lowest Quality factor (Q-factor) where both are observed at 0.87 and 284 respectively. The values indicate a good confinement of light in the waveguide designed thus enabling wavelength selectivity for photodetectors application in highly sensitive wavelength selection application

    Photonic crystal embedded waveguide for compact C-band band-pass filter

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    We report the modelling of a band-pass filter at conventional band (c-band) and the effect of different shapes of photonic crystal (PhC) holes embedded on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) waveguide. The designed embedded waveguides was simulated with LUMERICAL finite different time domain (FDTD) and a filter response with a bandwidth of approximately 30 nm complying with international telecommunication unit (ITU-T) standard was observed. The simulated bandwidth observed was sufficient for guarding against other band interference in telecommunication applications such as wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). The waveguide was designed with a dimension of 600 nm width × 260 nm height and embedded with PhC of 4 mirrors and 3 cavities. 2 mirrors at both end of the whole structure were designed with less number of holes for obtaining the band-pass filter profile. With a value of lattice constant a, hole radius r and cavity distance c of 370, 115 and 315 nm respectively, the simulated device spectrum complimented the erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) spectrum to obtain wavelength profile flatness. The PhC embedded waveguide was tailored to give a 70 percent value of transmission. A flat profile was observed by reducing the photonic crystal hole radii in the middle mirrors. The wavelength band and the bandwidth of the band can be tuned by manipulating the number of mirrors and cavities in waveguide. A different types of PhC hole shapes were also studied and compared. The transmission quality and bandpass quality with different types of hole shapes show that the circular PhC shape are superior in comparison with square hole shapes

    Third-order nonlinearity with subradiance dark-state in ultra-strong excitons and surface plasmon coupling using self-antiaggregation organic dye

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    A strong coupling regime with dressed states is formed when a propagating surface plasmon (PSP) mode coherently exchanges energy with an ensemble of excitons at a rate faster than the system's losses. These states are superpositions of superradiance excitons and PSP modes, accompanied by remaining subradiance or 'dark' exciton states. Dark-states are ubiquitous, especially in disordered systems, and they rise in number as the number of excitons increases. Here, the ultra-strong coupling regime was experimentally observed with the coupling strength to bare energy as high as g/Eexciton{E}_{exciton}\,∼ 0.23 using a self-antiaggregation organic dye, BOBzBT2 in an Otto-SPR configuration. We show that the hybrid system of excitons in a nonlinear organic dye layer and a PSP mode can be described by employing dark-state in a theory of nonlinear third-order sum-frequency generation (TSFG). Close agreement between the theory and the experiment has been demonstrated. The study opens up a new perspective for establishing a relationship between the optical properties of a third-order nonlinear material and the extent of strong coupling