577 research outputs found


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    Pain, one of the universals of existence, has a long and venerable history, its origin initially attributed to godly punishment for disbelievers; and, with improved understanding, to physical and psycho-social factors. “Pain is emotion or sensation?” has been a debatable issue. Razes developed pleasure-pain theory, founded on the theories of Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Epicurus. Descartes’ Dualism shifted the centre of pain from the heart to the brain but negated the psychological contribution to its pathogenesis. Gate Control Theory, fascinated with the idea of “neurological gates”, highlighted the important role of the brain in dealing with the messages received. The International Association of the Study of Pain, in 1979, coined a definition of pain which is currently in use and was last updated on 6th October 2014. Its validity has been challenged and a new definition has been suggested. Whereas the experience is personalized, immeasurable and unsharable, different cultural groups react differently to pain from relative tolerance to over-reaction. Gender and ethnic differences in the perception of pain are well proven and the effects of various religious beliefs adequately scored. Despite extensive research over centuries, understanding of pain mechanisms is still far from optimal. Untiring efforts to identify a paincentre in the brain have been futile. Had it been possible, millions of pain sufferers would have been relieved of their physical agony and mental anguish by the prick of needle.Bol, jedna od univerzalija egzistencije, ima dugu i štovanja vrijednu prošlost, čiji se izvori mogu primarno pripisati božjoj kazni za nevjerne; i s unaprijeđenim shvaćanjem fizičkog i psihosocijalnog. “Da li je bol osjećaj ili utisak?” pitanje je za raspravu. Razes je razvio teoriju zadovoljstva-boli, na temeljima Sokratove, Platonove, Aristotelove i Epikurove teorije. Descarteov dualizam premjestio je centar boli sa srca na mozak, ali je negirao psihološki doprinos u patogenezi. Teorija ulaznih vrata (Gate Control Theory) fascinirana idejom “neuroloških ulaznih vrata” pokazala je važnu ulogu mozga u prenošenju poruka. Nepobitnost njenih pojedinih elemenata bila je dovedena u pitanje, te je predložena alternativa, nova definicija. Međutim iskustvo je osobno, nemjerljivo i nedjeljivo, različite kulturološke skupine različito reagiraju na bol: od relativne tolerancije do pretjeranih reakcija. Spolne i etničke razlike u percepciji boli jasno su dokazane, kao što su adekvatno zabilježeni učinci različitih vjerskih uvjerenja na nju. Unatoč višestoljetnim opsežnim istraživanjima, razumijevanje mehanizma boli, vrlo je udaljeno od optimalne razine


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    Ibn Sina, the most eminent Muslim physician, illuminative philosopher, great thinker and a versatile genius is regarded as the “Father of Early Modern Medicine” and as the “Father of Clinical Pharmacology”. The “Kitab al-Qanun fi-al-Tibb”, commonly known as the “Canon Medicinae” is the most important of his medical works and, at the same time, the most carefully preserved treasury both in original Arabic and in the initial Latin version. It is the final codification of all Greco-Arabic medical thoughts up to his time, enriched and modified with his own scientific experimentations and independent observations. It is considered “The First Textbook of Medicine on the Earth”. The “Canon” surpassed the books of Hippocrates and Galen and remained supreme for more than six centuries, in the West. Ibn Sina described “Seven Doctrines” for Preservation of Health, based on the Mudawa Salookia, in his magnum opus. The roots of these principles can be traced, to a significant extent, to Egyptian Medicine, Hebrew Medicine, Greek Medicine, Roman Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ancient Persian Medicine, Ayurvedic Medicine (Hindu Medicine) and Islamic Medicine.Avicena (Ibn Sina), najugledniji muslimanski liječnik, prosvijećeni filozof, veliki mislilac i svestrani genij, smatra se na polju medicine “ocem rane moderne medicine” i “ocem kliničke farmakologije”. Kitabal-Qanunfi-al-Tibb, općepoznat kao Canon Medicinae, najvažnije je od njegovih medicinskih djela te istovremeno najpomnije očuvana riznica i u izvornoj i u prvoj latinskoj verziji. To je konačna kodifikacija grčkoarapske medicinske misli do njegova vremena, obogaćena i dopunjena njegovim vlastitim znanstvenim ispitivanjima i neovisnim promatranjima; smatrana “prvim udžbenikom medicine na Zemlji”. Canon je nadmašio Hipokratove i Galenove knjige i ostao vrhovni autoritet na Zapadu više od šest stoljeća. Avicena je opisao “Sedam doktrina” za održavanje zdravlja u svom remek-djelu Mudawa Salookia. Korijeni tih principa mogu se naći u egipatskoj, hebrejskoj, grčkoj, rimskoj, kineskoj, staroperzijskoj, indijskoj i islamskoj medicini


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    Objective: Objective of the present study was to prepare simple single unit gastro-retentive capsules of ofloxacin with the aim to have the gastric retention of the system for longer periods of time (12h) and to study the effect of various polymers on floating behaviour of such single unit gastro-retentive capsules of ofloxacin.Methods: The method used for the preparation of gastro-retentive capsules was a simple physical blending of various low-density hydrophilic polymers alone and in combination with hydrophobic polymers and filling into capsules. These capsules were then subjected to in vitro floatation and matrix integrity study in 0.1N HCl using static volume beaker method and the United States pharmacopoeia (USP) type II dissolution apparatus method at 100rpm.Results: Two grades of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) K4M and K15M used were found suitable for the purpose. Results showed that increase in HPMC level increased colloidal gel barrier strength along with matrix integrity with consequently improved buoyancy. Lactose which was added as release rate modifier decreased matrix integrity and buoyancy. Eudragit a hydrophobic polymer was added so as to have intact, the buoyant formulation for 12 h with desired drug release characteristics. The addition of eudragit enhanced matrix integrity and floatation time to certain levels but higher levels showed negative results. Floatation time of more than 16 h was observed in the formulations containing 2:1 ratio of HPMC K15M and eudragit respectively. 32 factorial design was used to study the effect of various formulation variables on buoyancy and matrix integrity. Formulations containing zero level of HPMC were found buoyant for more than 12 h with all levels of eudragit S100 (i.e.,-1, 0,+1 level). It was also observed that matrix integrity consequently buoyancy increased with increase in eudragit with all levels of HPMC.Conclusion: The study concludes that eudragit S100 a hydrophobic polymer increased floatation time of the formulated capsules with all the three levels of HPMC K15M, but at the same time eudragit level should not exceed HPMC, while lactose a release rate enhancer decreased matrix integrity/floatation time of the formulated capsules

    Impediments to the Success of SAARC

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    Impediments to the Success of SAARC

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    A number of queries will be raised in this research paper, regarding the mechanism and utility of international regional organizations. We will address ourselves, trying to look for a clue that why Pakistan joined these organizations; both security related and groupings with economic preferences. We would investigate the rationale for Pakistani membership as well as the diminishing results of these regional groupings. In the era of Cold War, i.e. 1950s to 1970s, the focal point of Pakistan’s foreign policy remained in cooperation with the regional countries for the uplift of its security needs; not withstanding that Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) and Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) were American sponsored. However, we cannot ignore the fact that co-members like Iran and Turkey were Pakistan’s closest allies; regardless of the fact that these three countries coordinated their policies within the grand design of American containment of the communist ideology.&nbsp