14 research outputs found

    Identity-preserving Editing of Multiple Facial Attributes by Learning Global Edit Directions and Local Adjustments

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    Semantic facial attribute editing using pre-trained Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) has attracted a great deal of attention and effort from researchers in recent years. Due to the high quality of face images generated by StyleGANs, much work has focused on the StyleGANs' latent space and the proposed methods for facial image editing. Although these methods have achieved satisfying results for manipulating user-intended attributes, they have not fulfilled the goal of preserving the identity, which is an important challenge. We present ID-Style, a new architecture capable of addressing the problem of identity loss during attribute manipulation. The key components of ID-Style include Learnable Global Direction (LGD), which finds a shared and semi-sparse direction for each attribute, and an Instance-Aware Intensity Predictor (IAIP) network, which finetunes the global direction according to the input instance. Furthermore, we introduce two losses during training to enforce the LGD to find semi-sparse semantic directions, which along with the IAIP, preserve the identity of the input instance. Despite reducing the size of the network by roughly 95% as compared to similar state-of-the-art works, it outperforms baselines by 10% and 7% in Identity preserving metric (FRS) and average accuracy of manipulation (mACC), respectively


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    Lip-reading is typically known as visually interpreting the speaker's lip movements during speaking. Experiments over many years have revealed that speech intelligibility increases if visual facial information becomes available. This effect becomes more apparent in noisy environments. Taking steps toward automating this process, some challenges will be raised such as coarticulation phenomenon, visual units' type, features diversity and their inter-speaker dependency. While efforts have been made to overcome these challenges, presentation of a flawless lip-reading system is still under the investigations. This paper searches for a lipreading model with an efficiently developed incorporation and arrangement of processing blocks to extract highly discriminative visual features. Here, application of a properly structured Deep Belief Network (DBN)- based recognizer is highlighted. Multi-speaker (MS) and speaker-independent (SI) tasks are performed over CUAVE database, and phone recognition rates (PRRs) of 77.65% and 73.40% are achieved, respectively. The best word recognition rates (WRRs) achieved in the tasks of MS and SI are 80.25% and 76.91%, respectively. Resulted accuracies demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the conventional Hidden Markov Model (HMM) and competes well with the state-of-the-art visual speech recognition works

    LogSE: An Uncertainty-Based Multi-Task Loss Function for Learning Two Regression Tasks

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    Multi-task learning (MTL) is a popular method in machine learning which utilizes related information of multi tasks to learn a task more efficiently and accurately. Naively, one can benefit from MTL by using a weighted linear sum of the different tasks loss functions. Manual specification of appropriate weights is difficult and typically does not improve performance, so it is critical to find an automatic weighting strategy for MTL. Also, there are three types of uncertainties that are captured in deep learning. Epistemic uncertainty is related to the lack of data. Heteroscedas- tic aleatoric uncertainty depends on the input data and differs from one input to another. In this paper, we focus on the third type, homoscedastic aleatoric uncertainty, which is constant for differ- ent inputs and is task-dependent. There are some methods for learning uncertainty-based weights as the parameters of a model. But in this paper, we introduce a novel multi-task loss function to capture homoscedastic uncertainty in multi regression tasks models, without increasing the complexity of the network. As the experiments show, the proposed loss function aids in learning a multi regression tasks network fairly with higher accuracy in fewer training steps

    Convolutional Relational Machine for Group Activity Recognition

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    We present an end-to-end deep Convolutional Neural Network called Convolutional Relational Machine (CRM) for recognizing group activities that utilizes the information in spatial relationsbetween individualpersons in image or video. It learns to produce an intermediate spatial representation (activity map) based on individual and group activities. A multi-stage refinement component is responsible for decreasingthe incorrectpredictions in the activity map. Finally, an aggregationcomponent uses the refined information to recognize group activities. Experimental results demonstrate the constructive contribution of the information extracted and represented in the form of the activity map. CRM shows advantages over state-of-the-artmodels on Volleyball and Collective Activity datasets