121 research outputs found


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    Korupsi tidak hanya soal tindak pidana korupsi, melainkan juga perilaku-perilaku koruptif yang dapat dilakukan pula oleh warga negara biasa. Penelitian ini bermula pijak pada analisis kondisi exposure mahasiswa pengurus organisasi kemahasiswaan di Universitas YARSI yang menjadi pintu masuk bagi pembangunan gagasan untuk mengampanyekan nilai dan prinsip antikorupsi kepada seluruh mahasiswa Universitas YARSI. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum sosiologis yang menangkap gejala-gejala sosial dan menganalisisnya dari sudut pandang keilmuan (pendidikan) hukum. Ada sejumlah hal elementer dalam hal kognisi responden mengenai pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia yang menunjukkan skala yang perlu mendapatkan intervensi kurikuler. Demikian mengerucut pada gagasan melahirkan mata kuliah Pendidikan Antikorupsi ke dalam kurikulum pendidikan tinggi yang mengadopsi semangat penyelenggaraan kelas kolaboratif dan partisipatif melalui pemanfaatan studi kasus (case study) dan pembelajaran kelompok berbasis proyek (team-based project)


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    Indonesia is a vast country consisting of 34 provinces and 17,504 islands. Each region has a diverse geographic background. In addition, the uneven development of infrastructure which causes the transport logistics to face various challenges and problems. In the health sector, time is an essential factor in the provision of emergency health needs. Therefore, the distribution of health needs, such as medicines, blood, and medical devices, should be a major concern in improving the quality of health services. In the face of the current distribution of various problems, such as congestion, infrastructure, natural disasters, and the travel time, we propose an alternative solution in solving this problem. The solution is a drone that can perform the unhindered distribution of health needs based on location coordinates of the given location. These drones in the call healthcopter are expected to improve the quality of health services in Indonesia. Healthcopter can be accessed via mobile device applications that can receive requests from various places. This research has produced Healthcopter consisting of drones and application delivery medical needs. The Healthcopter has tested the travel time and speed based on the distance and weight of the load that can be transported by the drone. The heavier the drone load, the longer the travel time and the lower the speed. Similarly to distance, the greater the drone mileage, the longer the travel time and the lower the speed. Keywords: Drone, distribution, healt

    Bilateral anterior opercular syndrome

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    Opercular syndrome, also known as Foix-Chavany-Marie syndrome is a rare disorder due to bilateral lesions of opercular cortex surrounding the insula. It is characterized by paralysis of facial, lingual, pharyngeal, and masticatory voluntary muscles with preservation of autonomic, involuntary, and reflexive functions. In the present case, a 71-years old female presented with acute onset of anarthria with difficulties in chewing, speaking, and swallowing that was diagnosed with opercular syndrome.

    Targeted Genome Editing for Cotton Improvement

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    Conventional tools induce mutations randomly throughout the cotton genome—making breeding difficult and challenging. During the last decade, progress has been made to edit the gene of interest in a very precise manner. Targeted genome engineering with engineered nucleases (ENs) specifically zinc-finger nucleases (ZFNs), transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs), and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) RNA-guided nucleases (e.g., Cas9) has been described as a “game-changing technology” for diverse fields as human genetics and plant biotechnology. In eukaryotic systems, ENs create double-strand breaks (DSBs) at the targeted DNA sequence which are repaired by nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) or homology-directed recombination (HDR) mechanisms. ENs have been used successfully for targeted mutagenesis, gene knockout, and multisite genome editing (GenEd) in model plants and crop plants such as cotton, rice, and wheat. Recently, cotton genome has also been edited for targeted mutagenesis through CRISPR/Cas for improved lateral root formation. In addition, an efficient and fast method has been developed to evaluate guide RNAs transiently in cotton. The targeted disruption of undesirable genes or metabolic pathway can be achieved to increase quality of cotton. Undesirable metabolites like gossypol in cottonseed can be targeted efficiently using ENs for seed-specific low-gossypol cotton. Moreover, ENs are also helpful in gene stacking for herbicide resistance, insect resistance, and abiotic stress tolerance


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan memperoleh gambaran faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan karir siswa di SMK Bina Sejahtera 1 Bogor. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif jenis survei. Populasi penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI SMK Bina Sejahtera 1 Bogor sebanyak 135 siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner berisi 60 item. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba diketahui 50 butir valid dan 10 butir kurang baik dengan kriteria r tabel 0,238. Uji reliabilitas dengan Split-Half Guttman 0,744. Teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah Propotional Random Sampling, sampel penelitian ini diambil dari perhitungan 40% jumlah populasi yaitu 54 siswa. Instrumen penelitian adalah kuesioner berisi 60 butir pernyataan tentang faktor eksternal yang mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan karir. Hasil penelitian yaitu faktor yang mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan karir siswa setelah lulus SMK adalah diperoleh aspek sekolah sebesar 71,16%, komunitas 46,03%, sosial ekonomi keluarga 39,42%, teman sebaya 34,66% dan keluarga 32,54%. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah siswa XI SMK Bina Sejahtera dalam pengambilan keputusan karir didominasi aspek sekolah dengan indikator meliputi pandangan, sikap sekolah mengenai nilai-nilai dalam bekerja dan mengenai tinggi rendahnya status sosial jabatan-jabatan yang dikomunikasikan oleh guru BK/Tenaga pengajar. Impilkasi hasil penelitian adalah guru BK/Tenaga pengajar memaksimalkan peranan dengan melakukan strategi pelayanan bimbingan karir

    Tropical diabetic hand syndrome- a case report with a short review

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    Tropical diabetic hand syndrome (TDHS) encompasses an acute symptom complex found in patients of diabetes mellitus primarily in the tropical regions. The syndrome usually follows a minor trauma to the hand, may rapidly progress to gangrene, fulminant sepsis and may even be life threatening. The syndrome is less recognized and thus reported less often. The authors present here a case of Tropical diabetic hand syndrome (TDHS) in a middle aged female with a poor glycemic control. The patient was managed meticulously both by surgical debridement and proper, culture evidenced antibiotic therapy apart from routine diabetic management

    A study evaluating the awareness among general population towards common medical emergencies

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    Background: Basic life support has been found to be lifesaving in common medical emergencies. The level of awareness about emergency care in general population and the approach of the common people with regards to common medical emergencies is an important determinant of positive outcome.Methods: This study was conducted in 445 participants randomly selected from visitors of our outpatient department, to study the awareness in general public about the medical emergencies and basic life support skills.Results:  This study was conducted in 445 participants randomly selected from visitors of our outpatient department, to study the awareness in general public about the medical emergencies and basic life support skills.Conclusions: Awareness about common medical emergencies is low in general public and there is a need to devise strategies to improve this awareness

    Tick Infestation, Distribution, Identification, and Risk Factors on Large Ruminants in Southern Regions of Pakistan

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    The livestock sector plays fundamental role in Pakistan\u27s economy, and a variety of ruminants (cattle and buffaloes) are raised to meet the rising demand for milk, meat, and hide goods. Ticks are the most common vectors for the transmission of tick-borne disease and several pathogens to animals and people. Ticks are widespread in Pakistan due to the country\u27s favorable subtropical climate, and they parasitize large and small ruminants, causing infestation and mortality, as well as economic losses to herdsmen. Therefore, the study aimed to investigate the tick’s epidemiology in large animals in the selected Southern regions of Pakistan, during the year 2020-21, along with the identification of infesting ticks and their associated risk factors. For this purpose, a total of 2637 tick specimens were collected from 2813 animals and seven tick species belonging to five genera were identified from examined animals. The identified species were A. variegatum, D. marginatus, H. anatolicum, H. excavatum, H. dromedarii, Hae. punctata and R. sanguineus. D. marginatus was not found on buffaloes, while A. variegatum, Hae. punctata and H. excavatum were not recorded on cows. Age and sex of the animals were non-significantly (p \u3e 0.05) associated with the prevalence of tick infestation. However, the females and younger animals were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) infested with ticks as compared to males and older animals. The most common sites of tick attachment were the tail and ear regions, while the thigh region was the least common. This study concluded that H. anatolicum is the most prevalent tick species found on both hosts (cows and buffaloes), which bear a major risk of protozoan transmission in the livestock population and may badly affect the health status and production of the animals

    Livestock in Pakistan: An Insight into Climate Changes and Impacts

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    The global livestock sector is expanding at a faster rate than any other agricultural sub-sector. It employs approximately 1.3 billion people and accounts for approximately 40 % of global agricultural output. This industry is one of the most damaging sectors to the world\u27s increasingly scarce water resources, contributing to water pollution from animal wastes, hormones, antibiotics, chemicals from tanneries, pesticides, and fertilizers used to spray feed crop. Climate change harms livestock productivity by changing ecosystem services i.e. water availability, forage quality and quantity, diseases outbreak, and animals stress due to heat shock and reduction of livestock diversity and breeds. Ecosystem and animal health are under the direct influence of climate change. The prevalence and dispersal of animal illnesses and pathogens are presently on the rise due to climate change. Climate change may have a significant impact on farm animal production performance around the world. Heat stress appears to be one of the intriguing environmental variables affecting animals, making animal production challenging in many geographical locations around the world. Intake of feed can decrease at high temperatures while energy demands increase due to the activation of thermoregulation mechanisms, which harms productivity, growth, and development. This is because thermoregulation mechanisms are activated when temperatures are high. The rate at which animals digest their food is impacted, subjected to heat stress, in addition to their rate of growth and development. The animal\u27s heart rate, rectal temperature, and respiratory rate can all be increased during expose to environments with high temperatures

    Helicobacter Pylori Infection in Endoscopic Biopsy Specimens of Gastric Cancer: A Preliminary Evaluation in a High Risk Population of Kashmir Valley

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to assess the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection in Kashmiri patients with gastric cancer and to compare this with a matched control population
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