104 research outputs found

    Type 1 diabetes: a relatively unknown sibling of type 2 diabetes

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    Given the global trend of increasing Type 1 diabetes incidences, more attention should be given to Type 1 diabetes in Malaysia. Every year on November 14, the world marks World Diabetes Day, which aims to create awareness about diabetes mellitus. In conjunction with World Diabetes Day, Health director-general Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah has urged Malaysian to pay attention to this chronic diseas

    The role of diabetes-associated autoantibodies in confirming the diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents

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    Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is a chronic condition caused by immune cell infiltration and destruction of the pancreas insulin-producing beta (β) cells. The death of β cells causes the loss of insulin secretion, causing hyperglycaemia. The Malaysian Diabetes in Children and Adolescents Registry published a report in 2007 stating that almost 70% of childhood and adolescent diabetes were T1DM patients

    Manfaat MySejahtera untuk kajian Long COVID

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    Beban COVID-19 bukan sahaja terletak kepada bilangan kes baharu, bilangan pesakit yang masuk ke hospital dan kematian tetapi juga pesakit Long COVID

    New Industrial Master Plan 2030: Prioritise Common Diseases — Ahmad Mahfuz Gazali

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    It is imperative to encourage more companies to manufacture minimally invasive devices, point-of-care products, and medical devices to support the NIMP

    Enhance MySejahtera to study Long Covid

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    My uncle and I were travelling together for a few days at the end of November this year. Several days after parting ways with him, I developed flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat and others that seem like COVID-19. The symptoms seemed to worsen, so I decided to go to a clinic to perform the COVID-19 test

    An updated review of type 1 diabetes in Malaysia

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    The emerging phenomenon of early-onset type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) among Malaysians and misclassification of diabetes types may impact the estimates of prevalence and incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). From previous studies, the prevalence of T1D among the major ethnic groups in Malaysia was seen highest among Chinese, followed by Malays and Indians. More than half of the patients had diabetes ketoacidosis (DKA). This corresponded with the overall poor glycaemic control seen. However, the incidence of chronic complications, such as nephropathy, was lower. The prevalence of autoantibodies was reported highest for anti-islet cell antibody (ICA). As part of treatment, most Malaysian children had one or two daily insulin injections. Generally, older patients responded better to insulin therapy and yielded better glycaemic control than younger patients. While significant advances have been made in understanding T1D in the Malaysian population, more research is warranted to improve the clinical assessment and outcome of the disease. The present narrative review aims to summarise the overall status of T1D in Malaysia, which includes epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, complications, and management

    Mesej vaksin mesti diuar-uarkan setiap masa

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    Saya terpanggil untuk memberikan respons kepada rencana yang bertajuk ‘Startling Rice in Measles Cases’ yang diterbitkan dalam akhbar ‘The Star’ pada 4 Mac 2023. Sepatah ayat daripada artikel tersebut membuatkan saya risau, iaitu ‘Although measles vaccination reached 95 per cent each year, five percent (about 20,000 to 25,000) of the eligible children remained unvaccinated every year. Over the years, this number snowballs, and they remain susceptible to measles’

    Promosi kebaikan vaksin sepanjang masa

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    Saya terpanggil untuk memberikan respons kepada rencana yang bertajuk Startling Rice in Measles Cases yang diterbitkan dalam akhbar The Star pada 4 Mac lalu

    Serlahkan semangat patriotik dengan mengambil vaksin Covid-19

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    Sehingga tarikh 18 Oktober 2021, hampir 70 peratus peratus rakyat Malaysia sudah lengkap menerima vaksin Covid-19. Sikap rakyat Malaysia yang berlumba-lumba untuk mengambil vaksin Covid-19 wajar dipuji. Sehubungan itu, kerajaan pimpinan Yang Amat Berhormat Dato Sri’ Ismail Sabri telah mengambil langkah mengumumkan kebenaran rentas negeri pada 11 Oktober 2021 apabila lebih 90 peratus penduduk dewasa di Malaysia telah pun divaksin

    Dos penggalak Covid-19 mampu tingkatkan sistem imun lawan jangkitan Omicron

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    Pada 26 Januari 2022 yang lalu, Menteri Kesihatan Malaysia, Khairy Jamaluddin telah mengisytiharkan bahawa negara kita sedang mengalami gelombang Omicron. Ini boleh dilihat kenaikan kes positif Covid-19 secara mendadak sejak 22 Januari yang lalu
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