8 research outputs found

    Implementation of emergency-based thrombolysis : an achievable option for rural hospitals in developing countries

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    Background In developing countries such as Malaysia, the primary mode for revascularization is via thrombolytic therapy. This is only effective when instituted within a small time window and pre-hospital delay is a major concern. In a region where the mean house-to-door times can be as long as 8.5 hours, there is an urgent need to reduce the door-to-needle times. Methods Emergency-based thrombolysis was initiated at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan Kuantan, a 600-bed regional hospital in Malaysia. One hundred and thirty three patients with acute ST elevation myocardial infarction patients were screened. 39 patients were recruited in the 4 months prior to the implementation date and 94 patients were recruited after. The mean house-to-door, door-to-needle times were recorded. Results The majority of patients were male 88.7%, with a mean age of 56.4 � 10.3 years. The median presentation time (house-to-door) was 117.50 minutes before and 136.00 minutes after (p � 0.213, Mann- Whitney U) minutes. The median door-to-needle time was 100.00 minutes before and 50.00 minutes after (p � 0.031). The mortality rates were 12.8% before and 11.70% (p�0.87, Fisher exact test) after mplementation of Emergency-based thrombolysis. Conclusion Implementation of Emergency-based thrombolysis has markedly improved the door-to-needle times and resulted in a trend towards reduced mortality rates in acute ST-elevation myocardial infarction

    Compliance with the Malaysian National critical practice guidelines on the administration of thrombolytic agents in acute st-elevation myocardial infarction

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    Background In developing countries such as Malaysia, the primary mode for revascularization is via thrombolytic therapy. In 2001, the 1st Edition of the Malaysian Clinical Practice Guideline advised the door-to-needle time of 60 minutes. This has been revised in the 2nd Edition (2007) to 30 minutes. This study aims to evaluate the mean door-to-needle times following the implementation of Emergency Department-based thrombolysis. Methods Accident and Emergency-based (A�E) thrombolysis was initiated at Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan Kuantan, Malaysia. Ninety four patients with acute ST elevation myocardial infarction patients were screened and 75 patients were recruited. The mean house-to-door, door-to-needle times were recorded. Results The majority of patients were male (89.3%), of Malay ethnicity (84%), presenting with anterior MI (69.3%) with a mean age of 57.0 � 9.52 years. The mean door-to-needle time was 80.54 � 84.8 minutes (116.46 � 109.00 minutes before the implementation). Only 20% achieved the 30-minute door-to-needle time and only 65.3% achieved the 60 minute door-to-needle time. The reasons for late thrombolysis were quoted as late referrals from A�E (50%), hypertensive emergency (22%), resuscitation (17%) and others (11%). Conclusion Implementation of Emergency-based thrombolysis has improved the door-to-needle times but more staff education and training is required due to the high rate ofblate A�E identification and late referrals

    دراسة تحليلية مقارنة في المداخل المعجمية العربية الحديثة: أبنية الأفعال الثلاثية المزيدة أنموذجا = A comparative analytical study of modern Arabic lexicography entries: extra three letters verb structures as case study = Kajian perbandingan analitikal terhadap kemasukan kosa kata dalam Leksikografi Arab moden: kajian kes struktur kata kerja berimbuhan daripada asal tiga huruf

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    يواجه الطلبة الصعوبات البالغة في استيعاب الأفعال المزيدة والبحث عن استخدامها وتحديد دلالاتها المتعددة؛ إذ وهذا جعل الباحثان ، ع أهداف المعاجم واختلاف أحجامها لتنو ً ونوعا ً اّ كم تختلف مداخل المعاجم ومحتوياتها يتطرقان إلى فحص عدد الأفعال المزيدة ودلالاتها المتعددة في المعجم الوسي والمعجم العري الأساسي يتناول هذا البحث مجهودات جمع المواد المعجمية وانتقائها بطريقة مقارنة تحليلية إحصائية دقيقة في هذين المعجمين تلك النظريا ّ تفحص التطبيقات المعجمية التي توافق أهم ت ، العربيين؛ لأن المعاجم العربية المؤسسية الحديثة المتميزة الاستفادة بها في إعداد المعاجم التعليمية َّ ومن ثم ، المعجمية العربية الحديثة في إثبات المداخل المعجمية وإسقاطها الحديثة وإعداد عناصر الكتب في المقررات العربية المتطورة، ومساعدة المتعلمين على معرفة مداخل المعاجم العربية وتطبيقاتها في المعاجم العربية أثبت من بين ً ل) هو أكبر صيغة عددا َّ الإحصاء الذي أجراه البحث أن وزن (فع وهي ، ( هو أقل صيغة عددا من بين هذه الصيغ المزيدة َلَ عْ وَ عْ فِ ل) وإن وزن ا َ هذه الصيغ المزيدة ويليه وزن (فاع (13( ( في المعجمين الوسي والأساسي وهو َّ الَ عْ فِ ت 26 ويليه وزن ( ا ً ) فعلا كما ً ) فعلا أن المعجم الأساسي َ بين 916قد أهمل مما وجد في المعجم الوسي ( ل) وهو أكبر صيغة عددا من بين هذه الصيغ َّ على وزن (فع ً ) فعلا ه 405المزيدة التي أهملها المعجم الأساسي، كما أسق المعجم الأساسي العدد ( ل) وحد َ Students normally face difficulties in understanding the use and various meanings of extra verbs due to the differences of dictionary entries and the quantity of the contents in accordance to their objectives and sizes. This had brought us to examine a number of extra verbs and their meanings in the al-wasit and the basic Arabic dictionaries. The study looks into the efforts on compiling the dictionary materials before selecting them and subsequently subjecting them to an analytical comparative statistical classification. This is because modern basic Arabic dictionaries use the method of selection suggested by modern lexicography theories in selecting/deselecting the entries. Through this approach, suitable modern dictionary for learning purposes can be recommended to students thus helping in preparing relevant content of textbooks for lexicography in advanced Arabic syllabus. This would be helpful to the learners to to understand the entries and applications of entries in Arabic dictionaries. The statistical study confirms that the verb pattern fa’-a-la is the most frequent structure among the extra verbs followed by the structure faa-a’-la. The least frequent is the structure if-a’w-a’-la (13 verbs); the structure if-a’al-la comes after it with 26 verbs in both dictionaries. The Basic Arabic Dictionary left 916 verbs with the fa’-a-la structure found in al-wasit dictionary although this is the most frequent pattern of extra verb. Similarly 405 verbs with the af-a’-la pattern found in al-wasit were left by the basic Arabic Dictionary alone

    دراسة تحليلية مقارنة في المداخل المعجمية العربية الحديثة: أبنية الأفعال الثلاثية المزيدة أنموذجاً = A comparative analytical study of modern Arabic lexicography entries: extra three letters verb structures as case study = Kajian perbandingan analitikal terhadap kemasukan kosa kata dalam leksikografi Arab moden: kajian kes struktur kata kerja berimbuhan daripada asal tiga huruf

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    يواجه الطلبة الصعوبات البالغة في استيعاب الأفعال المزيدة والبحث عن استخدامها وتحديد دلالاتها المتعددة؛ إذ تختلف مداخل المعاجم ومحتوياتها كمّاً ونوعاً لتنوع أهداف المعاجم واختلاف أحجامها، وهذا جعل الباحثان يتطرقان إلى فحص عدد الأفعال المزيدة ودلالاتها المتعددة في المعجم الوسي والمعجم العري الأساسي يتناول هذا البحث مجهودات جمع المواد المعجمية وانتقائها بطريقة مقارنة تحليلية إحصائية دقيقة في هذين المعجمين العربيين؛ لأن المعاجم العربية المؤسسية الحديثة المتميزة، تفحص التطبيقات المعجمية التي توافق أهمّ تلك النظريات المعجمية العربية الحديثة في إثبات المداخل المعجمية وإسقاطها، ومن ثمَّ الاستفادة بها في إعداد المعاجم التعليمية الحديثة وإعداد عناصر الكتب في المقررات العربية المتطورة، ومساعدة المتعلمين على معرفة مداخل المعاجم العربية وتطبيقاتها في المعاجم العربية أثبت الإحصاء الذي أجراه البحث أن وزن )فعَّل( هو أكبر صيغة عدداً من بين هذه الصيغ المزيدة ويليه وزن )فاعَل( وإن وزن اِفْ عَوْعَلَ) هو أقل صيغة عددا من بين هذه الصيغ المزيدة، وهي ( 13 ( فعلاً ويليه وزن ) اِفْ عَالَّ) في المعجمين الوسي والأساسي وهو ) 26 ( فعلاً كما تبيَن أن المعجم الأساسي قد أهمل مما وجد في المعجم الوسي ) 916 ( فعلاً على وزن )فعَّل( وهو أكبر صيغة عددا من بين هذه الصيغ المزيدة التي أهملها المعجم الأساسي، كما أسق المعجم الأساسي العدد ) 405 ( فعلاً على وزن )أفعَل( وحده Students normally face difficulties in understanding the use and various meanings of extra verbs due to the differences of dictionary entries and the quantity of the contents in accordance to their objectives and sizes. This had brought us to examine a number of extra verbs and their meanings in the al-wasit and the basic Arabic dictionaries. The study looks into the efforts on compiling the dictionary materials before selecting them and subsequently subjecting them to an analytical comparative statistical classification. This is because modern basic Arabic dictionaries use the method of selection suggested by modern lexicography theories in selecting/deselecting the entries. Through this approach, suitable modern dictionary for learning purposes can be recommended to students thus helping in preparing relevant content of textbooks for lexicography in advanced Arabic syllabus. This would be helpful to the learners to to understand the entries and applications of entries in Arabic dictionaries. The statistical study confirms that the verb pattern fa’-a-la is the most frequent structure among the extra verbs followed by the structure faa-a’-la. The least frequent is the structure if-a’w-a’-la (13 verbs); the structure if-a’al-la comes after it with 26 verbs in both dictionaries. The Basic Arabic Dictionary left 916 verbs with the fa’-a-la structure found in al-wasit dictionary although this is the most frequent pattern of extra verb. Similarly 405 verbs with the af-a’-la pattern found in al-wasit were left by the basic Arabic Dictionary alone

    The importance of programming paradigms to manufacturing engineering graduates: A case study from international Islamic university Malaysia graduates University Malaysia Graduates

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    Digital computers that automate manufacturing process are an important aspect for any manufacturing engineers in the modern world. Selection of the programming paradigm (PP), as well as the programming language (PL) that supports it, is crucial to ensure the correct ideas are being used to automate the solution of the problem. In current Malaysian Higher institution practices, various PPs and PLs courses are offered to current undergraduate manufacturing majors. An online survey was deployed to experienced manufacturing engineers from various manufacturing specializations in the industry. Graduates from one of Malaysia’s public universities, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) have been chosen for this particular study. From the survey, it has been found that almost 80% of the participants agreed that PPs are important for manufacturing graduates. It was found out that 90% of the participants were from intermediate (scale of 3) until poor (scale of 1) to express their ability to explain PPs if asked. Only about 10% are able to explain on PPs (scale of 4 and 5). The study concluded that majority of the manufacturing graduates from IIUM agreed that PP is an important subject to be taught in university. However, it was found the majority of the manufacturing graduates lack the knowledge and understanding of PPs and general PLs

    المصدر المتصيد واختلافه عن المصدرين الصريح والمؤول

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    إن فهم قضايا اللغة العربية، والوقوف على أسرارها؛ يجعلنا ندرك من غير شك مرونة اللسان العربي وطواعيته، وهذا مما يلمسه هذا البحث؛ إذ يتناول: مفهوم المصدر المتصيد في اللغة العربية؛ وبيان فرق بينه وبين أخويه الصريح والمؤول، وذكر تسمياته، ووروده في الأساليب الخبرية والإنشائية؛ من خلال منهج وصفي تحليلي يظهر منه أثر الفكر في مباحث اللغة العربية بعامة، وفي تبيُّن المصدر المتصيد بخاصة. There is no doubt that a thorough understanding of Arabic linguistic issues leads one to the awareness of the flexible nature of Arabic language. This is, indeed, the concern of this study for it treats the concept of the Arabic infinitive, al-Masdar al-Mutasayyad in its literal sense and the difference between it and two other infinitives namely al-Masdar al-Sareeh and al-Masdar al-Muawwal. It also unveils its designations as well as its use in both imperative and reporting statements. This is achieved through a descriptive and analytic approach which shows the effect of thought on Arabic language studies in general, and the infinitive, al-Masdar al-Mutasayyad in particular

    i-Saraf – A web-based platform for learning Arabic morphology

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    i-Saraf seeks to help students in learning Arabic morphology through the design of a computer assisted program by using multimedia via the World Wide Web. Among the factors related to this study are many students Arabic language of non-native speakers find many difficulties in learning Arab morphology, including the large number of morphological terms that lead to student psychological disorder, distraction of mind, and it becomes worst if they are presented with the views of scholar’s different views which lead them to avoid morphology subject due to its complexity and difficulty material based on learners’ perception. This study adopted two methodologies of descriptive and analytical. The researcher has collected information about the difficulties in learning Arabic morphology, theories of learning Arabic language via the World Wide Web, and designed a computer assisted program by using multimedia via the URL of http://efolio.iium.edu.my/courses/ sorof / index.html through the website of Blendspace. It was developed in the light of instructional design model of ADDIE based on the views of the respondents and their suggestions and needs. The researcher has conducted the validity and reliability check on this study among the experts in the field of teaching Arabic as a second language and educational technology. The researcher found that this multimedia learning programme is highly accepted by the respondents, as it leads to a productive and successful process of learning Arabic morphology. Keywords: Arabic morphology, multimedia learning, educational technology, instructional design, web-based learnin