97 research outputs found

    The ICT social inclusion among Orang Asli community in Gombak area

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    As Malaysia is moving towards k-economy and developed nation by 2020, there is a need for all its citizens to participate in this socio-economic development. Orang Asli often have been cited as introverts and lag behind compared to other races in Malaysia. Literatures indicate a few researches have been studied involving the Orang Asli but a dearth is found focusing on ICT education and Internet usage among the Orang Asli schoolchildren. This study aims to fill in this gap by investigating the computer and Internet usage among the Orang Asli schoolchildren in three schools in Gombak area which is close to International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) main campus. The survey findings indicate most of the respondents are familiar with computer and Internet but the level of usage varies. Most parents are lower-income earners and affordability to own personal computers become a main issue. Even though schools provide limited time allocations for the students to use computer laboratories, the students also visit cybercafรฉs, friends and relativesโ€™ houses to use computers and Internet

    Understanding ITO decisions and implementations in Malaysia public healthcare sector: the evidence from a pilot case study

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    As IT Outsourcing (ITO) grows in complexity, there is a call for effective management of ITO relationship to reduce risks. ITO relationship receives a lot of attention from researchers recently. Many studies, however, are conceptual or hypothesis-testing in nature. In addition, no one study focuses on full and comprehensive ITO decisions and implementations using Simonโ€™s stage model as a framework of inquiry. Thus, this study adopts case study research and grounded theory to investigate in detailed the ITO decisions and implementations of a pilot case in Malaysia public sector. In addition, we perform literature review, websites, documents, news as well as interviews. Our findings indicate that Malaysia practice is not much difference from developed countries except for the Asian cultural values still a dominant factor in local service providers. The research finds that public sector lacks IT resources competences and capabilities while relationship exchange varies from one case to another. Many working relationship factors are generated from iterative data reduction processes. Hence, this study contributes to literature as well as Malaysian ITO practical reference for business managers

    Information security awareness in university: maintaining learnability, performance and adaptability through roles of responsibility

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    The 21st century witnesses that technology is increasingly providing availability and accessibility to information, along with this trend is the emerging problem of information security. In order to analyze how technology introduces this new risks, it is necessary to discuss the technology lifecycle. Consider for instance the technology life cycleas concerning diffusion of an innovation. Since technological innovations or IT solutions are being adopted to support business processes, the need to protect those IT solutions also arises along with its adoption. Accordingly, two important factors need much consideration in raising awareness, firstly how organization influences significantly of end userโ€™s attitude and secondly how the organization ensure regular assessment or evaluation to measure the effectiveness of IS awareness policy within the organization

    Understanding Components of IT Risks and Enterprise Risk Management

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    This study aims to synthesise the risk factors associated with IT/IS and categorise or classify them into a few main major themes to guide the IT management in their risk management exercises. This chapter is organised into five main sections. First, the chapter begins with introduction to IT and risk in general. Second is the description of methodological approach, review of literature on and description of IT risk, factors and enterprise risk management. Third is the result and discussion of IT risk classification identified from the reviewed articles. Finally, the chapter ends with a brief description of future work

    Factors contributing to E-learning success in Nigeria institutions of higher learning

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    In 2013, out of the 1.7 million students that sat for Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) in Nigeria, less than five hundred thousand (29.4%) can have a placement in the Nigeria Institutions of Higher Learning. Perhaps, people are thinking of an alternative to the conventional university programs which accommodates less than the students willing to benefit from education, and eLearning is seen as a solution to this issue of studentsโ€™ placement. However, implementation eLearning does not guarantee success. This study investigates factors contributing to eLearning success in Nigerian Institutions of Higher Learning. In addition, the study also developed a model that can be used to measure eLearning success. This study investigates the factors contributing to eLearning system success from the usersโ€™ perspectives. Many factors may influence Information Systems success, this study only focus on individual trait which comprise of human personality trait and infrastructural capability. Personality trait such as extraversion, emotional stability and openness are important traits that are investigated, likewise the influence of other contributing factors such as the infrastructural capabilities which include computer ownership, energy generation and internet access are discussed. An explanatory mixed methods design using survey and an open-ended interview as the data collection methodology was used as the research design for the study. A survey using questionnaire provided quantitative descriptions of the sample within the chosen population through a data collection while a follow-up process was conducted using an unstructured one-on-one open-ended interview to collect relevant data. The study found the contributing factors to play role on the success of the eLearning in Nigeria and the study shows success in the eLearning program within the institutions of higher learning. The finding of the study paves a way for other research that will involve developed countries as well. This allow the intended eLearners to identify their personality trait before considering eLearning as an option as well as their infrastructural capability, likewise the Institutions of Higher Learning can suggest intended learners to be able to cater for their infrastructure before enrolling. Researchers will benefit from the eLearning success model and also the findings attached to the research that considers the individual trait to the success of an Information Systems

    Internet usage and personality traits: finding relationship in learning institution

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    Purpose โ€“ This study aims to investigate the relationship that exists between the personality traits of workers and their internet usage activities. In addition, the study also tries to investigate the workers demography and their internet usage. Design/methodology/approach โ€“ The study used questionnaire-based survey to gather responses from both the academic and non-academic staff in order to understand their personality traits and their internet usage. Results and Conclusion โ€“ Findings of this study shows significant relationship between personality traits and internet usage, where conscientiousness and openness traits are found to influence internet usage activities of workers. Workers demography is found to relate to their internet usage. Research limitations/implications โ€“ Limitation of this study is based on the generalisation of the finding that only involve learning institution. The finding of the study paves a way for other research that will involve other organisation. Practical implications โ€“ The findings should assist institution to know the calibre of people to be employed base on their personality traits, as it will help in the usage of internet. Originality/value โ€“ The research provides useful information for learning institution based on the type of workers employed, their internet usage and personality trait

    Analysis of project communication on smart card implementation in XYZ Malaysian higher education

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    Project communication is the exchange of project-specific information with the emphasis on creating understanding between the sender and the receiver. It reflected simultaneously to be an indispensable tool to manage project resources systematically. Communication through coordination and cooperation are common approach used for project scheduling, planning and control while collaboration establish the concrete result. Therefore, communication still remained as the main connector above all. Poor communication skill can cause anger, misunderstandings, conflict and distance that eventually influence project process significantly and lead to project failures. Analysis study was conducted to the โ€˜hiatusโ€™ smart card project implementation in XYZ Malaysian higher education with emphasize the point of communication as the important point should be considered without eliminating other knowledge management area which also important in succession of project. In addition, the analysis study conducted to give limelight specifically towards the smart card implementation in higher education as the reference of other project in preventing project failure happen

    Intelligent IT governance decision-making support framework for a developing country's public university

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    Decision support systems (DSS) can be helpful tools in universityโ€™s planning and management. Decision support systems can contribute to efficient exchange of information between experts, stakeholders, decision makers and laypeople. However, intelligent Information technology (IT) governance decision support system for public universities is yet to be thoroughly investigated. This is because IT governance (ITG) is just evolving as a new paradigm to take care the stakeholdersโ€™ expectations in leveraging IT with business goals. This study explores issues of IT governance and the suggestion for ITG Intelligent decision making support system (IDMSS) in a public university in Malaysia. The interviews and documents were analysed to generate themes. The findings show the need for effective IT governance in the university. This will enable optimal usage of IT resources, which are expected to have an impact on the universityโ€™s performance. The findings is aligned to Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) framework and then several proposals from extant researches on IDMSS are described to form a basis for an intelligent ITG DMSS framework suitable for adoption in the context of public Institutes of Higher learning in Malaysia

    Conceptual architecture design and configuration of thin client system for schools in Malaysia: a pilot project

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    Thin client systems have advanced recently with new innovative design extensions such as virtualisation and cloud computing. Client-server architecture is the basis for thin client system to connect remote multi-workstations to administrative servers located in headquarters or data center. This paper first presents a literature review on thin client concept and virtualization. In the next section, we describe the Wyse Technology and Linux thin client for windows-based and open source solution respectively. We then proceed with description of proposed conceptual architecture design and implementation for primary and secondary schools in Malaysia taking into account International Telecommunication Union and other International standards or benchmarks for high quality of service (QoS) delivery. Finally, our recommendation is that each system design and implementation is unique and thus requires different sets of decision-making criteria before designing an architecture. Networked-schools across a country like Malaysia with heavy users requirements pose high specification in architecture and system design planning to IT divisions. Keywords- Thin clients, virtualization, schools, Malaysia, quality of servic

    The supply-side IT outsourcing competencies and relationship exchange in Malaysia

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    IT outsourcing (ITO) has experienced a considerable growth in recent years, so much so that some authors suggest we find ourselves in the outsourcing era. ITO growth seems to be guaranteed at least in the near future. Many past researches on IT outsourcing were done in North America, Europe and Australasia contexts with little evidence from developing countries perspectives [13, 26]. IT outsourcing relationship researches revealed its importance in improving the success of IT outsourcing arrangements. Many researches on relationship, however, were investigated from demand-side perspectives. Hence, it is the aim of this study to complement these one-dimensional findings by investigating the IT outsourcing relationship exchange from service providersโ€™ perspectives in Malaysian context. This report presents the first phase qualitative findings of an on-going research on IT outsourcing competencies and relationship. The study comprises three phases: 1) a focus group and in-depth interviews; 2) mass survey; and 3) final group discussion. The authors have arranged an expert focus group deliberating on the emerging issues and subsequently interviewed five senior executive managements in the service provider firms to explore further on key variables. The unstructured interviews were recorded and transcribed and analysed based on Miles and Huberman (1994) recommendations. The study found that all the variables are, in practice, important determinants of successful outsourcing projects as claimed by many other researches in the western context. The ranking of the determinants or factors, however, were of varying disputes depending on the types of ITO configurations the parties entered into
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