2 research outputs found

    Vertex-edge perfect Roman domination number

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    A vertex-edge perfect Roman dominating function on a graph G=(V,E) G = (V, E) (denoted by ve-PRDF) is a function f:V(G){0,1,2} f:V\left(G\right)\longrightarrow\{0, 1, 2\} such that for every edge uvE uv\in E , max{f(u),f(v)}0 \max\{f(u), f(v)\}\neq0 , or u u is adjacent to exactly one neighbor w w such that f(w)=2 f(w) = 2 , or v v is adjacent to exactly one neighbor w w such that f(w)=2 f(w) = 2 . The weight of a ve-PRDF on G G is the sum w(f)=vVf(v) w(f) = \sum_{v\in V}f(v) . The vertex-edge perfect Roman domination number of G G (denoted by γveRp(G) \gamma_{veR}^{p}(G) ) is the minimum weight of a ve-PRDF on G G . In this paper, we first show that vertex-edge perfect Roman dominating is NP-complete for bipartite graphs. Also, for a tree T T , we give upper and lower bounds for γveRp(T) \gamma_{veR}^{p}(T) in terms of the order n n , l l leaves and s s support vertices. Lastly, we determine γveRp(G) \gamma_{veR}^{p}(G) for Petersen, cycle and Flower snark graphs

    Total Perfect Roman Domination

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    A total perfect Roman dominating function (TPRDF) on a graph G=(V,E) is a function f from V to {0,1,2} satisfying (i) every vertex v with f(v)=0 is a neighbor of exactly one vertex u with f(u)=2; in addition, (ii) the subgraph of G that is induced by the vertices with nonzero weight has no isolated vertex. The weight of a TPRDF f is ∑v∈Vf(v). The total perfect Roman domination number of G, denoted by γtRp(G), is the minimum weight of a TPRDF on G. In this paper, we initiated the study of total perfect Roman domination. We characterized graphs with the largest-possible γtRp(G). We proved that total perfect Roman domination is NP-complete for chordal graphs, bipartite graphs, and for planar bipartite graphs. Finally, we related γtRp(G) to perfect domination γp(G) by proving γtRp(G)≤3γp(G) for every graph G, and we characterized trees T of order n≥3 for which γtRp(T)=3γp(T). This notion can be utilized to develop a defensive strategy with some properties