17 research outputs found

    The Utility of Genomic Variant Databases in Genetic Counseling

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    Organizations such as the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) and the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) are in agreement that public genomic data sharing will benefit patient care. Despite these recommendations, not all clinical laboratories share their variant data onto public databases. As the amount of genetic material being analyzed for patient care continues to increase, more variants of unknown significance (VUS) are reported as well. Genetic counselors need to properly interpret VUS results in order to aid patients in making educated health decisions. For this paper, genetic counselors were asked about genomic data sharing and how they handle VUS results for patients. While almost all genetic counselors agree that there is a need for genomic data sharing, only some took laboratories’ data sharing practices into account when deciding where to order testing. Genetic counselors do not have a standard way of processing VUS results; there is little consistency to how often genetic counselors look up variants in public databases or which databases they use

    Origen y evolución de la propaganda política en la España democrática (1975-2000): Análisis de las técnicas y de los mensajes en las elecciones generales del año 2000

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    El presente estudio se centrará en el análisis de las técnicas y mensajes utilizados en la propaganda política difundida por televisión por los principales partidos españoles –Partido Popular (PP) y Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE)– en las elecciones generales del año 2000. Tras exponer cuál es el sistema electoral que rige en España, se esbozarán con brevedad las escasas referencias que existen sobre nuestro tema para, a continuación, explicar la regulación vigente sobre propaganda política en periodo electoral y concluir con el análisis de contenido y la codificación de los spots difundios en el periodo electoral mencionado siguiendo el modelo propuesto por la profesora Lynda Kaid

    Integration Of Basic And Clinical Sciences In Health Professions Education

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    Part of the Journal of Dental Education\u27s series “Peer Education: Reviews of the Literature,” this manuscript details different aspects of the vertical integration technique of incorporating didactic knowledge into a clinical setting within dental education

    Education Challenges During a Global Pandemic

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