3,692 research outputs found

    A brief review of "little string theories"

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    This is a brief review of the current state of knowledge on "little string theories", which are non-gravitational theories having several string-like properties. We focus on the six dimensional maximally supersymmetric "little string theories" and describe their definition, some of their simple properties, the motivations for studying them, the DLCQ and holographic constructions of these theories and their behaviour at finite energy density. (Contribution to the proceedings of Strings '99 in Potsdam, Germany.)Comment: 11 pages, contribution to Strings '99 proceeding

    The effective string spectrum in the orthogonal gauge

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    The low-energy effective action on long string-like objects in quantum field theory, such as confining strings, includes the Nambu-Goto action and then higher-derivative corrections. This action is diffeomorphism-invariant, and can be analyzed in various gauges. Polchinski and Strominger suggested a specific way to analyze this effective action in the orthogonal gauge, in which the induced metric on the worldsheet is conformally equivalent to a flat metric. Their suggestion leads to a specific term at the next order beyond the Nambu-Goto action. We compute the leading correction to the Nambu-Goto spectrum using the action that includes this term, and we show that it agrees with the leading correction previously computed in the static gauge. This gives a consistency check for the framework of Polchinski and Strominger, and helps to understand its relation to the theory in the static gauge.Comment: 21 page

    Stable Non-Supersymmetric Supergravity Solutions from Deformations of the Maldacena-Nunez Background

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    We study a deformation of the type IIB Maldacena-Nunez background which arises as the near-horizon limit of NS5 branes wrapped on a two-cycle. This background is dual to a "little string theory" compactified on a two-sphere, a theory which at low energies includes four-dimensional N = 1 super Yang-Mills theory. The deformation we study corresponds to a mass term for some of the scalar fields in this theory, and it breaks supersymmetry completely. In the language of seven-dimensional SO(4) gauged supergravity the deformation involves (at leading order) giving a VEV, depending only on the radial coordinate, to a particular scalar field. We explicitly construct the corresponding solution at leading order in the deformation, both in seven-dimensional and in ten-dimensional supergravity, and we verify that it completely breaks supersymmetry. Since the original background had a mass gap and we are performing a small deformation, the deformed background is guaranteed to be stable even though it is not supersymmetric.Comment: 1+31 pages, one figure. v2: minor clarifications, refs adde

    c=1 String Theory as a Topological G/G Model

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    The physical states on the free field Fock space of the {SL(2,R)\over SL(2,R) model at any level are computed. Using a similarity transformation on QBRSTQ_{BRST}, the cohomology of the latter is mapped into a direct sum of simpler cohomologies. We show a one to one correspondence between the states of the k=−1k=-1 model and those of the c=1c=1 string model. A full equivalence between the {SL(2,R)\over SL(2,R) and {SL(2,R)\over U(1) models at the level of their Fock space cohomologies is found.Comment: 19

    On jet quenching parameters in strongly coupled non-conformal gauge theories

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    Recently Liu, Rajagopal and Wiedemann (LRW) [hep-ph/0605178] proposed a first principle, nonperturbative quantum field theoretic definition of ``jet quenching parameter'' \hat{q} used in models of medium-induced radiative parton energy loss in nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC. Relating \hat{q} to a short-distance behavior of a certain light-like Wilson loop, they used gauge theory-string theory correspondence to evaluate \hat{q} for the strongly coupled N=4 SU(N_c) gauge theory plasma. We generalize analysis of LRW to strongly coupled non-conformal gauge theory plasma. We find that a jet quenching parameter is gauge theory specific (not universal). Furthermore, it appears it's value increases as the number of effective adjoint degrees of freedom of a gauge theory plasma increases.Comment: 14 pages, latex; v2: PRD versio

    "Double-trace" Deformations, Boundary Conditions and Spacetime Singularities

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    Double-trace deformations of the AdS/CFT duality result in a new perturbation expansion for string theory, based on a non-local worldsheet. We discuss some aspects of the deformation in the low energy gravity approximation, where it appears as a change in the boundary condition of fields. We relate unique features of the boundary of AdS to the worldsheet becoming non-local, and conjecture that non-local worldsheet actions may be generic in other classes of backgrounds.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, harvmac. v2: minor changes, references added, version sent to JHEP. v3 minor correction

    Comment on "Bicritical and Tetracritical Phenomena and Scaling Properties of the SO(5) Theory"

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    The multicritical point at which both a 3-component and a 2-component order parameters order simultaneously in 3 dimensions is shown to have the critical behavior of the decoupled fixed point, with separate n=3 and n=2 behavior. This contradicts both the extrapolation of the epsilon-expansion at leading order, which yields the biconical point, and recent Monte Carlo simulations, which gave isotropic SO(5) behavior. Thus, this tetracritical point carries no information on the relevance of the so-called SO(5) theory of high-T superconductivity.Comment: 1 pag

    A first order deconfinement transition in large N Yang-Mills theory on a small 3-sphere

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    We give an analytic demonstration that the 3+1 dimensional large N SU(N) pure Yang-Mills theory, compactified on a small 3-sphere so that the coupling constant at the compactification scale is very small, has a first order deconfinement transition as a function of temperature. We do this by explicitly computing the relevant terms in the canonical partition function up to 3-loop order; this is necessary because the leading (1-loop) result for the phase transition is precisely on the borderline between a first order and a second order transition. Since numerical work strongly suggests that the infinite volume large N theory also has a first order deconfinement transition, we conjecture that the phase structure is independent of the size of the 3-sphere. To deal with divergences in our calculations, we are led to introduce a novel method of regularization useful for nonabelian gauge theory on a 3-sphere.Comment: 63 pages (40 pages + 2 appendices), 6 figures, harvmac. v2: minor correction

    A Note on Softly Broken MQCD

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    We consider generic MQCD configurations with matter described by semi-infinte D4-branes and softly broken supersymmetry. We show that the matter sector does not introduce supersymmetry breaking parameters so that the most relevant supersymmetry breaking operator at low energies is the gaugino mass term. By studying the run-away properties of these models in the decoupling limit of the adjoint matter, we argue that these softly broken MQCD configurations fail to capture the infrared physics of QCD at scales below the gaugino mass scale.Comment: 10+1 pages, TeX. V2: small comments and acknowledgements added, conclusions unchange

    Subtleties in QCD theory in Two Dimensions

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    It is shown that in a formulation of Yang-Mills theory in two dimensions in terms of A=if^{-1}\pa f, \bar A=i\bar f\bpa\bar f^{-1} with f(z,zˉ)f(z,\bar z), fˉ(z,zˉ)∈[SU(NC)]c\bar f(z,\bar z)\in[SU(N_C)]^c the complexification of SU(NC)SU(N_C) , reveals certain subtleties. ``Physical" massive color singlet states seem to exist. When coupled to NFN_F quarks the coupling constant is renormalized in such a way that it vanishes for the pure Yang- Mills case. This renders the above states massless and unphysical. In the abelian case, on the other hand, the known results of the Schwinger model are reproduced with no need of such a renormalization. The massless QCD2QCD_2 theory is analyzed in similar terms and peculiar massive states appear, with a mass of ecNF2πe_c\sqrt {N_F \over 2\pi}.Comment: 21 page
