17 research outputs found

    Study on existing nutritional condition of peri-urban dairies at Chittagong, Bangladesh

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    The study was aimed to observe the nutritive value of concentrate used in different dairy farms at peri-urban areas of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Ten (10) different concentrate feeds were randomly selected from ten different farms which analyzed for moisture, dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), nitrogen free extracts (NFE), ether extracts (EE), total ash (TA) and acid insoluble ash (AIA) and requirements of concentrate for unit production of milk was calculated. It was found that the nutritive value of individual feed concentrate of each farm varied significantly. The observed proportion of using feed ingredients was also significantly different among the farms. Finally, it may be summarized that the concentrate mixture used by the different farmers of peri-urban areas of Chittagong was different in regards to chemical composition, ingredients and amount required for milk production. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/ijarit.v3i2.17844 Int. J. Agril. Res. Innov. & Tech. 3 (2): 49-53, December, 201

    The impact of surgical closure of atrial septal defect on the pulmonary hypertension: a prospective observational study

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    Introduction: The most prevalent congenital disease is atrial septal defect. Atrial septal defects that have a left to right shunt result in persistent volume overload in the pulmonary vasculature. So histological changes occur in pulmonary vasculature leads to pulmonary hypertension. Without surgery, both life expectancy and functional ability are reduced. The aim of this study was to observe the impact of surgical closure of atrial septal defect on pulmonary hypertension. Methods: This observational study was done in the department of cardiac surgery, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University from June 2020 to June 2022. Sample size was 24 Patients were evaluated preoperatively, postoperative day of operation through a clinically, ECG, color doppler echocardiography. The statistical analysis was performed by using SPSS version 26.0 for windows software. Results: In my study, the mean age of the patients was 33.33±11.3 years, male female ratio was 1:2. The mean pulmonary artery systolic pressure got decreased from 57.54±7.9 mmHg to 53.29±8.30 mmHg on postoperative day. 75% patients improved into New York heart association class 2 on post operative day. Significant improvement was seen in functional capacity of the patients. 29.2% patients had atrial fibrilation preoperatively, after surgery on post-operative day it became 25%. Conclusions: This study concludes that surgical closure of atrial septal defect leads to a significant reduction in pulmonary hypertension


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    The study was aimed to observe the nutritive value of concentrate used in different dairy farms at peri-urban areas of Chittagong, Bangladesh. Ten (10) different concentrate feeds were randomly selected from ten different farms which analyzed for moisture, dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), crude fiber (CF), nitrogen free extracts (NFE), ether extracts (EE), total ash (TA) and acid insoluble ash (AIA) and requirements of concentrate for unit production of milk was calculated. It was found that the nutritive value of individual feed concentrate of each farm varied significantly. The observed proportion of using feed ingredients was also significantly different among the farms. Finally, it may be summarized that the concentrate mixture used by the different farmers of peri-urban areas of Chittagong was different in regards to chemical composition, ingredients and amount required for milk production

    Temporal variation of ILTV and MDV viral genome in dust samples after vaccination in a layer flock

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    An experiment with two phases, a pullet raising phase and a laying phase, was conducted to monitor the temporal variation of infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) and Marek's disease virus (MDV) vaccinal load in dust samples. These were collected weekly by settle plate and scrapings from the wall and horizontal surfaces from placement at day old to 40 weeks of age. The chickens were vaccinated against MDV (Rispens) at day old and with ILTV in water at 6 weeks (A20 strain) and by eye drop at 12 weeks of age (SA2 strain). The genome copy (GC) number of ILTV and Rispens in the dust samples were measured by using qPCR. ILTV was detected in dust 4 weeks after the first ILTV vaccination and viral load peaked 2 weeks after the second vaccination. ILTV became undetectable by 8 weeks after the 2nd vaccination apart from one positive sample at week 26. MDV was detected in dust one week after vaccination, peaked 3 weeks post vaccination and was detectable at a high level until week 17, when levels started to decline. There was no difference between settle plate and scraped samples in ILTV GC but, for MDV, higher GC were found in scraped samples later in the experiment probably reflecting accumulation of old dust. The findings suggest that the settle plate method better reflects the current level of vaccine virus in dust while the scrape method likely represents a cumulative and historical record of shedding over a period of time. Assessment of viral GC in a dust sample post vaccination is a promising candidate for a practical, routine method of indirectly assessing vaccine virus take for these viruses in commercial layer flocks, consistent with findings for ILTV vaccine take in broilers (Ahaduzzaman et al., 2019)

    Towards practical methods for assessing ILT vaccine take

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    Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is an ongoing problem in meat chickens in important production areas of Australia. In response to outbreaks, live vaccines are typically administered at 7-14 days of age in drinking water via nipple drinkers which may not provide optimal contact with susceptible tissues. The efficacy of vaccination is not routinely assessed. As part of a series of experiments investigating the kinetics of ILT virus (ILTV) in meat chickens after water vaccination via nipple drinkers, we investigated different sampling methods for assessing ILTV genome copy number (GC) by qPCR to assess flock status

    Spatial and temporal variation of Marek's disease virus and infectious laryngotracheitis virus genome in dust samples following live vaccination of layer flocks

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    Monitoring of Marek's disease virus (MDV) and infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) genome using poultry dust can be useful to monitor on-farm vaccination protocols but there are no set guidelines for collection of this sample type. This study assessed different dust collection methods for MDV and ILTV detection in a vaccinated layer flock (n = 1700) from day-old to 50 weeks of age. Birds were vaccinated against MDV at day-old, and ILTV by drinking water at week 6 and eye drop at week 12. Dust samples were collected weekly by settle plates (1-3 plates/15 m 2) or by scraping surfaces in the poultry shed and tested for ILTV and MDV genomic copies (GC) by PCR. ILTV GC were detected 4 weeks post water vaccination, peaked at weeks 12-14 and became mostly undetectable after week 18. MDV was detected in dust on week 1, peaked at weeks 3-6, declined 3 logs by week 26 and remained detectable at this level until week 50. There was no difference in the detection rates of ILTV and MDV collected from settle plates in different locations of the shed (P>0.10). There was no difference between settle plate and scraped samples in ILTV GC load but higher MDV GC were found in scraped samples. The settle plate method appears to reflect the current level of vaccine virus in the flock while the scrape method likely represents a cumulative record of shedding. Assessment of viral GC in dust samples is a good candidate for a practical method of estimating successful vaccine administration

    Spatial and temporal variation in infectious laryngotracheitis viral genome in broiler flock dust post vaccination

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    Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is an economically important disease of chickens that is endemic in several important poultry production regions of Australia. Outbreaks commonly occur in meat chicken flocks and mass vaccination, usually in water, is used to control the disease and limit its spread during outbreaks. Vaccination with live virus via water and nipple drinkers requires stringent adherence to protocols to ensure success. Evaluation of vaccination success is not performed due to a lack of practical and economic methodologies. ILT vaccine virus has been shown to be detectable in dust following vaccination in experimental studies and offers a potential method of assessing vaccination success. The pattern of vaccinal infectious laryngotracheitis virus (vILTV) detection in commercial poultry dust following vaccination has not been defined in commercial flocks to date and this is the purpose of this study. We report the longitudinal profile of vILTV genome copies (GC) in dust following vaccination of 8 flocks/sheds of commercial meat chickens on four farms. vIL TV GC could be detected in poultry dust after vaccination using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction ( qPCR). There was considerable variation between flocks in the pattern observed and this variation was associated with vaccination success measured in individual birds. There was no significant effect of sampling location within sheds on vIL TV GC (P = 0.90). Results suggest that measurement of vIL TV GC in a single pooled sample at days post vaccination 7 or 8 may enable discrimination between vaccination success and failure and provide practical means of monitoring vaccination