257 research outputs found

    Spontaneous Analogy by Piggybacking on a Perceptual System

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    Most computational models of analogy assume they are given a delineated source domain and often a specified target domain. These systems do not address how analogs can be isolated from large domains and spontaneously retrieved from long-term memory, a process we call spontaneous analogy. We present a system that represents relational structures as feature bags. Using this representation, our system leverages perceptual algorithms to automatically create an ontology of relational structures and to efficiently retrieve analogs for new relational structures from long-term memory. We provide a demonstration of our approach that takes a set of unsegmented stories, constructs an ontology of analogical schemas (corresponding to plot devices), and uses this ontology to efficiently find analogs within new stories, yielding significant time-savings over linear analog retrieval at a small accuracy cost.Comment: Proceedings of the 35th Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 201

    SPARCNN: SPAtially Related Convolutional Neural Networks

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    The ability to accurately detect and classify objects at varying pixel sizes in cluttered scenes is crucial to many Navy applications. However, detection performance of existing state-of the-art approaches such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs) degrade and suffer when applied to such cluttered and multi-object detection tasks. We conjecture that spatial relationships between objects in an image could be exploited to significantly improve detection accuracy, an approach that had not yet been considered by any existing techniques (to the best of our knowledge) at the time the research was conducted. We introduce a detection and classification technique called Spatially Related Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks (SPARCNN) that learns and exploits a probabilistic representation of inter-object spatial configurations within images from training sets for more effective region proposals to use with state-of-the-art CNNs. Our empirical evaluation of SPARCNN on the VOC 2007 dataset shows that it increases classification accuracy by 8% when compared to a region proposal technique that does not exploit spatial relations. More importantly, we obtained a higher performance boost of 18.8% when task difficulty in the test set is increased by including highly obscured objects and increased image clutter.Comment: 6 pages, AIPR 2016 submissio
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