37,704 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Siswa dengan Menggunakan Metode Demonstrasi pada Kelas IV Mi Muhammadiyah

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    Increased activity of students in the Natural Sciences learning by using the method of demonstration in grade IV MI Muhammadiyah Ketapang. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Form of research used in accordance with this research is a form of survey (survey studies). nature of this research is Classroom Action Research. The results of this study showed an increase in activity of students in learning science is as follows: Physical activity early study 57.35%, 75.00% for cycle 1 cycle 2 was 80.89%, 91.18% for 3 cycles. Mental activity early studies of 39.71%, 44.12% for cycle 1 cycle 2 to cycle 3 was 58.82% at 69.12%. Emotional activity early studies of 58.82%, 77.94% for cycle 1 cycle 2 cycle 3 was 83.83% with an average of 92.65%

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Siswa dalam Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam dengan Menggunakan Metode Kerja Kelompok

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    : Increasing Student Activity In Natural Sciences Learning Method Using Group . This study aims to determine Increased physical activity , mental activity and emotional activity Siwa in science learning using group work method in the fourth grade students of SDN 08 Estuary Pawan Ketapang? The method used is descriptive method using a qualitative approach . This study was conducted in three cycles with results indicate that students in science learning activities using group work on fourth grade students of SDN 08 Estuary Pawan 37.26 % of the base line to the third cycle of 73.04 % has increased by 35.78 % category enough . Referring to the objectives of this study ( 1 ) Physical activity students 39.71 % of the base line to the third cycle of 76.47 % at 36.76 % increase enough categories , (2 ) the mental activity of students from the base line of 42.65 to third cycle of 76.47 % 33.82 % increase enough categories , (3 ) emotional activity for students from the base line to the third cycle 29.41 . Activities students in learning science by using group work berpengruh greatly to the high class IV student learning outcomes SDN 08 Estuary Pawan Ketapang

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Siswa dengan Menerapkan Teori Brunner dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas III

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    Increasing Student Activities by applying learning theory in teaching Mathematics Brunner Elementary School third grade . 12 Nanga Tayap , the goal of this study for the application of learning theory Brunner mendiskripsipkan to increase student activity both physically , mentally and emotionally . The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method . The nature of this research is Classroom Action Research ( CAR ) The results after the implementation of learning by applying the learning theory on learning Brunner Elementary School Math Class III . 12 Nanga Tayap Ketapang . with the observation of students : 1 . ) Physical activity of student initial base line by 38 % , to 3 cycles by 84 % . Increased by 50 % . 2 ) . Mental activity students initial base line by 18 % , to 3 cycles by 78 % . Increased by 60 % . 3 . ) Emotional Activity Base Line Beginning 31 % , to 3 cycles by 80 % . Increased by 49 %

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran IPA dengan Menggunakan Metode Inkuiri pada Siswa Kelas V Sdn 42 Kerawang

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    Ion : make-up of activity study of natural sciences by using inkuiri method at class student five country elementary school 42 kerawang sanggau. This research aim to increase activity study of natural sciences used of inkuiri method at class student five sdn 42 kerawang. Method which is used in this research that is descriptive method with form research of institute survey. From result of which is obtained can be concluded that activity in study of natural sciences by using inkuiri method at class student five SDN42 sanggau kerrawang mount as according to result of obtained by research is: (1) physical aktivits in study of natural sciences by using natural inkuiri method is make-up of from line base 6,25% to III cycle 96,87% mounting equal to 90,62 % with katagori very high. (2) activity bounce in study of natural sciences by using natural inkuiri method is make-up of from lino base 7,81% to III cycle 95,31% mounting equal to 87,5% with katagori very high. (3) emotional activity in study of natural sciences by using natural inkuiri method is make-up of from lino base 29,68% to III cycle 98,43% mounting equal to 68,75% with high katagor

    Peningkatan Minat Pembelajaran IPA pada Siswa Kelas V Menggunakan Metode Eksperimen di Sdn 02 Sanggau

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    Peningkatan Minat Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Pada Siswa Kelas V dengan Menggunakan Metode Eksperimen di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 02 Sanggau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang akurat tentang peningkatan perhatian, ketertarikan, kemauan siswa kelas V dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen di SDN 02 Sanggau. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, sifat penelitian kualitatif, bentuk penelitian survei kelembagaan. Berdasarkan analisis data maka diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut:1. Minat pembelajaran siswa yang meliputi minat perhatian pada pengamatan awal menghasilkan rata-rata 39,65%, ke siklus III dengan rata-rata mencapai 88,80% meningkat 49,15% dan termasuk kategori cukup tinggi. 2. Minat ketertarikan siswa pada pengamatan awal 32,20% ke siklus III dengan rata-rata 94,30%, minat ketertarikan meningkat sebesar 62,10% dan termasuk kategori tinggi. 3. Minat kemauan pada pengamatan awal 27,58% ke siklus III menghasilkan rata-rata 89,68%, minat kemauan siswa mengalami peningkatan sebesar 62,10% dan termasuk kategori tinggi. KataKunci: Peningkatan, Minat Pembelajaran, Metode Eksperimen. The Increased Interest in Natural Science Learning to Student Class by Using Experimental Methods in Elementary School 02 Sanggau. This study aims to obtain accurate information about the increased attention, interest, willingness fifth grade students using the experimental method in SDN 02 Sanggau. The method used is descriptive method, the nature of qualitative research, survey research institutional forms. Based on the analysis of the data obtained the following results: 1. The Interests include student learning interests focus on early observations yield an average of 39.65%, to cycle III with an average of 88.80%, up 49.15% and the category is quite high. 2. The Interest in student interest at the beginning of the observation cycle III to 32.20% with an average of 94.30%, interest interest increased by 62.10% and the high category. 3. The Willingness interest at 27.58% initial observation third cycle to produce an average of 89.68%, interest in the willingness of students has increased by 62.10% and the higher category

    Peningkatan Aktivitaspeserta Didik Dalam Pembelajaranipa Menggunakan Metode Inkuirikelas IV SD

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    . Increased activity of learners in the Natural Sciences learning using inkuri in fourth grade Elementary School 04 Bakul Kapuas Hulu . This study aims to determine the increase in the activity of learners using the method of inquiry . The method used is descriptive method of research is a form of action research . The results show there is an increase in physical activity from baseline 28 % kesiklus III 71 % increase 43 % category " Medium " , there is an increase in mental activity from baseline 25 % kesiklus III 50 % increase 25 % category of " Low " , the emotional activity there is an increase of kesiklus III baseline 23.67 % 40.33 % 64 % increase category " Medium " . Based on these data , shows that there is increased activity of learners in the learning of Natural Sciences by using inquiry method in class IV Elementary School 04 Bakul Kapuas Hulu in the high category

    Peningkatan Motivasi Pembelajaran IPA dengan Menggunakan Metode Inquiry pada Kelas IV Sdn 10 Sanggau

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    Increasing on Motivation Learning on Natural Science with Using Inquiry Method for Student Class IV Elementary Schools Country No. 10 Pool Entikong Sanggau.This Research were purpose describe increasing motivation learning on Natural Science with using inquiry mothod for student class IV Elementary Schools Country No 10 Pool Entikong Sanggau. Research method that were use are descriptive method. Based on data analisys there for produse research that cover intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as follow: intrinsic motivation at baseline produce average 8,92%, cycle I produce average 23,21%, cycle II 66,56%, and at cycle III increased to 76,78%. Increase from baseline to cycle III as big as 67,86% in higher category. While extrinsic motivation increases at baseline produce average 12,49%, at cycle I produce increase 23,21%, cycle II produce increase 78,56%, and at cycle III reaches to 92,85%. Increases from baseline to cycle III reaches 80,36% 0n higher category

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Menggunakan Metode Inkuiri Kelas V Sdn 19 Singkongluar

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    The problem of this study is " How is the increased activity of students in learning Natural Sciences by using inquiry in the classroom SDN 19 Cassava Affairs Hedgehog " . The purpose of this study was to describe the improvement of student learning activities in the learning of Natural Sciences by using inquiry method in class SDN 19 Cassava Affairs Hedgehog . This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach . This research is a form of institutional survay . Data collection techniques using direct observation techniques . These results indicate an increase in activity of students in the learning of Natural Sciences , namely: (1) physical activity of students had increased from baseline 46% to 86 % in the third cycle increased by 40 % in the low category . ( 2 ) the mental activity of students had increased from baseline by 36% to 75 % in the third cycle increased by 39 % in the low category . ( 3 ) emotional activity students increased from baseline 46 % to 94 % in the third cycle increased by 48 % with a high enough category
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