3 research outputs found

    Faktor –Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Nilai Perusahaan Bumn Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2011-2015

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    This study aims to examine the factors that affect the value of state enterprises in the Indonesia Stock Exchange Year 2011-2015. State companies have an important role in the Indonesian economy. State companies also serve to generate revenue for the Indonesian government to fund the Indonesian State Budget. Factors affecting the value of state firms tested in this research are Cash Holding, Leverage, Exchange Rate, Net Working Capital, ROA, Size, and Firm Age. In addition, this study also uses control variables to test the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable of firm value. The control variables used in this study are International Trade, Growth Opportunity, GDP per capita, and Total Asset Turnover Ratio. This study uses a sample of state companies listed on the IDX 2011-2015. This research uses multiple regression analysis to test the influence of independent variable and control variable to Dependent variable. The results show that Cash Holding, Leverage, Exchange Rate, Net Working Capital, ROA, Size, Firm Age, International Trade, Growth Opportunity, GDP per capita, and Total Asset Turnover Ratio simultaneously have significant effect on firm value measured by tobin-q. The t test shows that firm size partially has a significant negative effect on firm value while other variables show insignificant results

    Corporate Governance, Audit Quality, Family Ownership and Earnings Management

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    This study aimed to obtain empirical evidence regarding the influence of corporate governance and audit quality on earnings management measures, as well as their relationship with the effect of family ownership. Research on earnings management has been widely conducted, but research in family firms is still limited, while based on previous observational data, 95% of companies in Indonesia are family firms. In addition, the difference in the concept of corporate governance in developing countries compared to developed countries is crucial in relation to company supervision patterns. Earnings management practices carried out by company management can be caused by the occurrence of information asymmetry in which management as an agent has more information related to the company than the company owner. This information asymmetry is used by managers to mislead other parties with the aim of increasing their managerial career or compensation. Implementing the corporate governance mechanism is a way to reduce earnings management. Another factor affecting earnings quality is audit quality. This study took a sample of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange during the 2017- 2018 period. 152 sample data were tested. This study used secondary data obtained from annual reports of companies listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. Moderated regression analysis (MRA) was used. Corporate governance had no effect on earnings management and audit quality had a significant effect on earnings management behavior. Family ownership was able to strengthen the effect of audit quality in determining earnings management actions. Keywords: corporate governance, audit quality, earnings management, family ownershi

    Factors Influencing the Success of Wayang Kulit Performances

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    This research developed a model for the creative industry of wayang kulit (shadow puppet) performances. It established factors influencing the success of wayang kulit shows. The study questioned whether (1) nature increases innovative behavior; (2) personality improves innovative behavior; (3) the ability to adopt innovative behavior increases business success; (4) age increases entrepreneurial success. A sample of 75 respondents from wayang kulit shows in three locations in Indonesia was used. The Partial Least Square (PLS) technique with WarpPLS 5.0 software was employed for data analysis. The results show that (a) individual traits influence innovative behavior; (b) an individual's personality has no impact on innovative behavior; (c) innovative behavior influences the success of the show; and (d) old age lowers the success rate. This study provides empirical evidence that characteristics and behavior are factors that drive the success of wayang kulit shows. Additional testing was conducted to determine the level of audience satisfaction with the shows. Questionnaire results were obtained from 63 respondents. Testing focused on information, identity, interaction and entertainment. Keywords: creative industry, wayang kulit performance, Indonesi