1 research outputs found

    Analisa Hubungan Jumlah Kendaraan Dan Faktor Meteorologi (Suhu, Kelembaban Udara Dan Kecepatan Angin) Terhadap Peningkatan Konsentrasi So2 Pada Persimpangan Jalan Kota Semarang (Studi Kasus : Jl. Karangrejo Raya, Jl. Sukun Raya Dan Jl. Ngesrep Timur V)

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    Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) is a colorless gas, non-flammable and has odour can cause irritate respiration. Sources of SO2 come from anthropogenic and natural source. One of anthropogenic source from vehicles gas emissions, and that source estimated can contribute 1/3 of SO2 in atmosphere. Ammount of SO2 in excessive consentrations (20 ppm) can cause negative impacts for human health, especially cause irritation of respiration system and sight. Motor vehicles that passing and queuing at the intersection due to traffic lights can increase the concentration of SO2. This is because when the queue happens, incomplete combustion occurs resulting in a much larger emissions. The purposes of this study are to analiysis ammount of vehicle, meteorological factors such as temperature, humidity and wind speed to concentration of SO2 and comparing SO2 concentration in Karangrejo Raya Road, Sukun Raya Road and East Ngesrep V Road. SO2 concentration measurements carried out at the junction of Karangrejo Raya Road, Sukun Raya Road and East Ngesrep V Road with two sampling points, are points near the traffic lights and 150 meters from the traffic lights. SO2 sampling and calculation of the number of passing vehicles is done 3 times a day : at morning (07:00 to 08:00), daytime (13:00 to 14:00) and afternoon (16:00 to 17:00). Based on the results of the study, the concentration of SO2 produced by Karangrejo Raya Road was 15-21 μg/Nm3, the concentration of SO2 in the Sukun Raya Road was 14-18 μg/Nm3 and SO2 concentrations in East Ngesrep V Road was 0.4 to 6 V μg/Nm3. From the results of research and analysis, the concentration of SO2 in the Karangrejo Raya roads is the highest concentration, compared with Sukun Raya roads and East Ngesrep V roads. This is because more types of motor vehicle diesel fuel passing the Karangrejo Raya roads