497 research outputs found
Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Dalam Ungkapan Larangan Masyarakat Nagari Punggasan Kecamatan Linggo Saribaganti Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan
Research aims to describe the structure, values education and social functions contained in the expression for the ban on the society at Nagari Punggasan Subdistrick Linggo Sari Baganti Regency Pesisir Selatan. This research descriptive qualitative research method.The background of this study was, while the entry of this study is the expression in Nagari Punggasan Subdistrick Linggo Sari Baganti Regency Pesisir Selatan ban on the society in terms of structure, values education and social functions. To collect the data acquisition from Nagari Punggasan Subdistrick Linggo Sari Baganti Regency Pesisir Selatan the informants using recording techniques. The technique used to analyze the data as follows (1) transcribes the data from spoken language into written language (2) translates the data into Indonesian,(3) analyzing the structure of the expression for the ban, (4) analyzed the values education for expression ban, (5) to analyze the social function expressions prohibition, 6) formulating research results in the form of reports
Struktur, Kategori, Dan Fungsi Sosial Ungkapan Kepercayaan Rakyat Bagi Calon Anak Daro Di Kenagarian Koto Baru Kecamatan Bayang Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan
This study aims to describe the structure, categories and social functions contained in the expression of the people's confidence in the potential of Anak Daroin Kenagarian Koto Baru sub districk Bayang Regency Pesisir Selatan. This research is descriptive qualitative research method. Background This study was Kenagarian Koto Baru sub districk Bayang Regency Pesisir Selatan, while the study entry Phrase for aspiring young people's confidence in Kenagarian Koto Baru Subdistrick Bayang Regency Pesisir Selatan in terms of structure, categories, and social function. Data acquisition from informants using recording techniques. The technique used to analyze the data as follows. (1) transcripts recordings into written language, (2) translating data into Indonesian, (3) analyzed the expression of the people's trust structure for the prospective Anak Daro, (4) analyzing the expression of the people's trust categories for candidates Anak Daro, (5) analyzing the expression of the people's social functions for prospective Anak Daro, (6) Formulating research result in the from of reports
How Chick-Lit Affects Women Through Romance Formula: a Study Case on Lauren Weisberger's Devil Wears Prada and Jane Green's
Women have very unique characteristics. They are far different from men. Therefore, women needs are also different from men needs including the need to read. Men tend to read adventure works. The adventure works fulfill man's need to taste the adventure as the hero-individual or group in adventures works is able to overcome obstacles and dangers to accomplish some important and moral mission. In another hand, women prefer to read romance ones. It is because romance formula provides what women desired. Moreover romance works are the feminine equivalent of the adventure stories. Furthermore, chick-lits, the women best friend, is one of the romance works. As it is used romance formula, chick-lits has ability to provide women's desire. It transforms the need, and interprets it through the narrative of chick-lits. That is why, because to find out how the interpretation of the works is an fascinating challenge, this paper tries to see the connection between chick-lits romance formula and how it affects the readers, the women
Establishing American Literature Through James Fenimore Cooper's the Deerslayer
Women have very unique characteristics. They are far different from men. Therefore, women needs are also different from men needs including the need to read. Men tend to read adventure works. The adventure works fulfill man's need to taste the adventure as the hero-individual or group in adventures works is able to overcome obstacles and dangers to accomplish some important and moral mission. In another hand, women prefer to read romance ones. It is because romance formula provides what women desired. Moreover romance works are the feminine equivalent of the adventure stories. Furthermore, chick-lits, the women best friend, is one of the romance works. As it is used romance formula, chick-lits has ability to provide women's desire. It transforms the need, and interprets it through the narrative of chick-lits. That is why, because to find out how the interpretation of the works is an fascinating challenge, this paper tries to see the connection between chick-lits romance formula and how it affects the readers, the women
Audit Mini Program Penyuluhan Dan Motivasi Kanker Yayasan Kanker Indonesia Cabang Jawa Timur
Dasar penelitian ini adalah kegiatan dari Public Relations yang dilakukan pada Yayasan Kanker Indonesia Cabang Jawa Timur. Program yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan dan motivasi kanker dalam rangka World Cancer Day. Program ini diikuti oleh para penderita kanker yang tinggal di rumah singgah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja komunikasi dalam program penyuluhan dan motivasi kanker Yayasan Kanker Indonesia. Maka dalam penelitian ini dilakukan evaluasi dengan menggunakan Audit Mini. Program ini tidak pernah dilakukan evaluasi sehingga dalam penelitian ini dapat terlihat titik rawan dari program ini.masalah yang diteliti oleh peneliti. Program yang pernah Didalam audit mini menurut Andre Hardjana terdapat aspek-aspek yang perlu diperlukan. Aspek-aspek tersebut adalah aspek manajemen, aspek manajemen, aspek komunikasi dan aspek umpan Balik. Hasil penelitian akan diberikan dalam, bentuk rekomendasi. Dalam aspek menejemen tidak ditemukan titik rawan yang ada, aspek organisasi terdapat titik rawan bahwa program ini tidak pernah dievaluasi. Pada aspek komunikasi ditemukan titik rawan dalam pemilihan pembicara dan isi pesan yang ada serta di aspek umpan Balik terdapat titik rawan adanaya kebosanan dalam materi yang diberikan yakni pasien membutuhkan dorongan semangat motivasi bukan bicara masalah obat
Kesantunan Berbahasa Minangkabau Dalam Tindak Tutur Menyuruh Di Kenagarian Tambang Kecamatan IV Jurai Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan
This article written to describethe USAge of speech strategies, the context of speech act strategy, andthe effect of using speak to the politeness of Minangkabau language in speech act at Kenagarian Tambang Kecamatan IV Jurai Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan. This data of research command the are speech event and the research of people views about manner or unmanner the spoken. The source of data is people speaker at Kenagarian Tambang Kecamatan IV Jurai Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan. Data was collected using methods observe, technical record, and technical notes. These following of finding research.(1) The strategy that often in speech act command of speech directly without any reason, (2) The context often used in speech act is the lower hearer, familiar, and the speech done for two people, (3) speech act strategy which is used by the society at Kenagarian Tambang Kecamatan IV Jurai Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan in command utterance giving a polite effect
Kategori Fatis Bahasa Minangkabau Dalam Kaba Gadih Rantih Karya Sjamsudin St. Radjo Endah
This research is aimed to describe phatic category of Minangkabau language from its form and USAge function in that kaba Si Gadih Ranti. This research uses qualitative research with descriptive method. Data of this research is collected with the collecting technique by reading and understanding the data. Analyzing data technique in this research is done by inventing the described data, classifying data and analyzing it based on the research aim and making the summary. Based on the analyzed data, it can be concluded the invention from the research. They are: first, from the phatic form in Kaba Si Gadih Ranti found that there are four forms: (1) phatic particle, lah, pun, koh: (2) phatic blending: iyolah, disiko, hanyo lai, iyo juo (3) phatic word :iyo, garan, nantun, bana, malah, iko, nangko: and (4) phatic phrase: birawari, adok kapado, lorong kapado. Second, from its function in Kaba Si Gadih Ranti found that there are five phatic function, (1) emphasize, (2) separate, (3) strengthen, (4) convince, and (5) start the new paragraph of the story
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