4 research outputs found

    Central Nervous System Complaint in Worker Exposed to Air Toluene in Car Painting Workshop in Surabaya

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    The existence of toluene in air work environment can affect in health worker, such as disruption of Central Nervous System (CNS), lung, kidney, eye, skin and complaint. Therefore, the aim of this research was to learn CNS complaint in workers in car painting workshop in Surabaya. The sample research was taken from total population that was appropriate with inclusion criteria. The sample total was 12 people. Air sampling was conducted by using NIOSH method number 1501 with pipe absorption material activated carbon (charcoal) that use Gas Chromatography (GC) technique. Hipurric acid was measure by NIOSH method number 8301. CNS complaint in workers was known by using Q18 questionnaire. It was standardized questionnaire to determine CNS complaint in people exposed to toluene. The result showed air toluene in painting room still in threshold level that was 18.5726 ppm. Urine hipurric acid level in painter worker showed still in threshold level with the highest urine hipurric acid in worker 0.32 g hippuric acid/g urine creatinine. It can be concluded that toluene level in air and urine hippuric acid were still in threshold level, painter workers showed a trend CNS complaint compired with administration workers. It is suggested to wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as mask for gas, gloves, glasses, special clothes and boots for working


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    Toluen merupakan salah satu bahan kimia dari golongan organic solvent yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan yang dapat ditemukan pada tiner cat. Target organ utama dari paparan toluen adalah Sistem Saraf Pusat (SSP). Bentuk eksresi dari paparan toluen adalah asam hipurat urin. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis hubungan antara kadar toluen udara dalam ruang dengan kadar asam hipurat urin dan keluhan SSP pada pekerja bengkel pengecatan mobil di Surabaya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian cross sectional dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Subjek ditarik dari total populasi yang sesuai dengan kriteria. Pengujian laboratorium dilakukan untuk mengetahui kadar toluen di udara dalam ruang dan kadar asam hipurat dalam urin. Wawancara dilakukan dengan menggunakan kuesioner Q-18 untuk mengetahui keluhan SSP. Variabel bebas penelitian adalah kadar paparan, lama paparan, frekuensi paparan, umur dan status merokok Hasil penlitian menunjukkan bahwa pekerja bengkel pengecatan mobil di Surabaya memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda, diantaranya lama paparan berkisar 8 jam, dengan frekuensi paparan antara 1-11 tahun, terdapat 4 responden yang mengkonsumsi rokok dan umur responden berkisar 22 hingga 52 tahun. Kadar toluen udara dalam ruang berkisar antara <0,0019 ppm sampai 18,5726 ppm. Sedangkan kadar asam hipurat urin responden berkisar antara 0,001 g asam hipurat/g kreatinin urin hingga 0,320 g asam hipurat urin/g kreatinin urin. Keluhan SSP yang sering terjadi pada 4 responden kelompok terpapar (66,67%) diantaranya, memiliki memori pendek (pelupa), sering merasa tertekan tanpa alasan tertentu, memiliki degup jantung yang tidak normal, dan sering sakit kepala. Berdasarkan uji phi and creamers, didapatkan nilai hubungan kadar toluen dengan kadar asam hipurat urin sebesar 0,192 dan hubungan antara kadar toluen dengan keluhan SSP sebesar 0,667. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik adalah terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara paparan toluen dengan keluhan SSP dan terdapat hubungan yang lemah antara paparan toluen dengan kadar asam hipurat urin responden pekerja bengkel pengecatan mobil di Surabaya

    Analisis Risiko Kesehatan Lingkungan Konsentrasi Mangan dalam Sayuran dan Air terhadap Kesehatan Masyarakat

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    Purpose: The research aimed to analyze the environmental health risks of manganese concentration in vegetables and water on public health.Methods: The research used a cross-sectional study with 138 households. Water analysis using spectrophotometric methods and for vegetable samples using the wet destruction method. The environmental sample consisted of 3 vegetables (spinach, kale, and mustard greens), three river water, and 13 resident groundwater.  Results: The Mangan concentration on three vegetable samples (spinach, kale, and mustard greens) had the same result, 0.1 mg/L. The results of manganese measurements concentration in river water were 0.2 mg/L, 0.4 mg/L, and 0.4 mg/L. The average manganese concentration in 13 groundwaters were 0.32 mg/L, 0 mg/L- 1.1 mg/L.Conclusion: The RQ calculation result for vegetables and drinking water was <1, which meant that the community's manganese intake from vegetables (spinach, kale, mustard greens) and drinking water was still within safe limits.Purpose: The research aimed to analyze the environmental health risks of manganese concentration in vegetables and water on public health.Methods: The research used cross sectional study with 138 households. Water analysis using spectrophotometric methods and for vegetable samples using the wet destruction method. The environmental sample consisted of 3 vegetables (spinach, kale and mustard greens), 3 river water and 13 resident ground water.  Results: The Mangan concentration on 3 vegetable samples (spinach, kale and mustard greens) had the same result, 0.1 mg / L. The results of manganese measurements concentration in river water were 0.2 mg / L, 0.4 mg / L and 0.4 mg / L. The average manganese concentration in 13 groundwaters were 0.32 mg/L, 0 mg/L- 1.1 mg/L.Conclusion: The RQ calculation result for vegetables and drinking water was <1 which meant that the community's manganese intake from vegetables (spinach, kale, mustard greens) and drinking water were still within safe limits