7 research outputs found

    Feature Extraction With Forest Classifer To Predicate Covid 19 Based On Thorax X-Ray Results

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    Coronavirus 19 (COVID-19) is a highly contagious infection caused by the acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). COVID-19 is a new virus for which no cure has been found, marked by the increasing death rate worldwide. Coronavirus disease which can cause pneumonia which attacks the air sacs of the lungs with symptoms of dry cough, sore throat to acute respiratory distress (ARDS) that occurs in COVID-19 patients. One of the ways to detect the virus is by detecting chest X-rays in the patient. Over the past decade's mechine learning technology has developed rapidly and is integrated into CAD systems to provide accurate accuracy. This research was conducted by detecting thoracic radiographs using feature extraction Hu-Moments, Harralic and Histogram and detecting the best accuracy with a classification algorithm to detect the results of COVID-19. The study was conducted by testing the dataset obtained from the Kaggle repository which has images, namely 1281 X-rays of COVID-19, 3270 X-rays Normal, 1656 X-rays of  pneumonia, and X-rays of bacteria-pneumonia 3001. In general, this research is included in the Good category because it produces the highest accuracy by the Random forest classification algorithm where the accuracy result is 84% and the standard deviation is 0.015847. In addition, the research also produced Kappa of 0.713. The results of this accuracy are carried out in several stages, namely by feature extraction in the form of hu-moments, Harralic and histogram. In this study, the best results were given by the Random forest algorithm with feature extraction Histogram and Hu-Moment

    Chicken Disease Detection Based on Fases Image Using EfficientNetV2L Model

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    Livestock farming requires technological innovation to increase productivity and efficiency. Chickens are a livestock animal with good market prospects. However, not all farmers understand about chicken diseases and signs of sickness. Detection of chicken diseases can be done through various methods, one of which is by looking at the shape of the chicken's feces. Images in feces can be detected using machine learning. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are used to speed up disease prediction. Transfer learning is used to leverage knowledge that has been learned by previous models. In this study, we propose our own CNN architecture model and present research by building a new model to detect and classify diseases in chickens through their feces. The model training process is carried out by inputting training data and validation data, the number of epochs, and the created checkpointer object. The hyperparameter tuning stage is carried out to increase the accuracy rate of the model. The research is conducted by testing datasets obtained from the Kaggle repository which has images of coccidiosis, salmonella, Newcastle, and healthy feces. The results of the study show that our proposed model only achieves an accuracy rate of 93%, while the best accuracy rate in the study is achieved by using the EfficientNerV2L model with the RMSProp optimizer, which is 97%

    Pengaruh Media terhadap Pengambilan Keputusan dalam Menjalankan Program Keluarga Berencana dengan Algoritma Decision Tree

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    Indonesia has become one of the countries with a diverse population so that it has the potential to experience social change, one of which is the influence of the media. Media is an information content that is almost a part of human life. One of the impacts of the media is in the health sector, one of which is in determining the Family Planning program. Family planning is one of the Indonesian government programs designed to reduce the speed of population growth. Since the implementation of the Family Planning Program in Indonesia many tools have been used to prevent pregnancy, namely contraception. Selection of a good contraction is certainly one important thing to plan. In determining good kotrasespi certainly there are influences from various things one of which is the media. Measurement of the influence of the media in determining the Family Planning program can be known by applying data mining. Research conducted with data mining uses a standard methodology called the Cross-Industry Center Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM). The use of decissin tree in this study was done by comparing the same method by looking at the results of three models namely Split Validation, Cross Validation and Decision Tree Split. The results of Split Validation produce an accuracy of 90.50%, Cross Validation produces an accuracy of 91.58% and Decision Tree Split produces an accuracy of 89.83%. The best results are obtained by using cross validation where with the results of research on 1473 records the accuracy value is 91.58% and the AUC value is 0.690, where the results are obtained from the calculation of the True Positive (TP) 1328, False Negative (FN) ) 36, False Positive (FP) is 88 and True Negative (TN) 21. Exposure to the media is said to be good or influential if they do not have children and are Muslim and educate their husbands in junior high school with a low standard of living but the wife has a college education

    Penerapan Algoritma J48 Untuk Deteksi Penyakit Tiroid

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    Impaired thyroid function is often difficult to identify because the symptoms are not specific. The symptoms of thyroid disorder are very similar to various complaints due to modern lifestyles so it is often overlooked. As a result, patients often do not notice a problem and do not have to consult a doctor. Therefore, there is a study that implements methods to predict the disease which will facilitate the patient in diagnosing and early detection of thyroid levels. This research aims to predict against thyroid disease with the data used is the secondary data obtained from the UCI repository, this data is about the patient data affected by thyroid disease, while the method uses the J48 algorithm because in some studies, the J48 algorithm is proven to have good performance in detecting an illness, as well as producing high value of Accuasy and AUC. The stage of data analysis is based on the CRISP-DM method while algorithm testing is done with Weka tools. Results of the test obtained an accuracy value of 99.645%, and a AUC value of 0.992 thus the accuracy has Excellent Classification level