200 research outputs found

    Hubungan Exsplosive Power Otot Lengan Dan Bahu Terhadap Hasil Tolak Peluru Gaya O'brien Siswa Putra Kelas XI Matematika Ilmu Alam1 Man 1 Muara Fajar Pekanbaru

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    This problem in this study is still the numbers of students who failed in achieving the target of refulsion that is 6 meters. This study aims is to determine whether there is a corelation of bicep power with the outcome of shot put in orthodox style on a male students of MAN 1 Muara Fajar Pekanbaru. Sample collections tecnique is total sampling the population of this study are a male students of grade XI Mathematics sciens grade in MAN 1 Muara Fajar Pekanbaru, the sample of this study were male students of grade XI Mathematics sciens MAN 1 Muara Fajar Pekanbaru with the numbered of students are 12 students. This research using a correlation technique. Then, the data are tested using the test of normality, test the product moment correlation test, test of significance on the level of significance of α = 0.05. Test of normality of variabels X, L0maks (0,128) rtabel or 0.646 > 0,576. and such relations are categorized strong . Thus, Ho rejected and Ha accepted

    Hubungan Daya Ledak Oto Tungkai dengan Hasil Lompat Jauh Gaya Jongkok Siswa Putri Kelas IV Sdn 018 Sungai Keranji Kecamatan Singingi

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    , The problem in this research is some of female studnets of SDN 018 Sungai Keranji are the result of squat style long jump that does not reach the target. This is presumably because one of the factors that condition explosive power leg muscle. So, the researchers wanted to prove by means research. Type of research is correlational research that collected two variables: the variables x and y. As the variable x is the explosive power leg muscle of female students class IV of SDN 018 Sungai Keranji District of Singingi and variable y is the squat style long jump result female students class IV SDN 018 Sungai Keranji District of Singingi. The sample in this study specifically taking a class IV female students SDN 018 Sungai Keranji District of Singingi totaling 25 people. Data obtained from the results of tests measuring the standing broad jump and squat style long jump. From the results of calculations found the value of r count is 0.415 with the value rtabel = 0.396, it means rcount = 0.415> rtabel = 0.396 and it can be said that there is a relationship between the explosive power leg muscle with the squat style long jump results female students class IV SDN 018 Sungai Keranji district of Singingi. Criteria for hypothesis testing Ho accepted if tcount smaller than ttable while the calculation results show that t = 2.19> table = 1.714, thus the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) that "there is a corelation between the explosive power leg muscle with the squat style long jump rseults female students class IV SDN 018 Sungai Keranji District of Singingi. "accepted

    Kontribusi Koordinasi Mata Tangan dengan Ketepatan Hasil Service Atas Bola Voli pada Tim Putri Anjungan Junior Pekanbaru

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    The problem of this research was based on the observation in the field when the female team of Anjungan Junior Pekanbaru did exercise and match. The team still lost in the match. It happened because the team failed in doing upper service. This research aimed to figure out that there was the contribution of wrist and service accuracy coordination in volley ball for female team of Anjungan Junior Pekanbaru. The sampling technique was total sampling for female team of Anjungan Junior Pekanbaru. The sample of this research was the female team of Anjungan Junior Pekanbaru which was the amount of 12 people. Based on the analysis of X and Y contribution, rtable was in a significant level α ( 0.05 ) = 0.576. It meant rcount ( 1,21 ) >rtable ( 0.576 ) which there was relationship. Then, there was a contribution test by using the formula KD = r2 x 100%. The result showed that there was contribution of wrist and service accuracy coordination in volley ball for female team of Anjungan Junior Pekanbaru with the contribution of 1.21 % and other factors of 98.79%

    Tinjauan Kondisi Fisik Atlet Sepakbola Pelatcab Kota Pekanbaru

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    Abstrack:This research is descriptive research, which aims to determine the physical condition (bleep test) football athlete pelatcab city of Pekanbaru. Problems that occur in the athlete both in matches and training him among them are the lack of fighting spirit and athletes both in training and matches it caused a lot of athletes who mangalami fatigue or tiredness that is not playing, not optimal technique is done in because of fatigue which naturally like, passing unfocused, shhoting are weak, lost the ball when dribbling, ball control that is less than the maximum, it is presumably because the element is not optimal endurance athletes. The purpose of this study was to assess the physical condition of athletes football pelatcab Pekanbaru city with regard to aerobic endurance or VO2Max.Populasi in this study were all athletes who totaled 18 people. Data were collected by conducting bleep test or MFT. Based on data analysis aerobic endurance or VO2max, the average owned by football athletes Pekanbaru city pelatcab 34-42 categorized enoug

    Pengaruh Metode Latihan Power Otot Lengan terhadap Kemampuan Smash Bulu Tangkis pada Pb. Mandiri Putra Kota Pekanbaru

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    Abtract : Based on the observations of researchers in the field the ability Smash Badminton At PB. Putra Mandiri Pekanbaru City still low. This is evident from the weakness of the arm muscle power athletes, because when doing so required badminton smash fast and precise movements. Therefore Power bicep be one important factor in giving effect to the smash ability. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of exercise forearm muscle power to smash the ability of badminton in the PB. Putra Mandiri Pekanbaru. The population in this study is the player PB. Kota Putra Mandiri Pekanbaru.yang amounted to 15 people. The sample in this study using the technique of total sampling, that the sample in this study amounted to 15 people. Research instrument used was a test forehand smash. The data obtained will be in the analysis by using t-test. Based on the results of 7937 taccount> 1,791 (ttabel) and then the hypothesis is accepted that influences of the exercise arm muscle power to smash ability badminton on the PB. Putra Mandiri Pekanbaru
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